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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. In addition, new Common Core education will provide an extra hurdle...
  2. @Irwin: I sent an invite on Steam.
  3. Certainly (and a personal goal for me). Maybe that could be the focus for the twitch channel, games that stress negotiation and cooperation. (or points out fallacies etc.)
  4. On the contrary: Video games are an art-form, and art, like science, come from the foundations of philosophy (aesthetics specifically). Just as one can use language to communicate truth or lies, video games can propagate violence or the non-aggression principle.
  5. I appreciate that. Edit: The private messaging isn't working at the moment, would you mind e-mailing me at [email protected] about the application process and prerequisites?
  6. Hello Diki, I grew up in Sasebo, Japan for about five years. I had such a great time experiencing the culture and people there and, since graduating, I've considered travelling back to Japan to teach English. How did you find your way to Japan?
  7. Are you, perhaps, referring to a space for ceremony (non-religious marriages/baby introductions/etc.) and assembly? That physically going to an environment to discuss topics would be more engaging, insofar as it includes the more present use of our senses (real-time conversation for example)?
  8. Another element to consider with regards to unveiling the man behind the curtain, when politicians and psychopaths have masks of apparent legitimacy to hide behind, they have one hand busy holding up the facade, and have thus one hand left to work the levers of government; remove the need to uphold the narrative and they can now bring the other hand to bear. (Or, an alternate narrative is designed like a new key for the enigma cipher machine.) As for the pilgrims of the state, it could be that the unveiling removes the compulsion to vote, whom then realize how ineffective prayers for the gifts of government gods are, rather than the non-participation leading to an unveiling. (Chicken and egg?)
  9. Certainly! In brief, these books function, figuratively, as two chapters in a volume about how to play the game of life; specifically, they focus on recognizing the psychology of others as well as oneself in the context of providing value and cooperating with people in the market. I've used the information in Les Giblin's book to better collaborate with my peers and lead when the occasion arises -- just recently, our CEO departed for Europe and has left me to captain the ship in his absence -- and these periods occur more frequently than before. I've used the information in Jeffrey Gitomer's book to better provide value through direct sales know-how. Last October, I was invited to join a friend in New York to sell comics at New York Comic Con, and for a few years prior I set up a booth at a local art walk to sell my works directly to the public. If I recall correctly, both Warren Buffet and Bill Gates agree that if they could have a superpower it would be the ability to speed-read.
  10. Two more books I'd recommend if you're interested: How to have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People by Les Giblin - and - Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Red Book of Selling Do you perhaps find that you have a "social energy-bar" that is gradually depleted over the course of a day?
  11. A potential boon or abused substance, as is the case with any medium; with games, perhaps, I suggest to try your hand at modding. That way your time spent on entertainment is also in tangent to technological development, or at least as an exercise for mental problem solving.
  12. I can relate to this. I know it's a bit cliche, but if you find folks whom are smart at the same and/or other subjects that complement you and your talents (maybe even "renaissance" people), alienation becomes connection.
  13. Is "rinser" another name for modern-day geisha? (...minus the training in entertainment skills etc. maybe...) EDIT: Posted before hearing the woman at 12:55 compare herself to one.
  14. How did your wider social circle react to your relationship?
  15. I say go for it! (And do share your work here too! ) JSTOR can be a decent resource, though just like wikipedia, you'll need to double check the sources. I remember there was a presentation posted here on FDR about how the level of violence used in a regime change correlated to the likelihood of stability in the near future (a good tangent into how America's nation-building efforts have fared through various levels of violence; see Japan vs. Banana Republics vs. Iraq...). You could compare the conventional 1800s bomb-throwing "anarchist" stereotype to examples of non-violent relationships continuing to develop throughout America and the world. The suggestion by kerou would certainly work; in the manner he describes, you can take any required source and use it as a springboard to the logical conclusions of UPB and/or what you want to say (it will be strongest if it's both backed by facts and something you believe). My most analogous experience to this was a paper I wrote about how architecture (specifically acoustics of the built environment) are currently (and previously) used by leaders as power-projecting prosthetics to aid in ruling others.
  16. The historical example of the Dutch crowned republic (Stadtholderate) comes to mind: Either the title owner of the land in question (or holders through a company etc.) would serve as the placeholder for government contact, and/or companies specifically dedicated to diplomacy. Those with high diplomatic capacity (and expertise of knowledge and skill in foreign affairs) could sell their services as advisory/consultancy firms. Perhaps these companies could also double as travel agencies? Also, as an alternate defense against invasion: Get the leaders of the world's governments to become investors and clients of the anarchic societies' banks and industries etc. and you'll create an environment where one nation's plans to invade will be met with resistance by every other nation conducting business there.
  17. Ah, so it's not currently claimed by either country, but will be? I figured land along the Danube would be premium real estate.
  18. You could also describe (and you'll certainly know better than me) the law of conservation of energy.
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