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Everything posted by Frederik

  1. Hey Christopher - welcome! I'm happy for that you seem to have found something sustainable, and which will have a tremendous positive impact on the world! IFS, Miller and Journaling sounds fantastic. I am sceptical if you will enjoy posting on this board regularly, and I'm interested to see how that goes. All the best to you! Frederik
  2. Though I don't have any trouble understanding Stef (when listening to it with monitor headphones behind an audio interface) but indeed the voice is boomy and muddy and overall not enjoyable to listen to. There also seems to be a high frequency noise which is unpleasent. The tutorial looks, or should I say sounds very convincing. (There is a slight error in the link - delete the 'w' after 'music' and you'll be fine.) I would very much appreciate if the sound quality were to be raised to an up-to-date level since I believe it really makes a difference. If the microphone is lacking the potential, not even $100 have to be spent for a quality condenser microphone sufficient for podcasting and I would be happy to contribute for that purpose.
  3. WOW! This is one of the most inspirational posts I have read on the board so far. You sound like the coolest mom ever! If I were the state, I would fear you guys. I would have probably done the same, which is to try to scare you into conformity. But you seem to be an excellent example of that it is not so much about what happens to you, but how you deal with it! I am still young but I don't want to work 9-to-5 ever, and I don't want to stay in my home country. I share the desire to be free to move, and so I am working towards building a passive income, while also getting rid of most of my 'stuff'. Your blog looks fantastic and I can only imagine how happy you are! Cheers
  4. Those are my life-changing favorites: 80/10/10 by Douglas Graham (healthy lifestyle) The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida (understanding my masculine nature) Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki (basic financial literacy) Real-Time Relationships by... Stef (philosophy for personal freedom)
  5. I went from 64 kg to 54 kg in ~3 months without trying, never ever calorie-restrict, take no medication (and got rid of one), am very lean, can run 10 km in 37:19, can hold 4.5 W/kg for an hour (for the cyclists , can do 130 deep bodyweight squats in ~2:25, take no drugs or stimulants whatsoever (no caffeine!), have clean and glowing skin, have no joint or backpain even when running 80 or cycling 350 km in a week, have excellent problem-free digestion, eat as much as I want at every meal (and that is a lot - avg. 3,200 kcal per day, up to 4,500 kcal (small body!)), have minimal to non-existent body odor, learned to read and respect my body's signals, supplement only vitamin B12, and this is some of the advice I follow: The 80/10/10 Diet http://www.amazon.com/The-80-10-Diet/dp/1893831248 If you are interested in finding out more about a healthy high-carb low-fat plant-based diet and endurance athleticism, I love to talk about it.
  6. Do you see a difference between thought journaling and journaling? My opinion is based on the premise that there is no difference. As someone who journals regularly since two years thinking about the idea of making at least some sections public non-anonomously doesn't feel comfortable to me (I assumed that in such a section posts would not be anonomous). Without question I came to the conclusion that daily journaling is highly beneficial for me, fundamentally because it helps keeping me more conscious. I have good experiences with a mandatory daily journaling session before going to bed. I don't yet see the benefit of making a journal public that would justify the potential negative (side-)effect(s) of it. Have you experience with journaling? Where do you think lies the benefit of making a session public vs. keeping it private? Would you like to volunteer and share your thoughts?
  7. Sorry, but I don't feel like engaging in any further discussions with you.
  8. I was referring to the thread title and how it corresponds to the actual content of the post. Usually threads are opened to discuss something, and not share a video. In my opinion, a better thread title would have been: "Video: Without government who is going to feed the homeless??" (still misleading) "Video: 90-yo arrested for [...]" (preferred)
  9. I find your thread title is misleading. It sounds like you were asking an actual question instead of just posting a video on that topic. I, like many, don't want to be mislead. Maybe you want to consider that for the future.
  10. Geez, you are so right in that not everybody is about the truth. Seriously. It's also quite depressing, but hey - this is the world we live in.
  11. Hey Kylek - I'm not sure if you think this is the appropriate place, but I'd like to ask you the simple question Why are you actively searching for a girlfriend [on an online dating platform]? Feel free to answer in a PM.
