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Everything posted by OGMizen

  1. Yeh thats bullshit. Theres a whole bunch of british police that are racist as fuck lol (I live in UK) and since when was this ever a justification?! 'Oh.. they are black/asian/purple so we cant arrest them in case they call us names!' BULLSHIT!!They dont do shit about it because half of them are doing it themselves. Theres loads of evidence that the top brass in the police, political sphere, celebrity world and CPS are involved in paedo rings in this country. Everyone who knows anything knows it. Normally I wouldnt believe in such things but there have been so many cases coming out where people have been caught bang to rights molesting/mistreating children and the police do NOTHING AT ALL about it. -policemen themselves have been caught doing it and the departments have destroyed files to cover their own backs.Stinson Hunter (a paedophile hunter) actually caught a Tory party Councillor grooming children on the internet. Stinson was making a film with channel 4 on what he does, and the guy was like 70 or something coming to meet an 11 year old disabled girl for sex! Funnily enough he was calm as fuck when he got caught.. didnt seem bothered at all.. What did police/CPS do with him? NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING. They let him go without any charge even though other people have been sentenced for lesser degrees of grooming under the exact same circumstances. Since then Stinson has been stalked and harrassed by him.. because he is clearly above the law. Stinson actually had to fight really hard just to get the footage included in the film!!! Its sick!If you have 4oD, go watch the film.. its called 'paedophile hunter' - Here's the video of the tory shithead:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2OciWiW62U
  2. Cant answer all of the comment right now (bit busy will be bk soon) but I can say one thing Thats not really 'reasoning' though is it? its just prejudice. Its 'speciesism' as its more commonly referred to. there is no principle or reason you are just going with what you feel. Not saying its the end of the world just.. its kind of silly. (btw chicken is much worse for your health than cow)
  3. All come under the umbrella of intelligence.
  4. My mistake.. Pigs have the intelligence of a 3 year old: http://www.omgfacts.com/lists/4522/Pigs-are-considered-to-be-smarter-than-3-year-old-human-children So replace the number 6 with the number 3 and refute my argument. No, because lions dont have a choice, and therefore ethics dont apply, whereas humans do have a choice.. The lion argument is false. People always bring animal vs animal into the argument to avoid the humans vs animals problem. Vegans have never said and will never say that its wrong for a lion to kill another animal. Take your second argument to its logical conclusion.. surely if people just ate the plants that the prey animal eats, we could have NO (human caused) animal death at all..
  5. Google 'RTS' or 'Religious Trauma Syndrome' No - teaching religion to kids is not 'UPB'
  6. This 'animals are not moral agents' stuff seems to be the default position for everyone on these boards. So lets examine it a little further. Besides genetics and intelligence, there is no biological difference between humans and animals. Pigs have the relative intelligence of a 6-7 year old human. Genes supersede biology in terms of ethics. This is why racism and sexism are ethically invalid. So the genetic factor makes no difference.The reason it is ethically invalid to abuse, or kill and eat children and yet ethically valid to kill and eat animals, according to this line of reasoning, is that children will grow up and develop into moral agents later in life. Hypothetical: A doctor tells a parent, that their child has a rare disease which will 100% guaranteed result in death before the age of 6.According to the 'moral agent' argument, it would be ethically valid to kill and eat the child. Are you arguing that it would be ethically valid to kill and eat a child? Or have I misunderstood the argument? You see, any argument you try to make from this position, to refute the justification for killing and eating the child, must also apply to the animal. As for the use of charged language automatically making him an alarmist. Does that make Stef an alarmist too? He uses 'charged language' all the time.
