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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. Reminds me of the idea that if you can't explain a topic to a ten year old than you probably don't understand that topic very well.
  2. A video that touches upon this topic as well as some others discussed in this forum:
  3. From: [thread] Also, is Cruz starting to use the same Obama speech pattern?
  4. It's like a precursor to War of the Worlds and Batman!
  5. You might want to try: https://protonmail.com/
  6. Low-hanging Fruit: Political Correctness? Higher-hanging Fruit: Author's relationship with father/brother(s)?
  7. That they understand the power of ostracism = silver lining?
  8. Youtube comment sections aren't usually known as sources for insightful discussions. As I'm sure you know, there is also a split between a government and the people in that country, and when personifying nations (or attributing allegorical representations), the generalizations and stereotypes from that nation's history are what stick out to differentiate one nation from another. There's also the theory about "geography as destiny" which describes how it makes sense why an island nation like the UK would focus on navies (etc.).
  9. My pleasure. Aside from them still being states (violence monopolies), would city-states like Monaco, San Marino, Singapore, Hong Kong, (historical examples/etc.?) be closer to what you're going for? Ditto for Elon Musk/Peter Thiel. The big takeaway with Iceland is that idea that law need not be tied to a land, just as nowadays we associate with people and exchange goods/services/etc. so that even if one can't secure an allodial title anytime soon, some kind of "social scaffolding" could be erected in the meantime for if/when the current system eventually collapses. (An extension of FDR in a way.)
  10. Welcome JudenHunter! You may be surprised to know (or maybe not... ) that you have a better grasp on English than some native speakers. (Also, the use of the word "hearth" has some poetic value to it, as well as, perhaps, hinting to the cold climate. That's one of the cool things about language in general, you used the word "philan-tropical" (philanthropic) and now we've got a double meaning of warmth and support. ) How did you first come across Freedomain Radio? Have you discussed some of the ideas here and on the show with people you know? Also, I'm guessing "barbaric" is a reference to the time before Peter I and Ivan when Russia was influenced by Mongolians?
  11. Related-ish: Has anyone read any recent studies about how fear affects one's capacity for decision-making; also, studies that suggest why some people function better under pressure?
  12. I know it's hard to accurately quantify how much money would be saved (and value created) in a free society, though the accounting section gets the point across very succinctly. You may have heard of [http://www.startupcities.org/], or Elon Musk's Ad Astra (education related)? T(here's also historical examples like Iceland's Alþingi (DRO equivalent?), or the ahistorical feudal what-if.) I agree that reputation will become more apparently important in a free society, as well as other capital archetypes: [discussion link]
  13. No worries. Do you generally find folks in London receptive to some of the ideas discussed here and/or on the show? Also, you mentioned you had a blog; post a link?
  14. Welcome Chauncey! Where in England are you from?
  15. Reminds me of Isamov's Three Laws of Robotics. If you can translate UPB into mathematics and computer code, then maybe we'll avert a Terminator situation. Another connection can be made with the emotional expressiveness of music (numbers through time).
  16. Ah, then I am late to the party on that one...
  17. Solid review. Now I'm curious as to what the hair bit was about at the end...
  18. How do we know he's actually the one drawing, and that the images aren't added in post...? Yeah, definitions would help.
  19. Maybe this is related to the idea of a knife having the capability to either save or take a life depending on whom is using it and for what purpose? (Where this would be fine when used in a free market/society but ominous in the hands of a government?) Also, though it could be helpful to have a more accurate account of one's social capital, maybe it's fine as is; it's mostly an informal part of our lives regarding whom we associate with, favors owed to and from, how influential we are with certain individuals (etc.). Is it something we can experiment with/other examples where we have been?
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