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Everything posted by Bortasz

  1. Do you try realising steam other ways?
  2. Cobra answer you quite well. But I give you some extra Info. Currently the Poland have the 1,3 ratio of guns per 100 citizens.In 1 000 crowd only 13 persons have guns. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_guns_per_capita_by_country We are betwen Germany and Russia, and have borders with Ukraine. Recently on one of our villagers bullet where fired from the Ukraine border. http://media2.mic.com/33c74cd9272b76e24928de7cb85361e6.png That small green part near Lithuaine and Poland is Kalingrad and it's belong to Russia.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaliningrad And majority of Polish people are scared of Guns. The Police man can refuse giving you permission for a gun because he say so. The entire process is hard and heavy regulated. People are against liberalisation of that laws. They don't have culture like USA where people see gun as a tool of Freedom and Liberation.They must be first convince that giving majority of people guns will not result in massacre. Than they must be educated/train of using guns. Lastly they must be eguip with them. This will take years. Not tens of years. But time is required. Until this, the organized military is all that stand between Poland, and Russia or Germany.For does who wonder: Between Poland and Germany there is no actual peace Treaty. From 1945 Poland and Germany are on Cease fire. The closest thing we have is German-Polish Border treaty from 1990. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%E2%80%93Polish_Border_Treaty_%281990%29 Lastly the NATO with is Paper Tiger. I personally and many people from Poland (Politicians, Generals) agree that NATO will not protect us. If I remember correctly they can send one box on ammunition and letter of support and by all legal means be done. They met all treaty obligation. So sorry but I will not support anything other than slow planed reforms. Jumping from current state to anything that resemble ideal(of this community) state is simple to risky. But this is just my opinion.
  3. Stefen fights on children front. They fights on the Father front.The most important think that save kids to become criminales are good father in the home.So I think that they fight for good cause.
  4. You live in America. Country that spend more money on military than next 25 countries combine.The biggest invasion that you see for more than century was Mexican looking to work for you. USA have the most well arm people in the world. Only the Switzerland can be compare. USA has all resources that it will ever needed.It is easy to speaking about Ideas when you are in safe place.If Poland will go to Voluntarism, Russia or Germany will try enslave us. Either by Military, Politic or Economy. Germans already have majority of mainstrem media. Russia can stop deliver gas. First you must educate people, give them means to defend themselves.
  5. I think this should be spread. And this is page of Woman Against Feminism and they Facebook site: http://womenagainstfeminism.tumblr.com/https://www.facebook.com/WomenAgainstFeminism/likes
  6. What government have to do to make country economy growth? going on the diet. Limiting bureaucracy. and making the law simple so people without years of study can understand it. After that the politician must do the hardest thing. Do nothing.
  7. Man want good girl, that is bad and dirty just for him. Woman want a bad boy, who is good just for her. Or even better. The bad boy they can change to good boy. Does anybody is surprise by this?
  8. The example with Slaves is miss. And soldier have some right. Maybe it is because I'm from Poland and all World Wars where happening in Poland, Maybe it because one of my country neighbors(Ukraine) is under attack from Russia. But I want limited Government. And I want strong Polish Army. That can defend my country. And I don't believe that any Allies will come to help Poland. I know how much they help us in 1939. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoney_War Taking this to consideration there is no chance that you will convince people of Poland that we should disband our military. If you want change this you must take approach of babe steps. Limit the government in you country. Spread Ideas of freedom. And of course. Give a gun to everybody. There is no better equalizer. Just my opinion.
  9. Witamy. I see that more and more people from Poland show up. Maybe we will organize a meeting someday?
  10. Hello my name is Bartosz Kielar. I watching Freedomainradio from several months, but just recently decide to register on this forum.Like some of you notice I'm from Poland and Dzień dobry means Good morning.And add this point I have no Idea what else write. I have problems meeting new people.
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