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Everything posted by Donnadogsoth

  1. I can make my claim using the apparatus I have been loaned, my mind and body. Your concept of self-ownership is absolutely invalid and leads toward bizarre stances such as the quietism you have displayed regarding this most crucial modern election. That you can be ungrateful for the opportunity victory has supplied remains your choice.
  2. Inexorably I will have a political discussion with a branch of my family who do not support Trump. Neither I nor they have raised the subject, but sooner or later it will surface. I will explain it in terms of globalism versus nationalism. Either we move towards the ever greater "bigness" of international socialism, making government completely remote and unaccountable to the people, whilst erasing Nation-States themselves as their populations, territories, and capital will be absorbed into global empire, or we go the other direction, towards nationalist governments accountable to the population, including concern for the maintenance of the majority population and the living principles and traditions that define the respective Nations. In that light, ask, what would we expect a nationalist President would do, to preserve his Nation? What would a globalist do, to do the opposite? And if the no-longer-perfectly-mainstream media is aligned with the latter, how would we expect them to talk about the possibility of a nationalist leader versus a globalist?
  3. Infowars reports on the wave of violence against perceived people and institutional symbols supportive of President-Elect Trump. The Robert E. Lee memorial defacement is telling: the salient coloured elements have gotten wind that their barbarism may well not be tolerated for very long, so they attack symbols of white normalcy, nobility, and decency--including the flag. White churches should be on alert, as should white people in general, especially those ballsy enough to maintain a sartorial Trump presence. More (The New Observer). More (intimations of violent conflict to come).
  4. "Being offended doesn't work any more! Throwing insults doesn't work ANY MORE!"
  5. Yes, the key point to realise is that having national borders is a divisive and discriminatory act.
  6. Yes, it may well be that just as the character of America is in large part defined by European ancestry and European-derived culture, it is also defined by the ongoing Christian character of its social organism. Wood argues that America is not merely Christian in demographic, or in founding principles, but in the necessity for Christianity as a lived idea that is needed to overcome and temper the tendency of the chaotic democratic masses to simply vote themselves into hedonistic oblivion in the name of "freedom". Why the United States Is a Christian Nation (David Wood)
  7. You are a doctrinaire devotee of a false principle (self ownership). Unless Americans have just elected a dictator, which I suppose is possible, you will benefit from the coming reduction of internationalist socialism and its associate flyspecks. You're welcome.
  8. Good find shirgall. I'll emphasise that tabletop role-playing games (TRPG) puts you primarily in your mind whereas visual fantasy products like comic books, films, and videogames put you primarily in someone else's mind. The visual elements of TRPGs such as fantasy art, miniatures, and maps, are springboards for the imaginative element the participant himself brings. Now we are swamped with fantasy visuals and I'm sure our imaginations are all the limper for it. Why imagine when everything is done for you?--everything, that is, except the discovery of the joy of creating your own organising fantasies. As our bodies are fattened at the modern smorgasbord, so are our minds.
  9. Hillary Clinton Will Start World War III "Throughout her campaign for President of the United States, Hillary Clinton has seized upon every opportunity to demonize Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin. She has accused him of interfering in the U.S. presidential elections through sophisticated cyber-warfare. She has accused Putin and Russia of plotting an invasion and reconquest of the three Baltic States, which all happen to be members of the NATO Alliance. She has accused Putin and Russia of grabbing the Crimea and of plotting to take over eastern Ukraine, totally ignoring the fact that her longtime protege, Victoria Nuland, oversaw the bloody Maidan coup that installed a Banderist, pro-fascist regime in power in Kiev. She has charged Russia with war crimes and other atrocities in Syria, as the Obama Administration, in which she served, backs jihadists from Al Qaeda and allied foreign terrorist groups in their grab for power in Damascus. "Clinton and her campaign surrogates have even accused Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump of being a KGB dupe or asset, simply on the basis of the GOP nominee’s pledge to negotiate with Russia, and his acknowledgement that Putin is a strong leader—something that Clinton herself seems to be acknowledging, given her larger-than-life accusations that the Russian leader is out to conquer the world. "All of this would be tragi-comic, were it not for the real-world consequences. If Hillary Clinton is elected President on Nov. 8, there is a greatly heightened probability that her actions will rapidly lead to confrontation with Russia—and that will assuredly lead to World War III, a war fought on a global scale with thermonuclear weapons, meaning the end of life on Earth as we know it." And from LaRouchePAC: "Although no one has even pointed out the reality of this new national mood until today, candidate Donald Trump nevertheless responded to it in his own way during late October, when he publicly endorsed Glass-Steagall, and called for a revival of NASA and its commitment to deep space exploration. He also pointed out that a President Hillary Clinton would launch World War III against Russia, as Lyndon LaRouche has long shown."
