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Everything posted by Ravate
It is common knowledge that many people in America are dissatisfied with the candidates nominated by our two-party system. The rift between the two sides, Republican, and Democrat has grown in recent years and divides us still. I look abroad at Germany and the United Kingdom at their Multi-Party systems and speculate on what that would look like here. For instance, Bernie Sanders is running for the Democratic Nomination, but because of the rigged system of the Democratic Primary, Super Delegates are chosen to ensure the nomination of the powerful, not of the people. If we were a nation of reason then the Independent voters who are the majority of them as it happens, would have their own candidate Mr. Sanders, and the Libertarians would have theirs, and so fourth. Is this concept unfair? I merely suggest that as a Republic our two-party system is failing to bring fourth a acceptable candidate for the seat of ultimate power in our country. If we were truly to embrace the mantle of a Global power, then we would accept a Multi-Party system to show tolerance and evolution in our political structure. Our states would grow stronger and more independent, and our country would strengthen beside them. If we claim to be a bastion of Democracy than we should listen closely to the majority, whether we agree is not the issue. It is upon the mantle of the elected to be voices for the people they represent, personal agendas are in themselves corruption.
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Anyone familiar with Monty Python would be familiar to logic used incorrectly. The only thing I am interested in however, are the cases wherein a universal law has an exception. A break in physics so to speak, only the ones which modern science does not have the capacity to deny, or to realize as true. Are there any examples you know of, which involves any cases on inexplicable faults in what we know to be scientifically true?
Perhaps this is why this topic is titled "Coming Out". It is obvious by the amount of disrespect for his belief, that we "philosophers" are not being very gracious hosts for this person. Everyone has the right to express their own beliefs in their own way without interference from any other person. Therefore basing this off what I have read here, none of you have any better ideas about this other than paranoid skepticism. If anyone would like to have a real, and authentic discussion about this then I would suggest contacting him personally. After all, you should never join a debate without being willing to change your own view on the topic being argued. Otherwise you are wasting your time. I have noticed that some of you seem genuinely interested to learn exactly what his beliefs are, have you ever considered attending a church? You will often discover that the best way to see both sides of the great question is to take part in all aspects of it, rather than the dogmatic view of one side or the other.
A man of good faith has nothing to fear in this community, it's just that nearly everything to a point of discretion is up for debate.
A ponderous concept, to a end. I believe what Wasatchman is trying to say is, "imagine the infinite potential". Not a very fulfilling pastime, for as long as men are mortal time will always be a precious resource. In fact every time I look at a clock, each time it ticks I think to myself "closer to death, closer to death, closer to death". His mention of the human population being told to live in a limited environment is rather accurate however, they say to us, save what you can! Recycle! Prepare! Stock up! Etc... It is a pity that general humanity is so shallow and faithless. If they really wanted to do something helpful, they should stop speaking. After all the first thing to do when you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging. What interests me is how many people blindly follow orders, without question, and without even knowing where they come from, or to what purpose it intends. I suppose that's what set's us apart from them, we seek those mysteries. As for myself, I would say for us humans to use what we have in abundance today, to invest in what we will have in abundance always, thus being renewable resources. Still finite for sure, but a much safer path than the precarious guessing game played by fossil fuel. I'm not saying there is any indicator that we are running up on time for using it, for all we know we could have enough oil in the world to last another 5,000 years. But the main point that is trying to be reached here is, there is a finite amount. Eventually we will run out and then people will be forced to change whether or not they want to. A rather grim perspective, but it's mine & I will gladly open it up to further debate & discussion.
Precisely. I'm surprised anyone noticed. Congradulations. Anyway, on we go.
I find it incredibly useful to chat about nothing in particular whatsoever, to no audience in general. For ironically it is in times such as those, that I produce the most elucidating comments, and ideas. Therefore, in lieu of dramatic potential for nothingness, I hereby open this topic to anyone looking for a good debate, any topic is open for discussion, permitting it follows the guidelines. Preferably appropriate and in good taste, if so more power to you, if not well then you're up for discussion yourself. Allow me to begin with a few words, Upholstery, Obeisance, Flabbergasted, Jovial, Banalities. Enjoy, and please note, nothing of consequence or of any potential value to actual debate is allowed, for I would like to keep thing's light here.
