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Marshall B

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Everything posted by Marshall B

  1. Recently I've become fascinated by existence. Just the basic fact that we are alive in this moment in time. I think I've always wanted to explore this but it's pretty hard when as a child we are given bs answers as to how and why we got here and told those reasons were the truth. It's confusing as hell and I want to go off an a religion bashing segment but that's not why Im posting. The fact that we have the ability to make decisions. Free will, consciousness etc. Would kids not eat this up? My ears would perk up as a kid anytime someone talked about something regarding ethics or truth. That's why I'm OD'ing on it as an adult. I never had it as a child. Children would love philosophy. Love it. I dream of free market schools where morality, philosophy, reality etc could be studied and discussed on a daily basis. Which brings me to my question. Are talking bears the best way to teach kids about the world. Would they just get bored otherwise? Could we not have people? Most of the Disney movies are jungle animals acting as though they were humans. Jungle book, lion king, Robin Hood etc. When the movies have actual people in them there's magic. Ex: sword in the stone. Anyways Im not real worried my 2.5 year old would try to pet a tiger in the wild but is reality not interesting enough? Do we need silly magic shit? Is there any kind of kids show that's just cool stories of kids being kids? Am I being a grouch? Sorry if so. But to me this all segways into the kids liking these action super hero movies as adults. Never really stopping and appreciating how cool reality is. Yea just boring ole reality where apes turn into super humans, the sun we see on a daily basis is a million times bigger than our earth, and things do fly. Humans being one of those things just not with a superman costume but with a giant steel machine through the sky. I dunno. Maybe it's the 50th time of of watching lion king that got me.
  2. Both those were great. Thx guys. That Lionel guy is a trip. Great voice.
  3. Jeff you absolutely crushed that. Much Thx. Can't wait to forward it on.
  4. I can not believe this took place. Hilarious really. Greatest television show of all time imo.
  5. Peace Revolution School Sucks Complete Liberty
  6. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/6847458
  7. Wow that's good stuff. Was this movie good? Looks good from this clip.
  8. So from that I thought of how my mother says the "those were different times" stuff when talking about the immortality of the old testament. Slavery, rape, murder, sacrifice, etc not being condemned was because people were different meaning that humanity(without God) has moved the needle? But she realizes and admits they are wrong in today's culture. So if we now get that slavery and rape are wrong and we know that had nothing to do with God well then couldn't we have figured out murder and theft and "coveting another mans wife" we're wrong as well? I'm sure somebody has said that more eloquently somewhere but seems like a good argument I've never heard.
  9. I like the guy. A lot actually. He's out there trying. He's talking/giving speeches/trying to move the needle and not just posting on message boards(like me). I'm sure he's flawed somewhere but that type of nitpicking can sound a little "cunty" to people on the fence. Hating on what he's doing kind of feels like the church separating into a million different denominations. It's an argument I've always used against religion. You can't even agree within your own irrationally so it looks silly from the outside. Im probably off somewhere but that's how it feels to me.
  10. Much thx RN that really helped. And Jer is the bottom line the fact that death is overwhelming to some people? That carrot of eternal life is something people don't want to give up. But they also have to function within a somewhat rational world where we've realized the big book is obviously full of silliness. So they morph/pick n chose/ignore certain aspects and accepting others forming their own little God/religion inside their own little brain which is not "keeping it real" with yourself. I know nothing about the Big Bang or pretty much evolution for that matter. But what I can comprehend seems to make a little more sense than.........magic happened! I so much wish we lived in a world where people could just be genuinely curious and say "I dont know?" ....but isn't it a cool mystery! Isn't it awesome!
  11. That was my friends argument against voluntarism.
  12. http://www.vice.com/read/two-kids-died-in-a-house-fire-on-a-reserve-as-firefighters-stayed-put-over-a-3300-unpaid-bill-934
  13. Good question Joel. I'm curious as well. I'm a nashvillian so I'm not too far from you either. Joel I guess I'm an hour and half from you. If you ever come through Nashville let's grab a bite. Would love to talk.
  14. Thanks for sending this. That was great. Didn't finish it but am going to.
  15. Or denim boner's evil sister the cotton camel-toe. Trying to ban yoga pants would have about the same amount of success as trying to bring back prohibition. The public would loves booze and the public loves them some yoga pants and Im with them in that one.
  16. Jello-- Thanks for the feedback. I can go along to get along with the best of them. Talk sports, weather, movies etc no prob. The problem is how often I'm having to do it. If I saw them once a month it wouldn't be a problem but it's far more than that. And as far as her grandparents and extended family, no I don't care to discuss the philosophy of liberty and atheism with them. It's her brothers, sisters, etc. My kids play with their kids and the grandparents are active. Bottom line is I'm not being open and honest enough with them. Not that I always have to be but it's worth another try. One email and one conversation probably isn't enough. They do provide value to me. It's not a strong relationship but there's value in keeping whatever it is in tact. And that may be ok. The lack of serious important conversation just eats at me a bit. I need to learn how to bring it in a more compassionate empathetic way.
