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Everything posted by Coonage
Using dogs to hunt rabbits, does not make them "alike." Not in any sense of the word. As far as the progression of IQ through generations, I can only think about the stability of the household/upbringing, and it's positive effect on development, as being responsible for the dramatic increase. A 6'5" man, forced to spend his life on all fours, can hardly be considered 'tall.' While I think there exists in many, the genetic potential for exceptional IQ scores; I think far too many people are never given the right conditions, under which to flourish and reach full potential.
Aha, yes sir! Too much "Akbar" in the news these days, eh. According to Canadian law, as gun owners (especially as RPAL holders) these men are already 'criminals in waiting.' Is that 'terrorism inclusion' a result of C-51, or was that the existing law before that piece of legislation? "...or compelling a person, a government or...." like how they just snuck themselves into that definition. I don't think 'terrorism' should include civilian action against the government (action up to, and including violence). Well, I don't like that buzzword "terrorist" much anyways. Too close to the buzzword of the left ("racist") for comfort. Just curious why the government is allowed to break the very law, they claim to be enforcing; all the while enjoying the protection from the very legislation...technically they themselves are guilty of breaking. Welcome to the forum, sweathog1!
Food for thought: Is attempting to prevent a political change, "a political change" in itself? Hmmm? Also, the definition speaks of intimidation and violence, more so than it does "use of force." Intimidation, yes. Violence, no. Plus, this is a movement "for the common good" of the people, and not just the self-interest of those committing the act. I think that "good guys" get a pass on things otherwise called "terrorism" as long as they are in fact, doing for the common good (pathway to hell....am I right?). The timing of this move is highly suspect though. Smells "trappy." (queue Admiral Akbar impression )
Terrorists? Lol! "Patriots" taking a big risk for love of their fellow countrymen. It is refreshing, to see the mouth-foaming savagery coming from the idiot "progressive" left. Bunch of establishment minions, fearful that their place at the vein is put at risk by these freedom-loving Americans. Hopefully this is resolved with more peace, freedom and prosperity for the American people (and at the expense of the parasitic left, would be a nice bonus too). And if not; well, I'm sure that rural whitey will figure something out
Only thing I would have changed, is that I would have been much more arrogant. To think of all the energy wasted, tip-toeing around lazy, do-nothing nobodies, just looking to mooch of your success and lord over your failures. When you're winning, the loser's want to hate and be jealous (fair enough). But to then try to be nice to them (good sport, humble winner ect) then they'll despise and resent you for it too. Hell no! Never again! Not an ounce of anything for the runner up, other than a smug "In your face!" Not sure if this is "proper" or not () but it sure is the honest truth! Cheers, and Happy New Years!!!
Isn't modernity inevitable?
Coonage replied to edwinhere's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
My "pre-coffee" skim, wants me to say: #1 through 8, were only made possible due to the success of the 'traditional family' unit. As this unit goes, so follows it's success'. I see it as more of a cycle, and at the very least a sort of pending 'market correction' in the works. "Exploit" is a funny word. If we establish a definition and treat it as sort of an "ethical yardstick," is it not true, that women themselves, are the greatest "exploiters" of womanhood? I'll give this a thorough read later this am. Thanks for the share -
That reminds me of the Simpson's episode, where Homer offers to buy Lisa's 'Tiger charm' rock. To say that "...places where it does work" is a logical fallacy, no? How do you measure if it's working? Is it even doing what was intended? Frequently, the term "gun control" is merely liberal-speak, for disarmament and prohibition, disguised as "public safety initiatives." 'Violence' (note:the term "gun violence' is a silly misdirection) is a symptom of a larger problem. The idea that firearm's prohibition will "clean up the ghetto," is really no different than the idea, that jamming a Kleenex up your runny nose, will clear up your cold. If I had a sig line, it would read something to the effect of: I own guns, I love guns. Deal with it! Merry Christmas!
2016 will be the year that: Individual and seemingly 'distinct' liberty movements and positions, will begin to network and cooperate all across the globe. Stef and his crew, James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds, Catherine Austin Fitts, Jim Willie, The Tyler's, Chris Martenson, Greg Hunter et al., the ghost of Ron Paul, the 'pre-republican' tea party, the rise of pragmatic libertarianism, and on and on and on; no longer just single points of light, off in the night sky. The resulting myriad of constellations, will turn this rag tag bunch of freedom 'guerillas,' into a veritable world power. "Fist Bump"
Mr. Trump's commanding lead, and imminent victory, will result in his "committing suicide" by nail gun, as he "throws himself" off a 20 story building and lands on a sports car, just as it's crashing into a tree (not sure which method the Bush/Clinton Cartel would use, so I figured I'd cover my bases here). Hillary Clinton wins the presidency, the 4 horsemen show up, and Western civilization meets the fiery end it would then so obviously deserve. (Zerohedger's might appreciate the humour here. Not so sure about the rest of you guys though )
Hmm? This probably doesn't support my confirmation bias, so I'll probably just shy away from it Just kidding! Thanks for the share. I'll let you know what I think, after I listen to it.