Logic as defined, is sound reasoning that validates a claim. However, there always seems to be a confrontation about what is true, and what is a fabrication. Sometimes Logic can seem to point the wrong way, there are instances in which it can even seem false. However, Logic is fact based, therefore we can rest assured in it's hypothesis. But I am wondering, are there any circumstances known to any of you, in which Logic is not valid? Any true scenario in which Logic really was proven, to be inaccurate? Please let me know of any you think of, good day. -Ravate.
Agreed, it was nice meeting you as well Lee. I also would agree with your statement here. The solutions being very counterintuitive, which you would expect when we grow up with so much government propaganda about how government stopped racism and the two party system represents a substantive differences and that we're spreading democracy all over the world, and all of that. Which I'm sure you'd mostly agree with is blatant propaganda. This is quite true, and I watched the podcasts they do clarify the definition of Anarchy very well. Thank you for correcting me,
Because it is my belief that a ungoverned people would fall into chaos. Not like a civil war, but rather as a moral war. The good, who naturally want to do and be good, and the wicked who abuse that natural goodness. No I do not believe in total anarchy. Rather I believe in a very small controlled government, not meant to make or enforce laws. But rather to safeguard the harmony no government would cause, without the threat of chaos to ensue. I believe that the people could run a society by themselves, if there was such a small government just to hold them accountable for their own actions. For I just do not see how a numerous population could exist in peace by themselves, violence would break out because people have a natural curse of being unable to make opinions meet. I agree saying leave the people alone, to make their own path, you might say there would be those in such a society who would act as a kind of militia to keep the peace, bounty hunters or what you will. But there is no limit to the corruption power can imbue. No, I do not believe in a perfect Anarchy. I hope I am being clear, please indicate otherwise if I am not and I will clarify, Thank you.
I would not classify myself as Anarchist, however I see what you mean. It is true that I share certain ideals with Anarchy, but I can say the same for most other ideologies. To your question They are indeed related, however they have developed separately. Both can similarly affect the other, but they were not cultivated as such. My loyalty has been tempered from compulsion, to choice. Now I am far more in control of myself, then I was when I became utterly devoted to certain people, later to be branded as idiots. Thank you Kevin, for your warm welcome.
Hello, I am Ravate. First a bit about myself and my history. I am a stalwart ENTP for those among you who care about personality. I am also a very avid supporter of charity, and benevolence for those among you who care about character. For those of you who care about politics, I do not fancy any political party, rather I consider myself to be an idealist who believes in what is just and true. I am a gracious American citizen, who values and appreciates the opportunities granted by my birth into this country. However I am concerned by the path of those in power over us, and I do mean over us for while America is free nation, they have power over us. Therefore what is free is defined by them, so that they may control or utterly annihilate those who are a threat to the system they built. Such is one reason why I do not follow any political party. I am a deeply religious man, who values ethics and who respects the path of all men, whether or not our opinions meet is irrelevant for people are people in my eyes. I honor traditions, yet do not let them define who I am, I carve my path through my decisions and so far I have done very well. I view life through many perspectives as to not lose my train of thought, it also helps me to appreciate all things in life to the best of my ability. Therefore I believe it has made me a happier man. I am a direct enemy to intolerance, racism, hate, violence, slavery, and the support of it. I am also a enemy to those who try to stop human progress, and scientific truth. I fully support reason, logic, and cultural growth, and I have often helped show others around me what a boon they can be in a community. I believe in the goodness of all men, and I am forgiving, for I believe those who we call evil have once been just as repulsed by the actions they now commit as we are now. I think all they need is a new perspective, and they would stop in their tracks and cry for what they have done, and are doing. It is a matter of getting to that point, that is the struggle we face, well at least I do. Now some more about my history. I have been a intuitive thinker since my earliest childhood, I have always strived to find a new way to a goal, what can I say I like to make my own path rather than trusting the system. I am quick to admit my mistakes, for I realized long ago that truth is progress, and it is just not wise to hold onto a false ideal. Loyalty is important to me, I can grow to be loyal to almost a foolish degree, for it is just who I am, overly trusting. I can quite honestly state that it is a fantastic quality when trying to make friends fast, but it is the opposite when trying to judge the character of those people. All it took was one mistake to shatter that sense of loyalty, and it was a grave mistake indeed, leading ultimately to the imprisonment of that person for his actions, need I say more? However it has made me a little wiser for the ware, and for that I am grateful. Anyway, that's enough about me for now. I do so look forward to meeting you all, this will be quite beneficial for all of us I should think, Good day. -Ravate.