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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. I can see how such apps could restore a sense of social accountability inherent in the days of yore; likewise, there are potential abuses on the horizon: Though, it sounds like these were taken into consideration with the permission-prerequisite reviews to discourage character account vandalism (etc.). In short, there is still an element of privacy. This could also act as a cost reduction modifier for insurance policies, fiduciary contracts, or similar cases where social capital will help various parties to make informed decisions between people who've not met before. There is already a growing popularity in tracking other metrics (like health/fitness for example). It might be helpful to also have an anonymous(?) leader board for folks to aspire to.
  2. @amos: That seems to be pretty common over here as well. Tangent: I recently found out about an upcoming referendum this November that would restore the Swiss Franc's connection to a gold standard. Does that mean that there's a general financial awareness in Switzerland?
  3. Florida! Born in Key West, moved around quite a bit, and am now in Jacksonville for the time being. How/when did you come across the videos and forum? What's the mindset of people in Zurich about migrants?
  4. Welcome amos! I am not from Switzerland, but I wanted to send you a very warm welcome regardless. Where in the CH are you?
  5. To the host's credit, he is building his show on patronage/views, and there are some very thoughtful entries on the channel regarding art critiques that are worth a watch. (He may or may not make the connection between his own free market methods and Trump's as having a fair bit in common though.) The host is intelligent, observant even; however, if I had to guess, he is also eager to please those in the prevailing climate of political correctness; as you mentioned, appealing to a leftist audience with the mention of Bernie Sanders (though no mention of the two Republican candidates that scored higher than Sanders ). As comparatively mild as his criticisms of Trump are, he is also pointing a finger at the audience whom the host recommends looking to Trump's words, specifically Trump's meter and word choice as opposed to the actual message, or better yet the metaphor for simple language that supports Trump's simple goal to "make America great again" (as a host with a reputation for identifying form following function). At the very least, there is a disconnect between the way the host usually synthesizes text, subtext, and context, compared with the treatment of Trump in the video.
  6. Pacifist playthrough? If you don't mind me piggy-backing off of the topic, there's also the "medium as message" angle to Undertale; that the story is realized through the interactive medium, brings attention to questions of autonomy in a way arguably more affective than other media. Edit: Any other portions in particular that filled you with "determination"
  7. Related: It's possible that the use of simple language is deliberate on Trump's part and that, rather than indicating a lower intelligence than the other candidates, it reveals his deliberate effort to communicate effectively with a wider audience.
  8. Does Obama's "lame duck" status mean that the appointment could potentially be delayed?
  9. Maybe she is 'K' but wants others to be 'r'?
  10. There are a couple of English teaching jobs listed as threads in this forum -- what are you skilled at doing that you would also want to make a career out of?
  11. The enemy of my enemy is my friend? Edit: Or maybe this falls into the last exit on the highway to freedom category?
  12. My amateur perspective: Donald Trump shuts down the neon-techno media rave of delusion and Stefan Molyneux pulls back the curtains to let in the sunlight. Bonus: In other words, Donald Trump uses his experience and expertise with media to gain popularity and discredit them, using their short-term advertising objectives as a means to get them to work against long-term status quo objectives; when the reputation of the media is discredited beyond repair, and their white noise subsides from public attention, more voices like those of Freedomain Radio will be heard.
  13. Thank you for the heads up. I recently read another [member] thread about teaching in China; I don't know how many other forum members are in China, but the more the merrier, right?
  14. There was a similar question I had within this movie and the Legend of Korra series: what would happen if they let the teachings of the force fade away with the last jedi/sith? (Or in the Avatar series, no more avatar...?)
  15. Elon Musk, one of the leaders behind SpaceX, is also responsible for Tesla electric vehicles and PayPal online payment services.
  16. (Sounds like a dark-side version of what currently occurs with app service sites between user-rated providers and clients.) I imagine this could backfire on the Chinese government if/when the people begin to see how many other people disagree with the regime; the bureaucrats may reward obedience, but the free market could reward dissension.
  17. The following link shows a darker side using a gamification approach (a sort of social capital for a coercive regime):
  18. This reminds me of the idea of re-establishing monarchy and then expanding the concept so that every individual is a sovereign, resulting in anarcho-capitalism by default. It's probably just a stylistic preference, but even if the result is the same it will be important to ensure the principles they're based on are rationally sound.
  19. It would also be casting a wider net for philosophy, for those with ears to hear.
  20. Welcome Daivd and LionBlue! As an educator in east Asia, you might find [this] thread of interest.
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