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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Did you charged your mother with your kidnapping? If I take a stray dog from the street and take home, I am not going to kill him when he is in my house. I will give him food, and maybe will send him to animal shelter. Otherwise I wouldnt take the dog with me to my house. The same about women, if she gets pregnant, she lets a creature to this world. She can keep him or give for adoption. As a dog didnt enter your house on his own, so didnt the child.
  2. Fertilized egg is a living creature, here is a spark of life in it, its not a stone in the stomach, or a plant. Is it ameba? Or a worm? Or a bacteria? To what species does this living creature in the mothers stomach belongs? In animal kingdom what kind of animal is it? Is it an ameba or is it a human?
  3. Talking about timelines, what about people who used to be moral agents: like people with serious dementia, Alzheimer's patients? Are they moral agents? Do they lose or keep their rights as a moral agent? At this stance we use the time variable, just backwards.
  4. At the moment its corporations who are winning against the majority of people. If we don't stand up against that we will be doomed. Are we clever enough to fight this fight of survival? They don't care that we are thinking creatures, who are able to reason. I think dolphins, if they were clever , would make a universally preferable rule "don't push another dolphin out of water". Just an idea.
  5. my thoughts on Rothbard's theory : parents were raised by some people as well. If everybody would stop caring for their babies, would the human species survive? Its suicidal. Parents usually have an incentive to spread their genes, they can call it an investment. Otherwise don't get babies. Contraception is cheap.
  6. UPB is helpful to human species. HIgh IQ inventions allow more people to live on earth. More food, more medicines. We are dominating the earth, but its nature who wants the strongest to survive. And high IQ people with empathy let the human species expand. Nature is not against that. Maybe space travels will come, I would love that. I don't think about that now, because I think here are a lot of problems to solve first. Reality first, dreams later.
  7. I got some ideas: We are on a higher evolution level,and we use animal meat and trees. UPB is about human life rules which are good or not harmfull for everyone. I separate UPB of human from UPB of dogs or trees. Yes we are predators in animal kingdom. But i want to survive, nature gives us tools to win against other species, what's wrong with that? Did we decided to get intellect and use tools? Nature made it possible for us. And nature likes the strongest. We are one of the strongest species based on survival skills. Nature likes competition. And nature gives us a very strong wish to survive and live as an instinct, and I think I want the human race to survive. And abortion is not good strategy for promoting humans as a species. It goes against nature.
  8. that guy forgot that he also was a child, and his parents were children at some point.
  9. I listened to Stefan's podcasts, and as far that I understood, state is a result of authoritarian family. People who are not used to express free will as grown ups, because they didn't learn that while being children. They want rules and therefore the state. So the discussion goes back to peaceful parenting. The podcast "Guys like Lenny " was about this.
  10. The question is at which point everyone would be fine to have been aborted? 1 sperm and 1 egg is not a human. But after fertilization, there is living growing creature, which can't think yet just because of biological limits . Its growing, but its like someone in coma , who will wake up in few hours. We definitely know, that the fetus will think. People keep coma patient in hospitals who might never regain thinking function. Or everyone just can ask himself: if my parents aborted me, would I be fine with that? Would my parents would have been fine if they were aborted? Is it universal to be ok yourself to be aborted? Would I have been fine to be aborted after 2 months after fertilization? Or would I prefer to have been adopted if my parents cant keep me? I am expressing my opinion, I am not going to argue about this, I just hope this might be useful to someone.
  11. I agree, I learned english and dutch, so brain can learn new things. We learn new stuff every day. Also it explains why people are so attached to parents, because parents are a part of us.
  12. I was thinking about Ukrainian girl who was raised by dogs : Basically because there were no people around, she imprinted dogs brain structure, therefore starting to behave as a dog. So conclusion should be that we imprint our caretakers, and personally for me it means that I have all the qualities that mother and my father has. But of course I can chose not to behave as they. But for me its quite sad, because its basically means, that if I want I can be as bad as my parents or teachers etc. Therefore virtue is really a conscious choice.
  13. it's like parents and children have an agreement ("contract") to treat each other well, but parents were abusive to the child when he was small (" broke the rules ") then children are not obliged to treat parents well ,when they grow up. If someone isn't playing fair, do you have to play by the rules? I mean being social, helpful etc?
  14. if here is a group of 100 people, there is a bigger chance that 1 of them can come with a good idea, or that there is a doctor between them. But i wouldn't let 100 random people to make a surgery at once :DDD
  15. maybe german women got tired of society where they can't have children because of huge taxes, and they are secretly jealous of muslim women , because those can easily have 5 children if they want. So they think, if I get a muslim man, i can have 5 children, if I get a white man, maybe...1 or 2 children, but a big chance that even no children. For spreading genes what is better. Find a guy who is ready to have 5 children and to say no to video games, nice dinners or skiing holidays.
