My name is Derek. I'm 23 years old and I'm an artistic type, particularly in directing, animating, editing, writing, guitar playing, and drawing. I hope to create many works of wonderful, entertaining and, hopefully, philosophical art. I like many types of heavy metal, techno, classical, I'm starting to get into Japanese pop, anime, kaiju and horror/sci-fi/fantasy.
Of course, I also have an interest in philosophy, which I didn't really have prior to discovering Freedomain Radio. After some time absorbing and exploring things like anarcho-capitalism, self-knowledge, atheism, libertarianism, etc., I feel like the world makes more sense now. Although, with that comes the downside. There are very few, a.k.a. no one, around me who want to talk about things like philosophy, let alone share the same methods to reaching our differing opinions. It's quite lonely, and after spending months contemplating to join or not, I made the choice. So, now I'm here!
I feel confident that I'll like this community very much! I hope to find some connection, friends, possibly collaborators for artistic endeavors, and moral support, as well as join in on meaningful conversations when I can, perhaps giving some of my own guidance and support to others, too.