  7. I have tried a lot of drugs. I used to believe a lot of crazy stuff. I have done DMT multiple times, had some very intense experiences where I was approached by what seemed to be the most complex, incomprehensible, insect/machine-like entities, whetever you imagine when I say that, they were 3000 times more intricate and complicated. They defy logic and imagination completely. Anyone who says they understand ANYTHING about the DMT space is a liar or an idiot. I doubt it has therapeutic benefits in fact you feel like its going to push you too far out of reality to ever come back sometimes.I have done mushrooms. very high doses. Ive had ecstatic experiences of complete and utter elation on them. I also did a high dose one month after my daughters funeral which was literally the most terrifying and shocking (to say the least) yet ultimately powerful and valuable experience of my life. It would take A LOT to convince me to relive that night.. but ultimately I am glad I did. I think mushrooms have therapeutic benefits. -If you have a strong constitution they arent so bad but Ive seen some pretty weak people go through mushroom trips like nuts through a nutcracker. Either way to me it seems they take your inner world and put it out in front of you, rather than taking the facts of the outer world and bringing them into you.. if that makes sense? I dont believe they are useful philosophically (or metaphysically) but I do believe they have value psychologically. Great for making poetry or music or art.. not so great for medicine, physics or engineering lol.. I think if you can go somewhere very safe and meditate through a trip or something, you might get some personal value out of them for sure. They help you to lighten up about reality too.As for cannabis I started when I was 12 and only stopped at 25.. Everyone has different experiences with it, some people find it hugely useful and some people (like me) find it swallows their life up and you have to fight to get it back.The way Ive come to see all of it, is that if you can learn from it, its valuable to you personally.. but Im not sure its valuable for everybody. I must say though, that as bad as some of my experiences with psychedelics and drugs have been, the worst thing about drugs, in my experience, is the possibility that in taking them you risk being kidnapped and imprisoned for doing so. -Thats always worried me.As for pseudoscience, the best question to ask when someone puts forward a PS idea, is 'what do they have to sell me' ? The majority of pseudoscience is based around selling you something. If their 'product' is some hippy potion that promises to cure everything wrong with you.. they are a scam artist. If their 'product' is an idea that evokes a sustainable sense of self love, genuine happiness and a feeling of purpose in the world.. and they dont charge you a penny for it.. You might just want to listen up.We cant know everything.. but we can know what we do and dont know. As long as you are being honest to yourself about what you know/dont know.. The rest is irrelevant. (ie. dont cling to pseudoscience that has been disproven by actual science just because it feels good)Hope that makes some sense? lol
  8. Well there are some seriously stupid comments on here 'I didnt like the way he talked' - 'What about the immorality of murdering plants' - 'Well now I have to get a new needle for my douchebag meter' Seriously..? I thought I might get some good discussion going from here (given that you all claim to be open minded and reasonable people etc.) but Im just getting the same old shit I see everywhere else in society when anyone dares to open their mouths about the suffering of animals.You might actually like Gary if you werent so quick to fire knee-jerk ad homs at him and if you werent so dedicated to disagreeing with him right off the bat. The fact so many people are saying 'I couldnt handle more than X amount of minutes of him' says a lot. He does present a lot of information that is irrefutable. His moral arguements arent the most philosophically strict, but so what? HES NOT A PHILOSOPHER. I was hoping a few people might actually be open to reason and evidence (regardless of how crudely it is put forward) but apparently not. I guess hes not up to some of the FDR listeners' 'perfect' standards.For anyone actually interested in learning more about this guy (and his arguments) Here are a couple more videos: This one is him being interviewed by a very civil Israeli show host (unlike the one in the video where he 'loses it') about his lectures in Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-giq2zjFmYAnd this one which I think FDR listeners (who can put away their own emotional biases) will enjoy.. He goes into his own family stuff and his 'DeFOO'.
  9. LOL! I understand my position pretty well thanks. Dietary Cholesterol is NOT an essential nutrient. If it were, I would be dead.. last time I checked, I wasnt dead. The liver produces cholesterol, if it didnt, as soon as you stopped eating cholesterol, the cholesterol levels in your blood would drop down to zero and you would die. If you really do know what you are talking about, you will know that doesnt happen. There are athletes who exercise everyday who live on 5-10% total fat calories and almost none of that is cholesterol. So the claim that we need dietary cholesterol is empirically dis-proven. (I only say ALMOST none of that is dietary cholesterol because there are very small amounts in foods like avocado.) 