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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. I don't know (I've heard the U.S. dollar is a bit of a special case because it is the exclusive oil-buying currency, the petro-dollar, but that can easily change as well, so... yeah, interest rates, defaults, or some carry-on camouflage). If they want to keep the party going, I think they'll employ another trade union scheme such as the Euro between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico (the Amero?) which will promise to stabilize the economy, but in reality just continue the generational theft. (And/or they'll find some casus belli to divert attention and delay a crash?) In addition, I've heard that silver has anti-microbial properties (some people used to put silver coins in milk to extend its shelf-life)?
  2. The following are not examples of anarchist societies, though maybe the comparisons can help: Singapore, Lichtenstein, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Monaco, and other such places are not only much better off financially due to freer markets, but they are also economically entwined with so many people from other countries (and specifically people with influence on government bodies...) that any invasion plans will ignite a coalition of defenders amongst the other states. Swiss neutrality, and its creditor status, provides an economic shield equivalent to the protection of the old Papal States in the way that it once used religion, and its continental web of influence, to resist invaders more effectively than direct force of arms (until the threat of excommunication could no longer sway protestants etc.). I imagine an anarchist society would have physical defenses, but would be defended far more effectively by a similar creditor status and economic ties. In addition, I imagine that, even if there is a geographic region on a map one can point to, such a society would make Swiss cheese of the modern political map with communities all around the world (not restricting itself to one place). At that point, there will be no singular country for a state to invade and conquer anarchic society; and any such attack would ultimately become economic suicide (leaders proposing the scheme would be ostracized etc.). Similar to lost-wax casting, the society can grow within the current structures (through peaceful parenting etc.) until the state is obsolete. (Maybe there would still be a few states in the way that there are still monarchies today, but eventually they will either become legacy institutions with no real power or be dissolved entirely, as a nightmare upon waking?)
  3. Yep, and it's all so... misleading... The guy from Nomad Capitalist, Andrew Henderson, stated that another financial bubble is growing in the form of the automobile industry... whatever the case may be, another crash is likely just a matter of time.
  4. Thanks for the clarifications. @EndTheUsurpation I took a quick look at Game Theory/Decision Theory/Ludic Fallacy via Wikipedia, and the information seems to strongly support your statement (especially the ludic fallacy) that the free market is not a game (even if games can help to model markets/economies/decisions?). Would it be inaccurate to state that free markets are generally competitive within niches while cooperative between trading parties (similar to inter-vs. intra-capital)? Maybe there are/is a term(s) for it? (I can't think of it/them at the moment... ) As dsayers pointed out, cooperative price-fixing doesn't work in a free market; likewise, as shirgall stated, all voluntary transactions are for mutual (read cooperative?) benefit. I don't see these as contradicting one another, perhaps in part because, even without the initiation of force (passing the ethos test), price-fixing will not be the most efficient way to fulfill demands (failing the logos test), whereas voluntary trade passes both tests (no initiation of force, and it's more efficient than price-fixing etc. otherwise they wouldn't trade) and will therefore be more preferable and logical (I'm not factoring in pathos for these examples). On the other side, competition in every niche for a party would most likely be inefficient so we utilize specialization/expertise/division of labor, whereas competition within those niches (as in supplementary goods/services vs. complementary goods/services) become great catalysts for innovation and economies of scale. I hope that makes sense... ?
  5. That makes sense, and abundance would certainly remove much theft due to scarcity; in addition, I'm guessing it can also work the other way around. (and even better if both are done together )
  6. I've not read it yet. Is it a chicken-and-egg question then?
  7. So where do we go from here? I'd like to propose that there is somewhat of a silver lining to the video (even if it does need some polish) in that, if it is true that all publicity is good publicity, than at least some people will have been introduced to the idea that there is some philosopher guy out on the internet named Stefan Molyneux, and of that group some will look up his videos and... voila!, the flame of philosophy lights another's candle?
  8. And if I may: A new medium was also developed in the interim, along with the internet, with emphasis on individual agency (as well as problem-solving, co-op, and fun!) that affects our culture with a spirit of curiosity and expeditious (perhaps, in part, extemporaneous) possibility.
  9. Cool beans! You'll know better than us what your buddy will find most interesting, of course; afterwards, you may or may not need to wait until they are interested in learning more (at their own pace). I trust you'll have the prerequisite empathy. (I personally like the historical videos!)
  10. I don't think I made it to the part about Game Theory (or I wasn't paying close enough attention...). How is the comparison to the market valid (or not) in the Zeitgeist perspective?
  11. I've heard as a general rule that, if you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin. (Simple enough, no?) This is so unfortunate...
  12. Even with vastly superior technology(?), leading the Aztecs to view them as gods, Hernán Cortés and company (arguably) could not have conquered the natives without the superstitions and political divisions already present.
  13. I also want to add: It can be tempting to lucid dream yourself away from a dreamscape like this, but that could be like ignoring what your subconscious is trying to show you (good job for sticking with it by the way!); however, when a dream repeats like this (especially between nights and whatnot) and/or leaves "blank space" open, it can be interpreted as an invitation to input lucidity, as in your chance to "speak" or "play" (improv/jazz/conversation), and then hold back again to see what happens. Make it a give-and-take experience.