  12. Greetings! I liked your post. The table of contents looks ambitious indeed and I would be quite tempted to read some of the chapters. I encourage your intent on challanging Stef on determinism. I have not yet looked into that topic. Funnily I'm the third guy in this thread that is trying to bring awareness to a differing viewpoint on a topic. For me it is broadly that of a holistic approach to health and nutrition. I know that an overweight middle-aged cancer-surviver will not be thrilled to hear more about how lifestyle choices are the major influence on health, but with time plus reason and evidence ... we might get there someday In that sense I wish you the best in pursuing what feels right to you. I am certainly open and interested to hear your stance on determinism. Cheers
  13. Sounds good. Welcome on board!
  14. I think you are exactly right in describing that a therapist can only help to the degree he himself is helped. To protect yourself from the damage that can be done in dealing with a problem that the therapist himself has not dealt with I would pay attention to which extend he is capable of admitting fault, failure, lack of knowledge. A therapist who is perfectly able to say to you "Unfortunately I feel I cannot help you in this regard since I struggle with that issue, also. I'm sorry for that." is, in my eyes, of great value in any case. I also think it's quite obvious that there are better or worse therapists, always. Reading your posts I get the impression you denounce "FDR therapists" in general. What exactly do you base that assertion on? Clearly off-topic, but I just realized: therapist ... the...rapist. Scary.
  15. Please describe your current life situation. Do you have something to do with yourself? How content are you with yourself? What are the people like that you surround yourself with? Are you financially secure? Do you find yourself attractive? etc.
  16. I absolutely agree to what you wrote. Where we probably disagree on is whether style of teaching is reasonable or beneficial. I actually don't have a problem with it, and I don't know exactly why but this might be some reasons: The Woman of a Superior Man lets her man guide her and she will quickly find out what she can ask for. The book is about excellence. In an excellent relationship, wants are generally met; unreasonable wants are never expressed (thus refusal is unnecessary). A Superior Woman is actually not supposed to be strong in the masculine sense - she only strongly expresses her feminine essence. In my opinion that's one of the key elements of Deida's philosophy: The Superior Man is supposed to fully develop and express his masculine force and direction, so that her woman can fully trust him and can let go of her masculine capacity. (Please note that in this sense, the book is highly empowering for women.) I think my last point might be the most important one where our opinions might differ. I totally respect your opinion! Thanks, I really like your explanation. It makes a lot of sense to me and I will definitely think about that more. I absolutely see your point. Please refer to my bullet points above for why I don't think this is a problem. Yes, my "solution" is definitely not the only one. I can't say much about whether Deida should have included all those aspects, though what's for certain is that your suggestions are very essential and worth discussing. PS: I'm a bit confused - is your mega long brightly colored post deleted and this post followed shortly after? Sorry that I did not answer right away -- I simply was not willing to go through such a lengthy discussion back then.
  17. You did not answer my question. Why should any women's advice be incluced in a book dealing with advice for men? Could you please quote Deida on women's personal growth being optional? Where does Deida point out that women don't want to self improve? You assume women are socially-conditioned to repeat the same mistakes as the first woman. That implies either 1. All women behave the same. I don't agree with that. or 2. The man chooses the same girl with a different name, in which case their seperation would have been totally unnecessary. This is the man's fault and a soluable dilemma.
  18. I hear ya. I have 90 books on my wishlists on Amazon and it doesn't end there. [TWotSM is a must-read, though] So regarding shit tests... Aren't those games basically played by 'bitches' or girls who are not truly interested in you? I mean, a 10 would never be mean to a man which she considers to be a 10, too. I say that because, well, in another book, The Game (highly recommended), it is pretty obvious that PUAs are factually not successful with women even by lower standards, meaning they don't often get the sex and are definitely not finding a 10 for their life that way (which isn't their primary goal anyways). My theory: Girl's shit tests are qualitatively equal to PUA's routines and thus part of dysfunctional interaction. Well, I think what was writing wasn't true, because those games are part of healthy relationships, too, according to Deida and it makes much sense (she wants to feel your Shiva, the divine masculine: imperturbable, totally loving, fully present, and all-pervading) I guess my point is just that we have to be cautious to distinguish between shit tests and bitching (i.e. she truly isn't interested or she isn't virtuous).
  19. Apparently you are strong at finding the negative, the downside in everything! Your comment is like saying "a study of philosophy is very useful to understand social dynamics and political happenings and a thousand other things, BUT it may make you too intelligent and miserable, so be VERY careful educating yourself on philosophy, it's DANGEROUS." C'mon, dude. TWotSM is written for men so why should any women's advice be included? If the girl doesn't like who you are and does not support you in your decisions, go your own way. Problem solved. How in the world is that an insoluble dilemma?
  20. Did you read The Way of the Superior Man? As a total woman noob I learned a megaton about the game by reading it.
  21. Reading what you've written somehow makes me feel bad. It seems our views about women differ greatly, and maybe even that strongly that I don't think it would be a good idea for me to engage in a discussion with you at all. I'm sorry for that - I should have not asked that question.
  22. May I ask what your history with intimate and platonic relationships with women looks like?
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