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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. Here's something to add to the mix: "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" No. Since sound is the result of the human mind converting sound pressure waves into neural signals, the tree would create sound pressure waves, but without an audience there is no sound. Likewise, art is a manifest appeal to the senses translated through the mind into meaning. As in the tree example, art occurs in the mind and is not sourced in the world absent an audience capable of appreciating some meaning beyond the matter/energy. This is a very broad definition of art and the emphasis on the mind is meant to borrow the principles of UPB/APB/NAP (moral/immoral/amoral and objective/subjective) to then provide a basis for analyzing how good a particular artwork is beyond craftsmanship/skill evaluations and, additionally, how art can be aligned with ethics, as words can be aligned with truth. If you're familiar with the Harry Potter interpretation thread/video, that would also be an example of how art -- in this case a meta/derivative -- can be created through interpretation/critique, transmuting fallacy and fiction into insight and verisimilitude.
  2. Welcome twinklingwinter! P.S. I can certainly relate to wanting to distance myself from politics, and then realizing the insanity inherent in society... P.P.S. I develop audio for games and after reading your post I am curious about what other things you're doing to pursue a game development career?
  3. The quote commonly attributed to Picasso about lies to tell the truth seems apt with this one. It is also rather salient that the embodiment of traditional American values (Captain America) is at odds with the government and its military industrial complex (Iron Man?). In viewing these characters as symbols to an allegory (similarly with other films), one can spread the message.
  4. Very good idea! Something like [Khan Academy] comes to mind. I can certainly relate to that... If it's with folks I care about, I'll try to speak their language (interests etc.) so that the concepts discussed will have some element of engagement for them.
  5. More about possible replacement for statist system (step-up?): [Article] It's still based on a statist foundation, but there are a few ideas to test for in the Honduran (and Atlanta!) experiment. P.S. I recently stumbled upon [this site] with more information about startup cities.
  6. Aha! Here's a thread I can certainly contribute to. As described previously, there is a health risk involved with noise pollution (be it sustained duration, very loud burst, or even discordant content in and of itself). It might be considered in a manner akin to tobacco smoke.
  7. Hello to you as well MRAllen440! P.S. RationalPenguin, If you aren't able to teach at a private school (or similar environment), what about joining/starting some kind of local forum club? (Or maybe something online?) I've only recently discovered [the school of life], but it reminds me of TEDx talks (etc.) in introducing and elaborating on topics of discourse from an empirical perspective. P.P.S. I'm curious as to what you're experiences have been like; do you find the people around you curious to learn?
  8. Welcome bioject! Having the ability to discuss these things openly with one another will certainly help to continue the friendship. I'm not familiar with SRF, are there any other aspects of the religion that are in opposition with your values aside from belief in (the Judeo-Christian?) God? (And the goal of passing the beliefs down?)
  9. The blogger shown at 2:35 looks so much like a friend of mine. I wonder if such polarization would still exist if the kind of person that would send such vitriol to Miss Wedler would instead take the time and effort to get to know these individuals.
  10. Welcome RationalPenguin! What sort of interests/career goals do you have?
  11. Here are [three article links] from a cursory search about Elon Musk and Ad Astra. From what I gather, education is ripe for innovation, and Elon Musk is an innovator.
  12. That makes sense, start small, and then replicate successes on larger scales where doable. It certainly does raise the stakes for companies to maintain their integrity.
  13. I was brainstorming recently about how a completely privately town could work.
  14. One of the big takeaways I got from the video was shifting from focusing on "where" to "what", as in the example of the college class. I can see how this would reduce the number of bottlenecks in data traffic flow.
  15. Is this similar to the way pirate radios operated outside of territorial waters to evade broadcast restrictions?
  16. Some time ago a caller described a concurrent fear from the Germans of a possible resurgence of aggression similar to events in the past, as if anger itself is taboo... (The principle of self-defense is twinned with the non-aggression principle, they need not contradict one another.)
  17. I have a sneaking suspicion that you are an avid reader and would enjoy "Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages" by Guy Deutscher [link] which delves into the very topic of linguistic thought-pattern influence. I had an opportunity to attend a talk by the creator of the Dothraki language for Game of Thrones, David J. Peterson, and found his description of his method for constructing languages a great companion to Deutscher's book. The process of recording Foley, performing sounds to picture with props, seems to fit that description. In manipulating props for an animated short, I was able to create a non-literal yet descriptive sound for one of the main characters.
  18. My pleasure. Since you have space for images, you could probably use a series of images of the setup with a brief caption underneath describing the steps/changes; this would leave the rest of the text/image space to explore the deeper meanings. (The post reminds me of how Connect Four was mathematically solved so that the first player can win every time.) Yeah, CK2 is also great for role play (there are some D&D-esque elements), and it is usually pretty good at preventing runaway world empires (unless you're the Mongols... ); it's a great game for exploring the management of people/AI to accomplish your goal(s), paying attention to their strengths/weaknesses, friends/rivals, goal(s)/etc., that result in the overall rise and fall of realms. EU4, on the other hand, focuses more on the macro-level developments of nations and the changes faced by the chapters of exploration, reformation, and revolution during the time period. Vicky2 is pretty unique, as far as grand strategy games go, in that you are rewarded more often for avoiding war and arranging negotiations/ultimatums (if playing as one of the "great powers") than gambling with the loss of your population and resulting risk of revolt. All three games have a fair bit of historical research behind them, or at least it is very easy to be introduced to something that can then be read about further; In particular, CK2 even has built in links to Wikipedia for historical characters. It's not perfect, but it is a start for introducing people to parts of history usually taught in shallow terms at school.
  19. Indeed, I am a sound designer. Among the many uses of sounds, guiding one's perception is a key part of storytelling in games/animations/films (etc.).
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