  14. *Cracks Knuckles* Okay, so first I'd like to recommend Joseph Campbell along with Carl Jung and Co., as well as preempt my interpretation with a disclaimer: Your own interpretation will be the most valuable to you since it's your subconscious experience; if anything I write resonates with you, ask yourself why and pay attention to how you feel, since the language of your subconscious is likely to come in symbols and/or emotions. Every detail you feel is important will be important. By this, I mean you should trust your subconscious, validate how you feel, and then try to translate it into actionable steps if necessary. I first noticed the repetition of "left" (a potential callback to viewing the left as "sinister" or "unclean"). Take another look at what happens on your left and what happens on your right. The movie set is acknowledgement of a fiction (one you can't change... as in your past?), whereas the video game is acknowledgement of another fiction (one you can change... as in your present?). Four hallways, four years old, Grand Theft Auto 4... A quick numerological search for the number 4 brought up concepts such as unpleasant tasks, self-sacrifice, seeking of home and security (simulation of your house in the dream?). If you get a chance to replay the dream again, try accepting the child in an embrace; protect them and ask them what they need (if you can find yourself in front of a mirror you can try asking the reflection as well... or any of the other characters actually!). I didn't come up with anything on five specifically, but I found a connection with 3, 4, and 5, as well as the 3rd floor (and three parts to the dream); a progression to something that "shouldn't be there" is a chance for discovery (or at the very least, what you expect to discover). That this seems to be the less detailed part of the dream stands out since it's like the blank canvas of the future. I did notice that, even though you titled this thread and described elements that would be horrific, I didn't find that expressed in the character of your dreaming. (Maybe that's because you have the Revolver of Philosophy?) Anywho, I hope this was at least a little helpful.
  15. Take your pick: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130920114055/villains/images/c/c5/Ed_deadly_glare.png http://s2.photobucket.com/user/laussica/media/naruto/sasukeandnarutohaty.jpg.html http://media0.giphy.com/media/4w6g6yOWJYtm8/200_s.gif http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/278/8/7/bat_glare_by_war_journalist-d3051fa.jpg
  16. I don't know. If we had evidence of when we started to dominate one another, then I imagine it would support what we already know about violence, but... what if it also turns out to be a kind of Rosetta Stone for uncovering other aspects of our origins? Maybe we could find out where there was a split between the rational and non-violent behaviors and this violent cycle we see today (if it's not a carry-over from pre-upper brain instinct)? (In other words, my non-argument is a hypothetical appeal to curiosity and a call to adventure! ) I see your point though, it's not necessary for the logical exercise. I am also fascinated about how long we've been empathetic (and/or had the capacity); and if empathy/mirror neurons developed because of pre-upper brain violent instincts, then... (more credit to empathy as a better tool for survival?)
  17. What are the odds? http://www.keepcalmandposters.com/posters/13634.png
  18. Emotions have both energetic (rhythmic) and chemical signatures which can be measured (from what I understand, everything psychological/subjective has a biological/objective parallel.). The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto and the Institute of Heartmath, as well as the Phantom DNA Effect (and others) seem to support your suggestion that something of the event could be imprinted on a space, and/or those aware of the event, to produce an uncanny or "haunted" result. (It should be noted that some of the previous sources are considered pseudoscience, so take them with a grain of salt?) I bring these up because, in a mode tangential to this thread, it really comes down to dsayer's question, "Can willpower alone directly influence the physical world?" I also bring these up because, I recognize a progression of thought something to the following degree: (G/g)ods(s) do not/did not exist, that they were misunderstood natural phenomena/foreign/forgotten technology, that whatever power exhibited can be studied/developed/re-engineered to attain (transhumanist?) apotheosis (insofar as applied knowledge is power).
  19. For what it's worth, this feels like a reasonable hypothesis. Though it may not be directly testable, maybe there are some historical/anthropological/archaeological examples to support this? (Josh F presents some possible evidence, as does EndTheUsurpation with references to agricultural origins to civilization in response to Songbirdo.) I do find hope in the ability for people to overcome violence to create, and discover, despite previous trauma; however, I would not go so far as to suggest that violence gives people something to overcome (that good needs evil etc.).
  20. This is true too! Take a look at other webcomic sites (and talk to these folks too!) to see how they did it, copy the things you like about how their sites are set up (what are they doing that is successful?), and introduce your own style as well. I recommend Scott Ramsoomair's http://www.vgcats.com/ because he also has a specific niche (he's not the only one, but he seems to be doing well and you can see how far he's come since 2002...) and uses advertising, merchandising, etc. to support himself. He also attends conventions... I think this is important for just about any field since it gets you into contact with other professionals, and you can make a good impression on your fans. I'll just throw this idea out there too... http://existentialcomics.com/comic/53 (Corey Mohler also uses Patreon and uses this particular comic as a clever way to invite supporters). Also, @Brentb, thank you for introducing me to Axecop...!
  21. So... I include the following video because it's relevant to the discussion about metaphysics, but also because it's presented in an entertaining way: (Not that I didn't find the other videos valuable, just... I dunno... different acclimated preferences...? ) I will also add that the John Searle video made sense to me on a practical level; for example, in audio production we learn that we can "hear" frequencies between roughly 20Hz and 20kHz (what we actively "listen" to with sensitivity varies based on the Fletcher-Munson Curve and the Cocktail Party Effect... ergo, a tree falling in the woods produces sound pressure waves, but only an audience can translate that into sounds). This doesn't mean that frequencies outside the range are imperceptible (we can still feel and be affected by subsonic and supersonic frequencies), but that we use sense organs other than our ears (and auditory system) to make sense of them. A similar thing occurs with frequencies of light, whereby we perceive ultraviolet light just beyond the visual spectrum as heat (through our skin and tactile system), instead of as visual imagery (through our eyes and visual system). Though, technically we can see and hear beyond these ranges when frequencies are brought into these ranges through technological means, it can also be argued that artifacts will be produced similar to wonky translations between distant languages (i.e. how some languages have more or less words for colors than English).
  22. I thought the following video might be relevant as a factor to why people in the movement (and others) can do/say these things:
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