I have always been K-selected, in that I always worried about the future and deferred my gratification. When i was a very young boy I remember feeling repulsion at the thought that i would have to live like a parasite on others and i worried that if i didn't take care of myself maybe no one would. So i thought that i had to get a steady job and save money so i could buy an apartment.
Since I was subjected to the compulsory Swedish state indoctrination camp also known as school I didn't know that interest rates were paid for savings and discovered to my surprise, when I was maybe 18 years old that my savings account was actually yielding something.
At the age of 26, I started learning about and investing in stocks. At this time i had bought an apartment and i was studying to become a nurse (witch is pretty much a guarantee that you will never be without a job). My interest in stocks made me think about what interest rates and money was. I started thinking about why the financial crisis of 2008 occurred. Thats when i found Peter Schiff and started learning about the Austrian school of economics. This led me to the Radio Mises podcast of Mises Sweden and i was exposed to libertarian ideas for the first time in my life. Everything suddenly made perfect sense! So i was a minarkist for maybe four weeks and then i became an Anarcho Capitalist.
This change, and the fact that i found Freedomain Radio of course changed my life and the way i viewed my life a lot. I used to think sort of the way MGTOW does in the sense that I thought getting married and staying together was… not a very likely thing to occur. I didn't think having children sounded like a god idea. How would you know how to raise children in the best way possible? Some people think you should just let the children run the family, other think you should take away privileges to punish them for behavior that is undesired. Which behavior is desired and why? This were things i had no answers to and i sensed that neither did parents. RTR and peaceful parenting has really influenced me and i am so glad that i didn't have children or got married before that.
I am now single and 28 years old have been working as a nurse for about three months and i've been thinking of going on a vacation to somewhere warm in february or something. I want to have people in my life that share my values and by that i mean that you respect the NAP. If i decide to have children one day (yes i am getting old fast, i know) I will have to leave Sweden because i will not subject them to this school system! Maybe some of you are living in a warm place or would like to go on a vacation somewhere warm with me?