'The way I see it if you want to make an argument about something you really should understand the argument at some level ' haha This is golden! So you are trying to imply that I dont understand my argument at any level when I clearly do. Okay! lol Would love to see the evidence for that! -all of this 'dietary cholesterol isnt bad for you' nonsense rests on the belief that Ancel Keys fluffed the data (which he didnt) on the connection between cholesterol/sat fat and decreased longevity. It comes from liars like Mark Sisson who's only 'contribution' to nutritional science is laughable graphs like 'the carbohydrate curve'. (google it its hilarious! - and by his reckoning I should have been dead years ago lol) This stuff has all been thoroughly debunked already. See the links below. (I seriously doubt you will) In fact, go and watch the entire 'Primitive Nutrition' Series if you are so confident that you know your stuff. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHZOzR0lYzbECKm8dhiDSMA -haha! No..! its really not! There are tall chinese men, yes, but the idea that I am some kind of freak of nature with completely different nutritional needs to everyone else is a baseless claim. Its also highly improbable. You will need to provide some pretty strong evidence to make that argument hold. Have you ever heard of a 90-5-5 or 80-10-10 vegan? There are plenty of them out there, and none of them have dropped dead from a cholesterol deficiency yet. (Despite the fact they generally dont consume dietary cholesterol)
  10. http://nutritionfacts.org/video/fully-consensual-heart-disease-treatment http://nutritionfacts.org/video/barriers-to-heart-disease-prevention http://nutritionfacts.org/video/trans-fat-saturated-fat-and-cholesterol-tolerable-upper-intake-of-zero/ http://nutritionfacts.org/video/heart-disease-starts-in-childhood/ http://nutritionfacts.org/video/when-low-risk-means-high-riskScience says NO... Dietary Cholesterol is bad for you.. the evidence is incontrovertible. Dont believe everything you hear from overweight low carb 'health gurus'. The facts were in on this stuff YEARS AGO.. The only reason there is still a 'debate' on this stuff is because the egg boards keep funding deceptive studies and the pharmaceutical industries benefit from people getting sick through diet.. Doctors dont want to 'talk themselves out of a job' so to speak. Oh and anyone saying 'we need cholesterol because it is utilized in the creation of X cell'.. Is omitting the fact that our bodies manufacture cholesterol. Ive eaten barely any cholesterol at all for the past 2 years and Im still healthy. If it were true that we NEEDED dietary cholesterol I WOULD BE DEAD. (and so would pretty much everybody in asia and africa.)
  11. Thanks man! Im glad you liked it! The film has been out for a while now Im sure its easily available.. If you get round to watching it let me know! I appreciate the reply!
  12. I can only post 2 messages a day so this will be my only response for now. I've dealt with many WAPF followers before and I am getting tired of repeating myself but I'll give you some facts anyway. (-and no, im not expecting you to change your mind because WAPF followers never seem to respond to the vast weight of very clear evidence against them.) First off, this... ..Is called an 'appeal to nature' and is a logical fallacy. So I shouldnt even need to address it. -I will anyway. Its false because I never claimed we survived on 80-90% carbs, I said 90-80% carbs is optimum.. Some of the most healthy populations on earth THRIVE on 80-90% carbohydrates (rural asia and africa are good examples, where heart disease was so uncommon -until western meat based diets moved in- that there are scientific papers written specifically about rare cases of heart disease in ONE person). You havent even defined what you mean when you say 'back then'. but considering these facts: 1) that humans are tropical (equatorial) animals. 2) that the only foods humans enjoy eating in their RAW and uncooked state are plant foods (which obviously includes fruit) 3) that a lot of fruit grows in tropical climates and 4) that most fruits are upwards of 80% carbohydrates (most upwards of 90) and have very little fats.. ..if we are going to talk about 'back then', you are on the back foot.. its far more likely humans evolved eating fruit (like their primate predecessors) than it is that they would evolve eating carnage. Humans are disgusted by carnage. (see: milton mills MD the biology of disgust). -and before you fall back on the 'meat made us humans' thing, there is no evidence for that.. its just an assertion.. a far more likely assertion is that cooked starches 'made us human'. Meat is bad for the brain and grains are good for the brain. I have never checked my blood sugar. I dont have blood sugar issues. Fats cause blood sugar issues (especially animal fats) -This is why the only way to reverse T2 diabetes through diet is to eat a diet very low in fat and high in carbohydrates. -Get a book by Neil Barnard MD called 'program for reversing diabetes' for more on how that works. I'd rather not change to 80-90% fat, because A. its disgusting B. its unhealthy and C. I want to stay slim and active rather than get fat and tired. I have researched ketosis. Ketogenic diets are just diets that make you thin by making you sick. I think I'll pass thanks. The idea that a ketogenic diet is the key to reversing disease is laughable. The key to reversing disease is to eliminate animal products as much as possible, eat whole plant foods, to quit smoking, quit drinking and exercise. Do you have before and after blood tests to validate all of the things you think the diet has done for you? Id also like to point out that what you think is 'increased muscle mass' is actually increased fat and water in your muscle. The less carbohydrates you eat the more water you will store in your