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Everything posted by aliasneo

  1. A morbidly obese man walks into a night club... Sounds like a joke, right? This frustrates me because everyone around him is encouraging him to "keep doing what you're doing," but I just want to tell him "Run! Run for you life! You are in danger! Enjoy the party, but don't expect to meet good people from this experience. Just keep running until you catch up with yourself." I just feel very sad about this, and I agree. The whole thing seems self serving and enabling... I want to say, "Put down the food, pick up some free weights or a gym membership, and lose your "friends" before you lose yourself." Would you, being in his shoes, rather hear the truth or emotional pandering?
  2. Obese bullied man gets laughed out of a dance club and humiliated online. Soon after, he's getting a "dance party" hosted by celebrities? I'm trying to be positive about this, but something doesn't feel right. What are your thoughts? This story is trending on Facebook right now and it's getting overwhelmingly positive feedback.
  3. I'm very sensitive, but I don't think I'm overly sensitive. I respect her restraint from showing all of her frustration. Maybe she was having a bad day. Maybe what she recorded wasn't her initial reaction. I don't really care. It could have been better and it could have been worse. Yes. Her daughter is very loving, but so was I as a child and my parents were definitely not the reason. Children are naturally kind because kindness is a very viable survival strategy (in a friendly environment).
  4. Just dance! Shake what your momma gave you because it's yours. "Thanks for the gift of life, ma. I never asked for it, but I'm here now and I'm going to do what makes me feel good. I hope to see you in the future! I'm going to go dance now!" - an actual conversation. Exercise is good, but a lot of people see it as a boring, tedious chore. Don't be afraid to use your imagination and create your own exercises. Last week, I went outside and pretended the mole hills in my yard were landmines and I had to keep the cats away and lead them to safety. I ran, dove, crept slowly, jumped and when I was done, I forgot it was even winter outside. LOL
  5. I dislike the "shrodinger's cat" experiment very much. The cat is either alive or dead (never both). I think theoretical physicists like to beat that dead cat in order to collect a paycheck from the government whilst contributing almost nothing to science. ...rant over To be honest, I found it very difficult to make it through your post, what with all the elaboration and self-deprecation. I think I absorbed the context of the overall work, and my opinion is: I don't know what the future holds, but I can feel the nature of things changing. I see commercials on TV sometimes that I would have never even have imagined legal nowadays (e cigs, for example). Humanity is constantly changing, I think mostly, for the better. Embrace your base biology. We can learn a lot from animals (in the wild). Welcome to the world of the real
  6. This video is heartwarming, yet heartbreaking. The girl is most likely getting, from the cow, what she feels she's lacking in everyday life. The mother comes around in the end, but IMO, her initial reaction was very "MeMeMe...(my porch, my tree, my cow, 'my' daughter, holy cow, my oh my...)." Followed by mockery and condescension, and then when it's okay to her, it's a joke, it's cute...but it's mostly about the adoration for the cow. I might be drawing on personal experience here. Parenting has come a long way, but I think it still has a long way to go.
  7. Do you have anyone to spend your date of birth with? If not, how have your birthdays been in the past? You can probably guess how mine have been by the questions above...
  8. Hello from a fellow widwesterner, eh. Iliinois myself, but I'm looking to move anywhere else... LOL
  9. Very good job for making this post. I know it must have been difficult, but congratulations for making it to this point. I hope your experience here is very helpful. This is a very good community. Have you ever had problems talking about subjects like this in the past, such as with your family, teachers, friends...? Welcome to the community. I hope you're going to do stick around for a long time. With your screen name, I can tell you have a lot of peace now in your life or you're well on your way.
  10. Why is a 10 year old automatically incompetent and an adult competent? I think it's wrong, but that falls under personal opinion. There is no definitive 'competency test' that I know of, but "statutory rape" is a law and laws are hypocritical because they're not UPB-compliant. In my head, sex between two consenting people is fine as long as both people think about it for a long time (semantics), weigh the pros and cons, etc. There are just too many variables in this hypothetical. What if the old person is retarded and the 10 year old is a genius. What if the 10 year old is an undercover cop? What if, what if...? No offense by any of this. I love this post and all the replies. Stay curious, my friends.
  11. Oh no, not another "mental illness!" I already have too many as it is, according to them. LOL Big Pig Pharma and their mistress, the AMA, is a joke. I've got a prescription for them: a boatload of truth, a little bit of self control, and something I like to call "Leave us alone and get a real job!"
  12. Hello Freedom lovers and lovers of all, My name is A aron (I spell it like that because I usually say it like that). I'm not very pleased with the way I communicate in words, as I tend to ramble (tangent city, amerite?). I communicate better through poems, body language, art and the like. I'm hoping this community will help me to become a better communicator. I don't care what people think of me, as long as I'm communicating the truth or we're all trying to figure out what is the truth together. I got fired from my last job for speaking the truth, I think. That and dancing for/conversing with/entertaining customers (who requested it, but none of it can be proven because I was on a "probationary period" (they don't 'have to' give a reason for firing me) but I have caught them lying and breaking their own rules (and laws) several times. Hypocrites annoy me. I am a little bit of a rebel when I feel threatened, so I apologize in advance if I "rub anyone the wrong way." Please let me know at your first hint of that feeling. I'm very sensitive, but I'm not offended very easily. Some of my posts might be considered controversial,but I'm getting better at recognizing the (dis)comfort limitations of others. People (geographically close to me) find me annoying. I have a few different modes: Unbelievably pleasant (almost sycophantic, which I dislike very much), annoying (talkative and energetic) and scary (scary is for when I feel threatened and I don't like scaring people, but I love horror movies and scaring myself). These are the opinions (parentheticals aside) of others and not my own. I think I am the nicest person I've ever met. I love to dance and learn (almost anything). I like to keep myself busy by multitasking (usually a few or more things at a time. I love nutrition. When I feel hungry, I like to think: what does my body need right now (protein, carbs, hydration, vitamins, sunlight, exercise, social interaction, etc.)? Nothing is off topic to me, but if I feel like a person is trying to manipulate me, I'll be direct and tell them, usually derailing said topic. I don't like telling people what to do and I think it's a waste of time (this is especially true of the reverse). I was raised to be a sycophant and I kind of turned it on its' head. I like to entertain people, but I love to give people what they need instead of what they "want." I think that's good for now. I'm looking forward to meeting new free thinking people, and thank you for reading this sentence. -A aron
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