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Everything posted by BD91

  1. I had to stop 2 minutes in.... How, in the name of all that is good, do people fall for the degree of non-point double-speak the likes of which Hillary (or any of them for that matter) puts forward. I mean, on another thread in this forum I recommended a book on sales pitching to a poster, and here I see a person who is running for the highest office in the land using THE VERY SAME SALES TECHNIQUES! I mean, at least in Machiavelli's "The Prince" there's SOME degree of subtlety to the manipulation. This is amateur. But on-topic: yes, the democrats have always used emotional appeal and manipulation to reach the "little guy" voting pools of minorities, youth, etc...it's nothing new. Just strongly re-ignited by recent media coverage of racially charged interactions between black civilians and white cops.
  2. Amazon Associates pays out based on a percentage by total sales volume/mo. https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/join/compensation.html I don't know how specific the information about the sales given to the associates gets.
  3. To get capital you need to have a feasible business plan and a pitch to investors. Investors are interested in giving money to people to start business, not to take their ideas and start their own. Truth be told, if the first thing you say to somebody is "I've got this idea. But first, sign this legal document" they're likely going to walk away. Also, be aware of whom you're speaking with. If you're telling your idea to some random guy at a bar who claims to be an investor, then you should be a bit weary. But, if it's a someone you have even a basic relationship with, odds are they'll hear you out and are otherwise too occupied in their own affairs to take your idea and start & grow a business around it. So, basically, get a reasonable business development & marketing plan together; and learn to pitch. I recommend this book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004H4XL7E/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?ie=UTF8&btkr=1
  4. http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/18/politics/bernie-sanders-campaign-dnc-suspension/ Politicians sure do love accessing and using data that they shouldn't, don't they?
  5. I've been working with memorization techniques, method of loci, etc... And these sorts of videos really help with visual means of recalling information. Great vid, I hope to see more!
  6. BD91

    "Dear Dad"

    Naturally, comments are disabled.
  7. I did a little research, and it turns out that the room they were in is hidden, and the students were actually protesting an active meeting of the entire grand council of the patriarchy, the elder watchmen of the illuminati, and the entire House of Saud. /sarc
  8. I think the tl;dr for the current state of the black community/psyche is this: 1. A large trend of fairly abusive/neglectful parents (single mothers, absentee fathers, etc...) 2. An unwillingness to examine that childhood pain 3. A victim mentality of "all your pain comes from whitey" to mask the internal pain 4. Cultural Marxist indoctrination
  9. I think it's the juxtaposition between the open & direct communication and the passive-aggressive nature of their words. A typical un-available family would enact the words spoken in the video, but would never directly admit to it. Whereas a family that was available and open to communicating their feelings directly wouldn't feel the need for those avoidance behaviors to begin with.
  10. I think people CAN use the car horn as an outlet of aggression, but I think it is almost always a reactionary to the perception of an initiation of force (i.e. getting cutoff in your lane, near-misses, no turn signal etc...) where the person honking may feel they were put in harms way when the driver of the other car may have thought they were in the clear. And, not to take the thread off course, but Dsayers, I don't have any specific facts to back this; but, I'm willing to bet that someone selling crack next door would invite criminality & violence into the neighborhood which very much does affect it directly.
  11. Yeah, it's wayyyyyy late in the game to start mining. You're best means of acquiring bitcoin with an acceptable rate of return is going to be through trading. Unless you've got MAD cash to blow through on a sophisticated mining rig + cheap electricity. Plus, if you mine on your own small setup, if the value of bitcoin goes up into the thousands it'll be more likely that the dollar your comparing it to has become that worthless so you'll just wind up with a tiny amount of bitcoin that doesn't do much for you.
  12. I've been reading a book called "Hannibal and Me" and it talks a lot about the message of this poem, specifically this line: Which podcast was this? Link to the book for anyone interested: http://www.amazon.com/Hannibal-Me-Historys-Greatest-Strategist/dp/159448659X
  13. But he doesn't freeze to death. That's kind of the linchpin to his credibility, there's tons of videos of him performing these feats live and I'm sure if you looked into the research he mentioned you would find the data to back up the claims.
  14. I recommend the book "Small Time Operator" as a general crash-course for business operations.
  15. This will be just off the cuff from the top of my head so I might edit later to add a few more: Hannibal and Me - Andreas Kluth Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid - Douglas Hofstadter A First-Rate Madness - Nassir Ghaemi Getting Things Done - David Allen Musicophilia - Oliver Sacks This is Your Brain on Music - Daniel Levitin The Tao of Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee
  16. The Bomb in the Brain, I think, is exactly what you're looking for!
  17. This, and not to mention that fruits have naturally occurring fibers that prevent a complete uptake of all the sugars in the fruit.
  18. Understatement of the century. The Rocks' traps look like they're trying to tell his ears a secret.
  19. Hey everyone, I was originally linked to this by a guy on reddit and thought it was fascinating, and a bit terrifying. Be warned it's a chan-site link, so the language is a bit NSFW. http://archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/56498529/#56498600 tl;dr This guy, Jonathan Butler is a co-producer on a Nickelodeon series "Bella and the Bulldogs", a live-action show featuring a female lead on the school football team. What's particularly interesting about the show is the subtle use of imagery & language from the realm of cuckoldery fetishes. Ordinarily, I would chalk it up to a bit of paranoia on the part of the people who looked a little too deep into the show, but when his previous works include one entitled "The Cuckold" and another children's series "Haunted Hathaways", featuring a white woman and her two daughters who live in a house haunted by ghosts of a black man and his two sons, then I think the conspiratorial aura about it falls away. I don't know if anybody has already discussed this here, but I was wondering what the FDR communities thoughts were on cuckoldery as a whole, and more specifically the use of cuckoldery in television shows targeted at children?
  20. I'm pretty sure in this day and age you have a very slim chance of getting sick from eating raw egg. I put 3 eggs in my protein shake all the time, all it does is make it SUPER thick and creamy and adds some protein and cholesterol.
  21. From what I hear (minimal actual research at this point) it's basically swampland with nasty beasts. Also, quasi-legal obtaining of the land (not that that's ever really been a problem for civilization before)
  22. As an audio-engineer, Apple's Logic is the worst kind of Logic. The D/A and encoding in Logic Pro is like you made every recording next to an active blender across the street from a jet turbine test facility. Reason is a different story, I like Reason. On-topic: what can people opposed to this non-sensical narrative do about it?
  23. There's are the standalone versions of Adobe programs (photoshop, illustrator, after effects, etc...) that are currently in the CS6 iteration; there's also the CC (creative cloud) versions of the products which you pay a monthly fee for as opposed to the flat fee of the standalone CS6 editions. I believe with the CC you get life-time upgrades and the benefit of not having the big costs up-front, which you trade for ultimately paying more for the product in the long-run. I've not crunched the numbers specifically myself but it seems to me to be about the same cost-to-benefit ratio either way. Though, I will note that Adobe seems to have made quite an effort to make it difficult to find the non-CC edition of their programs. I'm very interested to hear from other on the topic because I've been tossing around the idea of implementing some sort of premium subscription service down the road for my business as well.
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