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Everything posted by BD91

  1. bulllllshit, you know that development's gonna take at least 7 episodes.
  2. I've been recently going back through mathematics on my own to increase my skills in making DSP algorithms for the software I write. I barely passed the low-level math courses to drag myself through high school without repeating a grade. However, this time around I'm working out of Morris Kline's Mathematics for the Nonmathematician and it's been really great for in understanding mathematical concepts. Maybe it's because I'm a bit of a history dork, but I find that by understanding where and why certain mathematical concepts arose they're much easier to grasp and by having names and historical events to tie to each concept, they're easier to learn in that way as well. Just my 2 cents.
  3. you forgot the "for treating specific ailments" at the end of your sentence.
  4. I don't have any food porn of my own to post, but I love cooking and am going to go ahead and give a shoutout to www.foodwishes.com This guys recipes are all SERIOUSLY amazing and if you're looking for something new to try for a meal I recommend a stroll on over there!
  5. ^ What MagnumPI said. I mean, let's expound on what the OP is doing...rounding. So, numbers less than 5 round down, and numbers greater than or equal to 5 round up. Ergo, 2+2 is basically equivalent to 0+0. now 0+0=0 but 2+2=4... How do atheists explain this?
  6. I always thought it would be cool to speed read; I have a nice little book collection going and being able to just blaze through all the material sounds epic! However, in practice I found that: A. I was reading a fiction story, and couldn't enjoy the depth and richness of the text by trying to go through each chapter at the same speed. Stories ebb and flow, there's adrenaline and there's lulls; compressing it all into one speed felt like I was taking the details of the books and ignoring them completely. Maybe good if it's a book you're reading as a requirement for a class, but for enjoyment I'd say take your time B. I was reading non-fiction/conceptual material (advanced trig/calculus, Digital Signal Processing, C++ programming) and by trying to blaze through all of it I'd find myself constantly going back through material to read it quickly a million times where it wound up being easier to just take my time, solidify each concept individually and then move on from there. So, in my opinion, speed reading: Cool idea, and useful for things like reading class material that you need to just have a basic handle on, but if you're trying to develop a deep knowledge of a material or to truly lose yourself in the story of a fiction novel it's best to let the material dictate it's own pace to you.
  7. Hey everybody, I recently did a little bit of looking into a subject called Emotional Intelligence. Similar to an IQ, emotional intelligence measures your EQ and from what I've read can have a very powerful role in the amount of success one achieves in ones life-span. I'm wondering if anybody here knows anything more about it. Is it a verified and legit concept? Is it all fluff and hype? Is emotional intelligence useful when talking about things like self-knowledge & mental well-being, or should it be cast aside along with alchemy and other discarded "sciences" of the past?
  8. Just for a bit of devil's advocacy here, part of the problem lies in the bug-prone nature of digital systems when compared with analogue systems; if this central system were assembled there would also need to be so many layers upon layers upon layers of fail-safes and redundancies. Because with digital all you need is a 1 or a 0 to show up out of place to cause a total meltdown scenario. A project of that scale would take serious time & effort. Not saying I disagree with you, just throwing that bit in.
  9. Why doesn't somebody just make a thread of their own recommended books and then other people can post theirs. A. You'll get a bigger list of books covering a broader range of topics. B. When you're looking for Stef's recommended list it's like your putting the guy up on some pedestal as if he were some ancient wizard on a mountaintop where only the most in-depth and sacred of lore can be found. lol. I mean you have to figure that most of the people on the board are of reasonable enough intellect to discern whether a book is quality or garbage, and I'd have faith that a community compiled list would be a gold-mine of information.
  10. Correlation != Causation Simple Carbohydrates != Complex Carbohydrates
  11. I enjoyed Grain Brain, I would also recommend Dr. Mark Hyman's "The UltraMind Solution". Lots of really interesting looks into the relationships between the digestive system & brain function along with tons of other really good information regarding toxins.
  12. Anybody else find this article gives almost ZERO information about what was actually going on? Why does the girl have the knife? She's throwing a tantrum, over what? Where did all this take place? Why were the police called and by whom? This article is so vague I can't even begin to form any sort of opinion, except that Moreh B.D.K. and David Adawehi are terrible journalists/reporters.
  13. I'm just saying, you've got some pretty strong evidence to the contrary.
  14. So.......they built a bad printer? And then managed to make that the entire marketing premise.
  15. I think he means when Stefan talks about a wealthy family, then the kids don't ever have to work and lose the concept of personal finance and long term budgeting and lose the wealth inherited from the parents, until their children in turn are raised in poverty and work their way back up. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  16. I used to be really into the Elder Scrolls Online but stopped playing because I got a little bored with it. The next MMO I'll be getting into is Star Citizen, but that won't be released in full for quite a while (it's in development and there's only a few playable modules of it out now).
  17. If I remember correctly part of the reason the court made this ruling was septic concerns because of the location of the homes waste management could have caused interference with local water supplies, or something along those lines; it wasn't just an ex post facto law pass for no other reason but removal of rights. It might have been total bullshit though.
  18. I think this is one of the most insidious effects of the condition. The creation of yet another internal conflict that doesn't know whether the internal conflicts are justifiable or completely conjured from the imagination.
  19. Even if it's not, let's be honest; they'll put the FBI on the case. You could post road-signs across the entire nation pointing to yourself standing in a field with a target painted on it big enough to see from space and the FBI still would probably find the wrong person.
  20. Do you figure this concept extends into video games? I play a couple of games, but usually not until I'm finished up with my work and priorities for the day. But, a few of my friends seem to spend every waking moment of their free time in really long-term games (World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls Online, and Diablo 3). I was actually at my buddies house the other day and he showed me his new character in Diablo 3 and while it was entertaining for about 5 seconds it started to seem so lame because the character was so over-powered compared to the AI enemies that his character barely ever even took damage; when he let me play I took down a group of 20 enemies while we were having a conversation and my eyes weren't even on the screen half the time. It boggled my mind that he could spend and this is verbatim 10 hours playing Diablo and on Skype with my group of friends that play it. I can't really think of anything I'd want to do for 10 hours non-stop, let alone a video game that presents 0% of a challenge.
  21. I don't think she can move her face anymore.
  22. Hey, first of all I'm very sorry about the carelessness thrust upon you as a child. You have my sympathies. As for meditation when I first started doing it I would meditate for 20 minutes, and for the first 10 I would have this going along through my headphones because it helped me understand what meditation "is" and what the experience of being present to reality as it is actually feels like. It helped me and I hope it helps you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HYY4eitC9c
  23. So, I just saw a trailer for a new series on NBC entitled "The Slap". I'd going into a description of it, but I feel the trailer itself is much easier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui1YlTPlW_8 Seems to be addressing that theme of violence against children that is almost entirely ignored otherwise by the media. Although, I think the real heart-breaker here is the comments on the video. Every. Single. One.
  24. I am actually reading Joshua Foer's "Moonwalking with Einstein" which details his experience going from a journalist looking to write an article about mental athletics and winds up training & successfully becomes US Memory Champion. Now, in the book Foer mentions how the art of remembering has been since lost to the halls of time because written word (and especially the printing press) made knowledge much easier to externalize & cheaper to obtain through mass publication of indexed books. Because in more ancient times you maybe had a massive 60 ft. + scroll of text and there weren't indexes or appendices back then so you could not quickly reference a point of information so it was much easier to memorize the information through clever mnemonic devices. It seems to me that this sort of integration of technology is an extension of that mechanic at work. Only, instead of losing the ability to remember large amounts of information with this app it seems more like losing the ability to comprehend your own emotions. That sounds pretty dangerous, in my opinion.
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