- 17 replies
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- Martin Armstrong
- James Puplava
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alliqtests.com is a great little site. It keeps track of your progress as well. It's really the timed tests that you want to look at (that's the only way you can really 'prepare' imo). Learn to gauge how much time you have per question, and try to get a little more comfortable answering questions, under the added pressure of the time component. Other than that, there's really nothing more you can do, besides relaxing and being yourself. I'm still working on that too, lol! When the Mensa proctor informed the group, that this test is rarely finished; well, my determination to speed through it, almost cost me admission haha!
Great test there. I scored 127/141. I wish there had of been a timer, or I had of kept time myself. Rush, rush, rush; trying to blast through it with time to spare, that I should have taken to check my answers. I made the same mistake when I took the Wonderlic, lol! At least this test provided the answer key, so we can laugh at our obvious mistakes, after the fact
300,000 subscribers!!! - When can we have a Molyneux convention?
Coonage replied to Simon from CA's topic in General Messages
It wouldn't have to be exclusive, necessarily. I'm not sure how that would be 'creepy' anyways. If we all showed up in man-thongs; ok I can see that being a little much, or whatever those party's are, where everyone wears 'mascot-style' animal costumes...sure, 'creepy.' There are quite a few great, "like-minded" channels and people on the net (Corbett report, Sibel Edmonds ect) Why not make it a tectonic level "Truth and Freedom Super Conference." I'd be down for something like that. Go big or go home, right? -
Thanks. Yes, there seems to be a 'structure' to philosophy, that I still need to wrap my head around and fully embrace. For the moment anyways, I'm going to try to chime in when I think I know what I'm talking about, and just keep my trap shut when I know I don't. The only sport/competition-type fighting I've ever done, was wrestling in high school. Being 36 now, and looking back at the last 20 years, there really is a comfort level with aggression and the 'physical side' of interactions, that deserves some recognition and reflection. Lots of brawls and dust-ups, (mostly country 'rough and tumble' stuff) which was just a natural part of growing up for us; that I think now, our younger generation is really missing out on. I don't want to go off on a rant here, lol! Just there is definitely a change in society in my lifetime, where what used to result in maybe a headache, no hard feelings and a good story for the next party, would now result in counselling, criminal charges (and maybe a bullet). What used to be healthy, "structured" competition, seems to have now morphed into degenerative senseless violence. Who was that, who wrote "The time's they are a'changin" QFT, eh?
Born and raised just outside Canada's capital. I started watching Stef's videos on Youtube awhile back, and have been slowly drawn in more and more ever since. individualist farmer fighter gunnut Mensan nature buff/ closet bird watcher hunter husband father land owner cat person gold bug sarcastic SOB semi-retired internet troll (I'll keep 'er in check, eh ) Now that life has settled somewhat, I am able to stop/look around/listen and try to get a hold on this crazy world and the endless MSM spin. Being a new father of 3, I am already starting to feel the pressure to 'have the answers' and it's dawned on me now, that life "plays for keeps!" I'm not sure if I'll ever get deep into philosophy, but I am looking for the truth, and for the sharp minds that can help bring it . I will do my best to be myself, and hopefully at the end of the day, we all end up a little older and wiser.
I was curious to know how many members of this forum, were also members of Mensa (or similar societies). After doing a search and skimming over some of these posts, I see that IQ is quite the divisive issue, even on FDR. After 'ghosting' over so many of these threads, and also keeping up with the Youtube comment section for Stef's videos, I would love to know the IQ's of the posters here (and there), as sometimes the nature of the internet makes it so difficult to tell. It seems that Mensa no longer gives you an IQ score. They only give you a percentile ranking/range (and it also appears that they still think 'snail mail' is the way to go;)).
I sat through the entire "Flat Earth" episode earlier, and needless to say, I just don't think I can make it through 7 more pages of this sort of "argument." Strange parallels though. Are these two issues, one and the same? Or should I say, are these assertions, all coming from the same people?
I think the only real solution here, is to win! Not against them mind you, not directly anyways. Just go out and: make more money, have a better career, a happier household, be in better shape, make that extra effort to be better than them in every way! Don't do this as a way "To show them up" rather, do these things in an effort to win this rat race we call life. "We" are competing against "them" for resources/space/life, and all you need to do to "beat them" is to be the better man, that they cannot. Game on, eh!
A perspective of the financial end game
Coonage replied to utopian's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Great topic! This is (or should be) front and center on everyone's minds. I think my Sunday evening invoicing and paperwork, just got pushed to early Monday am.