muscles. Also the more sodium you eat the more water you will store in your muscles. The food you are eating is more salty, so your muscles look bigger.. doesnt mean you are stronger. If you are going to talk about strength, look at the world records for lifting.. The heaviest yoke walk ever was a vegan. The most handstand pressups in a row was a vegan https://recordsetter.com/world-record/handstand-push-ups-legs-apart/13810#contentsection Longest treadmill run was a vegan http://hooplaha.com/2014/02/how-one-vegan-breaks-a-world-record-of-running-on-a-treadmill/ and check out these two OAP's who ran a marathon a day for 366 days in a row on 100% raw vegan foods (after beating cancer with a vegan diet) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY4HUmLbT3M As for the WAPF stuff you keep posting (and linked me to) WAPF is about as far as you can get from 'logical' nutrition advice. In fact, the WAPF is a disgrace to weston a price himself: In 1934, Price wrote a moving letter to his nieces and nephews, instructing them in the diet he hoped they would eat. "The basic foods should be the entire grains such as whole wheat, rye or oats, whole wheat and rye, wheat and oat cereals, oat-cake, dairy products, including milk and cheese, which should be used liberally, and marine foods." Yet the Weston A. Price Foundation aggressively promotes the consumption of beef, pork and other high-fat meats, while condemning people who base their diets on whole grains. The Weston A. Price Foundation was co-founded in 1999 by Sally Fallon and nutritionist Mary G. Enig to disseminate the research of Dr. Weston A. Price. (Or rather, disgrace it and hijack it to promote their own agenda.) Mary Enig is a leading proponent of coconut oil who has ties to the coconut oil industry and Sally Fallon is clearly overweight and probably couldnt run around the block without having her heart explode. The main sources of financial support for the WAPF are the dues and contributions of its members. The Foundation does not receive funding from the government or the food processing and agribusiness industries. It does accept sponsorships, exhibitors and advertising from small companies by invitation, whose products are in line with WAPF principles. Sponsors include grass-fed meat and wild fish producers, as well as health product companies. -Thats called a conflict of interest. As for Price himself... He performed poorly designed studies that led him to conclude that teeth treated with root canal therapy leaked bacteria or bacterial toxins into the body, causing arthritis and many other diseases. This "focal infection" theory led to needless extraction of millions of endodontically treated teeth until well-designed studies, conducted during the 1930s, demonstrated that the theory was not valid. -He was dentist not a doctor.. and clearly a poor one at that. If you still arent convinced veganism is fully supported by science read this: http://www.30bananasaday.com/forum/topics/i-told-you-so-science Also go to www.nutritionfacts.org for even more supporting science. If you still think high fat diets are healthy watch the videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/PrimitiveNutrition Heres one last short video on the WAPF that personally I find hilarious! - I doubt I'll be returning to this thread (its too annoying debating nutrition with stubborn WAPF followers) but Im 99% sure none of this will have any affect on your perception of WAPF and your ideas on nutrition, but I would urge you to PLEASE carefully consider the evidence against your position, for your own sake.. you dont want to be wrong about your health practices!! All the best!
  13. This is my film review/analysis of the film 'After Earth' which features Will and Jaiden Smith, I spent a few days working on this, took me a while but I think ive cracked it.. Im pretty sure the FDR crew will appreciate it! Please leave me any feedback/thoughts you have.. I'd really like to get other people's takes on this, Do you think Im right? Do you think Im 'overthinking' this? Do you think Im an idiot? Whatever feedback you have Id love to hear it!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ_QB7kbOLg
  14. This is a short film that popped up on my f/b this morning.. (does not contain footage of actual war) that I think you guys will definitely find interesting!! Plz share it around! -Its not mine but I think it says a lot.. (without actually saying anything)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWVZMXhbbNA
  15. Hi FDR people! Im from Cornwall UK (as of about a month ago..) and love everything going on at FDR.. I am vegan and I have a 7 month old girl who we are parenting peacefully. I will likely go into my 'family stuff' in another thread. Just wanted to say hi atm.I run my own youtube channel (still very new) and my channel tag is 'OGMizen' on youtube -check it out and give me feedback if you want/can.Holla back homies ! lol
  16. Two great channels on youtube for evidence based nutrition science (both happen to advocate plant based diets)'nutritionfacts.org' -Some really good videos backed up by the best science available.'Plant positive' -A complete debunking of several paleo/low carb 'authorities' and myths.Both are very heavy on science and factual info (and nothing else) -Check em out.Ive been vegan for nearly two years, never have cravings for junk or animal foods. The key is to eat carbohydrates. 80-90%carbs 10%fat 10%protein -eat plenty of fruit, rice, pasta, potatoes etc. until you are stuffed every meal and youll be fine. Take your B12 supps cuz if you dont you will feel thrashed in no time! Hope that helps!
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