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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. You have leveled up, and now it is time to spend those experience points to upgrade your attributes! Happy Birthday Stefan!
  2. Update: I [Nc]: Natural Capital ii [Dc]: Defensive Capital III [Fc]: Fertile Capital iv [Mc]: Mercantile Capital V [Ic]: Industrial Capital VI [Ec]: Energetic Capital vii [Sc]: Social Capital VIII [Cc]: Credible Capital ix [Ac]: Aesthetic Capital X [Gc]: Gnostic Capital xi [Φc]: Philosophical Capital XII [µc]: Euphoric Capital
  3. Reminds me of the tactic some use whereby they raise their hands in the air to invoke innocence while pushing into and shouting at their target.
  4. I'll also throw in there that you can have more value than you'd initially think through comparative advantage; for example, when it comes to computer literacy, you'll likely have an advantage over people over fifty years of age.
  5. luxfelix


    You might enjoy these as well:
  6. Sure, you know how architects like to party.
  7. For Trump, I'd imagine setting Tesoro up in his tower at Mar-a-Lago could be claimed as a business expense. For Tesoro, it's unclear if he would also benefit from the exchange other than in monetary form (advertising, prestige, etc.), and if we're missing a part of the story that would lead to this kind of deal.
  8. http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestreptalks/2016/07/13/this-architect-says-trump-almost-destroyed-his-business-but-that-doesnt-mean-they-cant-get-coffee/2/#615ae3dac650 https://www.truthorfiction.com/architect-andrew-tesoro-conned-donald-trump/ https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4rv01j/hillarys_attack_ad_w_andrew_tesoro/ Was this done for tax reasons?
  9. Perhaps the next step, after listing many principles, would include simplifying down to a few fundamentals from which following principles flow as a natural consequence?
  10. The Principle of INCREASING COMPLEXITY, is an idea, roughly based on the second law of thermodynamics, that describes a cumulative effect over time for emergent systems and their relationships to one another. From a symposium description [link]: "Attempts to reconcile the tension have led to interesting theoretical advances in the study of gravitational physics, self-organizing systems, computational models of complexity, and mathematical models of biological evolution." It may be helpful, or at least put one's mind to ease, to remember that, though complexity may increase as we develop and discover, patterns can present themselves like the progression of a theme within a piece of music.
  11. If I recall, they're called Log Cabin Republicans. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_Cabin_Republicans)
  12. I recently came across this essay about, in part, the counter-intuitive support America received from monarchies vs. republics: http://madmonarchist.blogspot.com/2016/07/the-royal-response-to-american.html
  13. In part, I imagine that big government would be widely discredited and that over time people will gravitate toward meritocratic societies, self-sufficent/trade centers, and oases of peace (K); I'm optimistic that if the system falls completely, it will be gone for as long as we remember.
  14. I really hope I don't have to wait until 2030 until the pendulum swings back towards K... The last time I went to see the Constitution, I noticed a side exhibit dedicated to the Magna Carta.
  15. Maybe there is some crossover between this topic and epigenetics?
  16. I've heard that the French Revolution scared Britain into the other direction?
  17. Reminds me of Celebration, FL (managed by Disney if I recall).
  18. Please tell me they'll send Gandalf too! Are there plans to strengthen ties with the previous commonwealth?
  19. I'm guessing like-mindedness has a significant role to play in how comfortable you would feel?
  20. Good point. Do entrepreneurs fair any better?
  21. It is quite the rabbit hole. Overall, it looks like the proverbial nail that sticks out; if everyone stopped paying taxes, than it is likely that there would not be enough prison space for everyone. I don't know what the critical mass/prerequisites for that scenario's success would be. Interesting side note: Apparently prayer has a measurable effect on brain scans. If prayer and meditation are not too dissimilar to compare, than studies on the health benefits of meditation can also be looked at to provide support for claims of people whom claim prayer/meditation help them (even if not for their reasoning as to why).
  22. On that note, has anyone here heard of people getting away with not paying taxes by using some arcane corporate/admiralty law loop hole (or otherwise?)? As far as I know, the only people who can get away with dismissing taxes are those people with state connections. Related: http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-dictators-free-themselves-but-they-enslave-the-people-charlie-chaplin-5-30-58.jpg
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