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Everything posted by scottm

  1. Well the video is actually a direct reply to your comments to me: "When people make voluntary trades that aren't taxed, this dissolves the State. When people have conversations about the fact that government isn't real, they dissolve the State. When people use Bitcoin (as an example), they are dissolving the State. Nobody set out to dissolve the horse and carriage. They made something better and people stopped using horse and carriage organically." The video itself encapsulates my response to that comment in depth. As for your argument to Adam, & this is my opinion of course- operating within the System doesn't eliminate his goal to completely close it down. Example; if i shut down my mafia, thus it stops using violence- it's violence has ended- regardless of being in the System or not. I would agree, political action other than dissolving, or removing laws, or the state itself, would indeed be likely to expand the State. You also have not provided any evidence or logic as to why using the state for the sole purpose to "close it's doors," would expand it's violence... You keep making comments without backing up your claims....
  2. I'll pass your thoughts onto Adam & see if he has a reply. I do see dissolving the State requires more freemarket solutions, than it does top-down. There are certainly concerns about legitimizing the process of Government by trying to dismantle it top-down. However, i think have many freedom lovers pursing multiple approaches (such as Adam's) certainly helps move freedom in the right direction. What is the best solution? Well that's the one that works of course . We wont know for sure what the best solution is- until it proves it'self. My solution is to build FreeMarket Systems which systematically remove revenue from the hands of violent (irrational) actors in Government into the Freemarket. You can see my solution approach in depth in this video:
  3. I'm interested in collaborating with you on something like that or similar. This is why i started my project here, with similar goals (intro to the software): More depth on why i believe this is the solution in this video here (Systems are Stronger than Ideas): PM if you'd like to collaborate.
  4. Interview with Adam Kokesh: shares his Solution for Freedom - #Freedom2020 campaign to Peacefully & Orderly dissolve the #US#Government. I'd love everyone's thoughts, feedback, & comments on the video, the interview, & my show in general- thanks!
  5. I'm actually developing "DeTube" a p2p alternative to YouTube, it's all opensource- i'd love collaborators! See here for more deets:
  6. Side note, have you all looked into Tox? Tox (https://tox.chat/) My quick copy/past of a note I sent to someone else: As for private communications, all solutions are a huge mess. 3 critical issues are: IP / MetaData tracking [ability for all of those services to track to / from, your IP of origin, etc.] Lack of encryption [some of those provide encryption of your message, but not the meta data, & don't often let you own ur encryption keys] Lack of decentralization of course [so all of those services are susceptible to counter-party attack (aka: Government)]. The reality is, no centralized place is safe to send online communications. My recommendation if you want truly private messaging is use: Tox (https://tox.chat/) or FreeNet (https://freenetproject.org/). Freenet is less user-friendly & slow.
  7. Ok... how is this related to #Bitcoin being a pyramid scheme? Can you use an argumentative format such as:
  8. Uhm... #Bitcoin, if you are looking for an asset which is going to have little change & primarily focused on store of value. LISK is an interesting app-development bchain, similar to Ethereum. I'll reserve comments on your alarmism for another time.
  9. There is a lot we can do, like moving Safety solutions into the free market (help me develop UberGuard - a p2p marketplace for Safety solutions to replace Government police): https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/47793-mobileapp-uberguard-a-p2p-marketplace-similar-to-uber-for-safety-services/
  10. I'm building a MobileApp similar to Uber which will enable everyone to have access to all forms of security services & become a provider themselves. The goal is to change the monopoly of Government provided safety services, by building a decentralized (unstoppable) safety services exchange w/ service provider reputation, similar to Uber. What Uber has done for taxis UberGuard will do for safety, including "collective defense" or large-scale threat mitigation. This system will implement ideas based upon: DROs - Dispute Resolution Organizations - typical 3rd party arbitors which can used by freemarket participants to define who will resolves disputes Safety centric Insurance - restitution for all losses, provides public records (similar to credit scores) for thieves so they are motivated to pay back their debt from theft or breach of contract Independent Bodyguards - this service will provide a complete exchange & reputation system so anyone can provide bodyguard services for those who desire them. Security guards - larger scale security operations for corps or neighborhoods Private investigators (PIs) - function as they do today, but without constraints of current gov controls, they are responsible to you & the market. Fire services - similar to today, however they will be much more efficient & likely organized by or funded by insurance plans We'll have more on the development as it matures, along with videos every step of the way to explain it to other developers & the users. Our goal is to build all the freemarket solutions necessary to actually implement freedom today. By using the leverage of market realities, we will drive people to behave rationally (non-violent) as they will not be able to compete / survive in the world, unless they do. Our decentralized p2p centric solutions will build a system of incentives & disincentives which drive non-violent behavior & irrational actors will be priced out of the market & forced to adapt. Join us: Like, Subscribe, Share, Donate to fuel the development of Freedom, today. https://www.youtube.com/c/freedomsolutionsdao
  11. Nice work on this Susana! Id love to have you on my show, to do a "howto" & discuss your experiences. We are all about tangible solutions for freedom & one major aspect id decentralized food production. Would you be interested in doing an interview? E-mail me: [email protected] or shoot me a message here with your contact info. Thanks!