  17. Not the white. Had to. Welcome aboard. Have an open mind. Not a "slutty mind" as a pale balding wise man once said. Just open for the purpose of discovering truth within reality. Cause reality is all that exists.
  18. Powder-- Spot on. Friendly with good social skills equals nice. That's what they are. I gotta be honest and think through what I'm going to say. Carl-- yes they "know" and it's all true but "that was a different time and culture" is their response to the evil doings within the bible. DJ-- I'm not sure I know what "cool kids" church means. I'm honestly confused at your post. You state that sort of religious way of thinking is pure silliness and to not waste time then suggest the go along get along route. I'm probably missing something. Why do I want people to think like me?...um becasue it's logical, consistent and nonviolent. What I see in my friends, family, culture, relationships is a lot of wasted potential and that's what's so frustrating. Give up the ghosts and there'd be something real to work from. No awkward topics just reality. If there were magical leprechauns that society was worshipping and praising Id want to shit on them to. Why? Cause fuck superstition that's why. Why fuck superstition?...because it's violence against me in the next life. Which that life does not exist but they think it does and if they happen to be correct in there thinking(which of course they or not) I would be in a completely different(hotter) place than them for all eternity. It's hard for me to get close to someone like that? That should make anyone a little angry.
  19. Much thanks for the responses. Ideally?... For them to become voluntarists and become freedomain radio listener/donars. But that's not too likely so best case scenario is we discuss things openly and try either agree or disagree. I'm the only one that ever brings any of this stuff up. I'll keep being the annoying gadfly I suppose. I just want honesty and a real relationship. I want them to speak openly about their faith. Especially if I'm possibly in danger of burning for all eternity. And yes they believe that. I asked my mother and she 100% believes I am. She said it was a choice I made. I tried to explain to her that it feels more like a threat than a choice but she couldn't see it. She didn't add much value to my life at this point anyways so it's not too much of a change. Rarely saw my kids, rarely ever talked, and she hasn't bothered discussing this stuff with me since we talked which was over a month ago. It's almost as if she's defooed from me. My in-laws when asked if I'm going to hell take the "that's up to God approach". So they know he's real and everything in the bible is true but not sure of what's going to happen to my soul even though it clearly states that it's in pretty bad shape. That's kind of a cowardly response I think.
  20. I'm a bit intimadated and/or hesitate about coming to this forum. I think it's my weak vocabulary and lack of knowledge in world issues but screw it here's how it started for me. A buddy gave me fountainhead(with a dictionary ha) and made me read it. Blew my mind which led to YouTube Milton Friedman, and then stef videos and then realized stef had been on rogan(whom I listened to and loved at the time) which led to the start of freedomain radio. That was a year ago and honestly I can't get enough of it. Being married with kids I can say this has been the most beneficial thing this far in life. Outside of food, clothing shelter etc. It's almost as though it's an unhealthy addiction at times(looking for reasons to leave the house, go to the grocery store, etc) but I think that just speaks to the lack of philisophy and real relationships that are for the first time being exposed for what they really are. I barely have a high school education so my vocabulary and knowledge of history, politics, mathematics, sciences etc is pretty weak. Not that college is the only way to learn about such topics but my family never placed much value on education. Sports yes homework not so much. I was taught(by example) the importance of hard work and that part paid off. Started a business while in high school and didn't care to sit in a classroom when I could be working. It grew year to year and 15 years later I'm doing well in terms of assets but possibly lacking in terms of intellect. So some of you guys(shout out to Kev, etu, shirgall) and gals are so knowledgeable in regards to important world issues, politics, philoshy etc I can barely keep up. I'll listen to some of these podcasts 10x before they make sense. That's my theory on why the peaceful parenting stuff catches on quicker than the other issues. Everyone is either a parent or had some kind of parent in their life. Easy to relate. I listen to school sucks podcast as well and the host(Brett) mentions often that political apathy is something you learn in school along with obedience and conformity. I believe that to be true as well. You leave there uninterested in real world issues. Plus when your body is first discovering sexual desires it's the cool athletic guys like me who were getting the girls most of the time. Why would politics, philoshy, ethics matter? I can throw a football far as shit! So austrian economics, Quantitative easing, fractional reserve banking, etc etc sounded like a foreign language to me a year ago. That being said I love those topics now and am working hard to understand them as well as one can. Not sure what I'm trying to say exactly. I've written down a few dozen questions over the past year or so. I'll post them in the board. Most of them have probably been answered so I'll try and find them first. Anyways thanks for reading and holy shit am I glad this exists. If there are any nashvillians out there Id love to meet up and chat. Peace.
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