  10. I'm inclined to agree, Germ-a-knee. The country can't withstand "the swamp" of political and moral and educative values forever without rotting out. Consider how many people now have no problem accepting illegal aliens as citizens. Why stop there? Why not have "citizens" who "happen" to live outside the USA vote? Why shouldn't the people of Brazil vote to help determine the outcome of the US Presidential election? What, are you against diversity? Are you Amerocentric? Are you racist? Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)
  11. Comedy gold from preeminent jokester Kanye West. The next stop: make whites pay more to listen to black music: a "slaver premium". Then, ban whites from listening to black music altogether. Listening to black music will then become a revolutionary white act!
  12. The government is people and many people can be individually persuaded through stick and carrot into joining or at least not opposing the new administration. From past experience Trump will know the basic principles of how to surround himself with people who will help him do what he wants. And when it comes to gravy trains, he's got the military on board, he's at least in theory got industry, and he's got the tattered remnants of the Republican party, including however the Senate and Congress are going to shake down. Who is going to assassinate him from within government circles? PBS? IRS? I would agree the assassination threat is real, but it won't be the whole government attacking King Trump; he'll probably get a chance to consolidate his turf.
  13. Envy Multiculturalism Hedonism The Death Wish Futurism Romanticism Cynicism Fatalism and of course the ultimate: Custom
  14. They're not creating a more perfect union...just the opposite.
  15. Trump's greatest asset he brings to the Presidency is his familiarity with bankruptcy. If he can use Glass-Steagall and similar laws to lop off the derivatives bubble, let it pop, while saving the physical economy he will have saved the country from the speculators, and that will mean he was the right choice.
  16. Trump will win. US politics comes in three-generation cycles, approximately 72 years between transformational politicians. George Washington (1779)---Abraham Lincoln (1861)---Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933)--- and now the Trump train is running a little late but should steam into the station in about seven days.
  17. My entire life I've been surrounded by songs with lyrics that are either (a) cryptic, (b) drowned by instrumentation, or © both. Was this the norm throughout history? Did bards and other singers from earlier times spool out cryptic verbiage obscured by wailing instrumentation? Or is this a uniquely modern Western phenomenon?
  18. Would you like some total strangers to come live in your house? You're an immigrant to your house, aren't you? What gives you the right to refuse people entry to your house?
  19. You're right, I could be doing more. But what? How can we save the election for Trump? We've got ten days. What should we do? I'm not in the position to donate, and I don't live in the US (though I know I will be affected by the election outcome). EDIT: I apologise for coming across as un-Christian, to dsayers. It is not my intent to paint anyone black. Dsayers appears to have integrity and the courage of his convictions even if his argument against voting is wrong and is, in principle, from a societal perspective, suicidal.
  20. Should the farmer who doesn't know Sol will rise tomorrow still plant his crops?
  21. The asylum's patient body can only be cured through careful, generational applications of higher culture, administered by the cultural vanguard that is also attempting to take control of the asylum proper politically. This vanguard stands for the republican (small-r) model of human relations, as opposed to the oligarchical. This means politicking within the system as it stands, while developing an understanding of higher culture, specifically principled culture, in order to become better doctors.
  22. I believe my second sentence (fragment), quoted above, is the absolute truth about dsayers, on this matter. And the rest isn't all that far off if hyperbolic for satirical effect. As was put elsewhere, the house is on fire, but let's stay in the parlour congratulating ourselves on how we are more principled than fire is.
  23. I believe you. You'd really rather see the country burn for the sake of your foolish pride in upholding your false principle of self-ownership, than vote to ameliorate the harm that the corrupt establishment is wreaking on you and those you love, and those you don't love, too, by taking this once-in-a-lifetime chance to stick an anti-establishment renegade in the White House. You'd really like Glass-Steagall to never be reinstated, you'd really love more toxic free trade deals, and you're just messing yourself thinking about all those immigrants both legal and illegal that are going to be flooding the country. And, if Trump loses, take additional comfort in the spike in white male suicides aged 40-60--hey, they're all committing the ultimate act of self-will! Hoo-ray for self-ownership! Hoo-ray for principles!
  24. Suppose you have ESP and can see that the voting tallies for the two candidates are exactly equal. Remember, the first will steal everything you own and the second will steal 20% less money from you than the outgoing government did. One vote will elect the second, and say by a quirk of the voting system a tie means the former will win. You're the last voter. Your vote decides it. Do you vote for the second and save your property, or do you abstain from voting because your are such a righteous fellow and hand your home, your car, your bank account, and your clothes and other possessions to the incumbent victor? What do you think Stefan would do? WWSD?
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