  12. Amazing report & worth the 12$ to buy it! Wow such a huge meta study. News on it: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/04/160425143106.htm http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2016/04/the-strong-evidence-against-spanking/479937/
  13. Stef has some vids on this, just not a single one analyzing these ideas together... i don't see how Objectivism has anything to do with minarchism / statism in general, I feel Ayn Rand wasn't able to finish her logical conclusion on it or she'd realize that her theories of Objectivism actually excludes the idea of Government. I'm actually doing a show on this soon, because a friend, among others need to finalize realize reality Look out for my show here: https://www.youtube.com/c/freedomsolutionsdao Stef's vids:
  14. Hi @eeik i'll check it out for sure, i've heard of Synereo, but didn't realize you were headed into a broader ecosystem. Definitely exciting, i'll check it to see if it aligns with my goals- always excited to see smart people moving freedom forward regardless. Much appreciated!
  15. Obvious but amazing stuff for Statists to learn about: http://usuncut.com/politics/dnc-media-rigged-primary-clinton/
  16. He's got a bunch of them, this one is great & matches your criteria:
  17. Just wanted to say thank you Stefan & Mike for the hard work you do, the wonderful philosophy you bring to the world & these forums. I never really payed attention to them in the past. I'm so impressed with the ecosystem of FDR geniuses- IQs are through the roof here- it's like an oasis in the internet . Now i just need to make time to read every thread. Thanks again, Stef, Mike, & everyone on these forums. Proud of my fellow humans today.
  18. Noticed the old Montana thread was closed, just as I wanted to post! Lets get a regular meet up going. PM me if this thread gets archived, i love to connect with local freedom loving Montanans. Also check out http://www.freemt.org/move-to-mt---faq.html they are like the FSP, without the "State" part .
  19. scottm


    Helping out with the link: Just post a link to the video, the forums *should* create a preview for you. No need for an iframe... Use this link (it's the actual link). Although testing it just now, seems the forums don't interpret FB videos... www.facebook.com%2Fdamen.e.liebling%2Fvideos%2F10101718320005036%2F
  20. Obviously Story for Your Enslavement is close: But something more flashy, more conceise, and marketing stylized to reel them in... thoughts?
  21. Love the mashup, of course, it's lots of quotes taken out of context- which while we know to be true, isn't what was said... just be cautious with that. It's been done to us for so long..
  22. Why don't we have one of our own for AnCaps? We need some kick ass marketing: Love the message at the end: "Be a Libertarian" & build epic shit... need to change that to Be AnCap build, live, play-free or something... I'll help pay for it & i found a videographer. Is anyone else working on a similar project?
  23. Still looking sadly- anyone? anyone?
  24. Bitcoin (CryptoCurrencies), Gold, etc... & credit would be peer to peer provided w/ ROI (return on investment %)- think Prosper, etc., less the fractional reserve that banking does today. That said, banks are not inherently broken, the Fiat (printed) currency is. Some banks in a free world would chose fractional reserve & some wouldn't.
  25. Added a new video & this particular one, i'd extensive feedback on. It's about a 1st principle that's extremely important & I want to ensure it's battle tested by logic beyond my immediate circle- please give me your thoughts on: "Systems Stronger than Ideas." -
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