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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. A true, but likely unhelpful (without unpacking), basis of capitalism is empirical reality. Since only an individual has the means to use his/her body and mind, only they can express both use and title (the two properties often used to define ownership) of their primary interface with the world. Anything created and/or developed from one's body/mind is then the product and property of the individual. (An important caveat to the former statement is that intellectual property is more like the negative space resulting from enforcement than an analog to empirical reality.) In tangent; if capitalism is based on empirical reality then, in general, pursuit for clarity and accuracy in understanding how the world works should affect the efficiency and efficacy of capitalism as an ethical (voluntary) system for resource use.
  2. I'd recommend Seven Days in the Art World by Sarah Thornton for its multiple perspectives (auction house, curator, artist studio, etc.). I see your point, but I am a little fuzzy on what you're asking.
  3. The examples I've read so far have been narrative-specific entertainment. If we zoom out a bit to entertainments in general, we may find other mediums and activities taking precedence over narrative and/or passive mediums. I imagine individuals in a free society would be more likely to take up learning instruments, travelling, and building/designing with one another. (My personal bias is toward games.)
  4. Inspiration? (previously posted here)
  5. I'm still trying to find better terms and descriptions for the model; the latest edit is to change Cultural Capital to Aesthetic Capital since it is a more direct term for perception (and hopefully there's less chance of confusion between Societal Capital now).
  6. On that note, something mentioned in this video about children racing to the lowest common denominator in horizontal structures (as in daycare/schooling) seems to indicate that these tactics really come from earlier trauma.
  7. ... Sounds like some middle school scheme/drama... Did you call them out on it or ignore them or something?
  8. So in short, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater?
  9. I wonder how one would make a philosophy game...? I found this: http://www.kongregate.com/games/chiefwakamakamu/socrates-jones-pro-philosopher
  10. I don't know about responsibility (read as "obligation"?) to act, though it would certainly be in their interest to stop the abuse; and, if they are unable to stop the abuse on their own, calling for the help of someone whom can and agrees to stop the abuse would work as well.
  11. Indeed! I had a feeling that taking down Zaofu's shields was important; that Kuvira turned them into a colossus to fight with does match her psyche. There were parts where I thought they were going to explore the obsolescence of the Avatar further. I also had a feeling that Wu was going to step down, but not for any noble reason as he suggested. Looking to the Earth Kingdom even in Aang's time, the monarch seemed to be a puppet of the Dai Li, and it's unlikely that Wu would be able to reduce the autonomy of the provinces to run his government (even the previous Queen couldn't efficiently collect taxes). Wu stated something along the lines that he wanted to model it after Republic City with elections etc., but what about Zaofu? If I remember correctly, it's Suyin's private property (or leased/sold parcels to others?) and follows an anarcho-capitalist structure?
  12. I loved BH6! (There's also a part where the aunt states that she should have studied up on parenting... she seemed to do well from what I remember.) Also, the repetition of "Tadashi is here" was a nice way to reinforce the idea that Hiro's brother lives on in Baymax. (Similar to how children reflect their parents and whatnot.)
  13. Relevant Bitcoin Awesomeness: http://harmonicjunction.com/sending-bitcoin-transactions-via-sound-waves/
  14. I wish that parent knew about peaceful parenting...
  15. luxfelix


    About what I described above: I think I found something called anarcho-monarchism which seems to match those effects (demesnes/estates/border-gore/etc.), and possibly that of Panarchism as well? From what I understand, the oxymoronic term follows the idea that anarcho-capitalism more closely resembles the universalizing of sovereignty within, thereby resulting in anarchy without. The opposite, then, is another way to describe all current states: anarchy within (cognitive dissonance/disregard of truth/etc.) and sovereignty without (foreign rulers/masters of slaves/etc.). It suggests that the wealth generated by free markets will be inherited by successive generations, and that social cohesion will most likely follow a peerage (Downton Abbey) style of social checks/ostracism (and we all get fancy hats and chairs! ). TomAto/Tomato?
  16. Kinda like how lighter-than-air travel may become cost effective again if gas prices prohibit many from purchasing plane tickets.
  17. I went to art school, and rarely encountered feminists/marxists/etc., especially within my sound major and social circles. I imagine it has something to do with the open-ended nature of study (lack of conclusion-based-teaching) combined with a drive for high performance and busy schedules (practical action and relationship building).
  18. I've striven to learn from others and take their constructive criticism and suggestions seriously. If my post broke the code of conduct and/or caused you distress, I sincerely apologize; that was not my intention. Please help me to understand what I did wrong to deserve the mark against my reputation so that I may course-correct my future conduct.
  19. If you can't confront them directly, and/or your explanation of their wrongdoings will fall upon deaf ears (even if the kid would probably understand), and authority figures don't do anything either, then maybe you could try subconscious influence? Though there are pros and cons to these, some examples could be: - If you have a way to play/hum/sing music, play something calming/classical in earshot of the aggressors (music without lyrics might be more effective). Even if the aggressors don't adjust their behavior and instead become annoyed with you, at least you've interrupted the child abuse; apologize and keep their attention with a story about how that music reminds you of good times or something (these days you can use Christmas tunes without it seeming too out of place) and ask them questions to make the cognitive dissonance in their minds apparent without directly stating it. The goal here is to use music's ability to affect their biology, and failing that, cool their tempers by distancing them in time and attention. - You could politely interrupt to compliment them on their hair, eyes, clothing (whatever they seem to have spent the most effort on accentuating etc.) to disarm them by either causing them to be open to questions and later suggestions not to abuse, or again distancing their time and attention. If you're good with acting/accents, you can really hold their attention; if you can make them laugh, they'll be much less likely to return to abusing the child. - This could be a bit offensive, but you could also pull out a five or ten dollar bill (without them seeing) and then interrupt them to ask them if they dropped it/if it is theirs... They'll either say no, and in exercising honesty throw off their time and attention to thoughts of morality, or they'll say yes and have to take time to put it in their wallet and/or look ridiculous abusing a child with money in their hand... in which case you can interrupt again and warn them that they might "drop" it again... - If you're with a group of friends, you can start up a conversation about the harms of child abuse in earshot of the aggressors (with friends who will back your move of course). - Staring and maybe an *ahem* of disapproval (especially with a group) might work to delay or stop the abuse as well.
  20. This could be good, no? (Maybe not on its own, but in combination with other factors like wealth emigration?)
  21. These two questions remind me of the 'T'-shaped Employee Model sought after by Valve: http://www.jonrogers.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/valve-employee-big.jpg - and - the mantra of "fail faster" (and the corollary, "fail smarter") which fits with the Edison example.
  22. 23 More Benefits of Gaming Regardless of Gender: For what it's worth, every game I've worked on I worked with women, and they were often in senior positions; likewise, at gaming conventions and during casual play, gender was a non-issue, and because what I've read about the controversy does not match what I experience working on and playing games, I take the information with a grain of salt.
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