  16. because of parasites coming into western countries, we will dissapear, because taxes are so huge , its difficult to have children, and I dont want whites to be standing in the museums after 200 years like dinosaurs or neadhartelians, with the reason on the white board: extinct because of lack of self defence and problems with mathematics.
  17. I read that if you want to be heard, you have to use sentences with maximum 10 words, because the later words will not be understood by people's brain. I think it was an article about a research, I read 12 years ago. is this real ? FAKE PROTESTERS PAID $15 AN HOUR TO PROTEST TRUMP RALLY
  18. I think here are many people who feel the same. Basically if we come to this website, we have to forget almost everything what we learn at school, university, books, TV, parents, friends. The brain has to delete a lot of stuff, and start working on reality instead of propaganda. But thats good news: welcome to reality!
  19. it was just an alert about possible bombs, they didnt find anything in the end even though the airport was closed for some time.
  20. live stream from airport http://www.expressen.se/gt/bombgruppen-pa-landvetter-efter-hot/
  21. If you question a pointless rule at school, and they listen to you, then they have to admit that they are wrong, therefore they are stupid. They feel better if they say you have just follow the rule. They keep the illusion which is needed by fragile inner self. What could be helpful, is to show that we respect the other person . Stefan says its humility, I call it respect. Respect the other person, try to show that you see his good qualities, and respect, respect, respect. We cant broke down the last pieces of their self respect. My mother always saw my bad qualities, 1 bad thing wasnt balanced out by my other 99 good qualities. Also while I was achieving few important things, i didnt have time for unimportant ones (like messy room), if I was trying to understand how physics work from an encyclopedia. The same at school. One subjects teacher doesn't know that I am very good at another, so he tries to put me down. It's not very nice. If someone has a low self esteem, and he sees your good traits, that are "better quality" than his, he will try to put you down, because then his self esteem will be as low, as yours after he was putting you down. Theoretically people with least self respect will criticize others endlessly, because only this was they feel better. Also people with a lot of talents get attacked because people lose their self value compared to talented ones. That's why Stefan gets criticized as well a lot. My self esteem is low. I didnt know that for sure, but I see the signs: if someone criticize me, i get hurt a lot. Also my problem is why i dont go to therapy ( I was for 6 months in the past and it helped). To admit that i am a loser who needs help, will break me to the bottom. Here is a double message in Stefan talks: you guys are very smart ones, but you are not smart to survive without therapy. Thats a pure insult to me. I am smart, but I am not. I know it has something to do with my self respect, but maybe I will do some self study, and I see what future brings me. I respect my own abilities.
  22. i was thinking more on this topic: if you help somebody when you tell the truth, it can put his self esteem very low, because he was too stupid to understand that himself. If he was unlucky in his life, made bad decisions, then his self esteem already low and fragile, so he hears that you are basically telling him, that he is an idiot. At the same time, we all were at the point in the past where we knew less then we do now, so we want to help people. Because it wasn't easy for us without the knowledge. Its really difficult to learn how wrong you were if your self esteem is very low. If somebody,s parents and the environment (school, TV etc) were always saying he is a loser, its painful to lose the last bits of self esteem. Reason for low self esteem: fake self ruling. Fake self is the voices of parents, or friends, or teachers who were inflicting their own pain, shame and guilt on others because they couldn't recycle it. Somebody is cruel to you without logical reason: they are inflicting their traumas on you or they genuinely don't know you don't like some things. Self esteem gets higher with acceptance of things that are not perfect in us: I am slow, but i think more, I miss some social clues, but I always try to help etc. I don't look perfect, but I am kind and loving. Who says everybody has to be fast, very social and good looking? Maybe those who want to put others down while ignoring other people best qualities. If the person next to us dont value those things, there must be someone who does, like different music artist have different fans. Also addictions are based on 3 main things as I have read: shame, guilt and very low self esteem. Get rid of those feelings, you should be fine. As I mentioned before: most usually people will get angry if they have very low self esteem, because correcting them is basically telling, they are idiots.
  23. I think it almost impossible to tell the truth, many people don't want to know any truth, even if its about small things, if its not useful for them. They get hostile. So your fear is valid. There are some curious ones who want to know the truth.Maybe you will find those. But think first if the truth might be unuseful for them then better dont talk. Stefan mentioned something about not stating things, but asking people and they might admit themselves that things are bad, then maybe you could give an explanation.
  24. An officer of an atomic power plant was shot on 24th march in Belgium and his security badge stolen: french http://www.dhnet.be/actu/faits/un-agent-de-securite-dans-le-nucleaire-tue-a-charleroi-la-piste-terroriste-dementie-par-le-parquet-de-charleroi-56f5b02a35702a22d5bbf868 google translator https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=lt&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dhnet.be%2Factu%2Ffaits%2Fun-agent-de-securite-dans-le-nucleaire-tue-a-charleroi-la-piste-terroriste-dementie-par-le-parquet-de-charleroi-56f5b02a35702a22d5bbf868&edit-text=&act=url
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