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Everything posted by terk

  1. What I find diffuclt to convey from a libertarian point of view when trying to bring the libertarian idea of freedom and individuality, it is understood as being left alone and forgotten with no help . And then comes a socialist giving out free health care, free education and all sorts of freebies who knows how they will be paid for (of course nun other than the tax payers) . So how can libertarian idea overcome this dilemma?
  2. what helps me when I am burnt out and stuck in a bad place in my mind, I just need to change my environment. I love to go running. at first I barely could push myself to walk 20 minutes, but know i go jogging and even sprinting. What I personally feel is that having a healthy body will help tremendously with having a healthy mind and soul. I direct my energy and frustration into running, and I keep running until I get physically exhausted which helps relief my mental exhaustion. I would also recommend going running somewhere far from the city, going to a park, being between trees and nature, away from the man made concrete. Running between the trees and hearing nothing but the breeze between the trees with no human distraction really helps clear the mind.
  3. Since technology is infiltrating every aspect of our lives. When it comes to the stage where robots and automated machines will control all the production lines and any work force required in most occupations, including agriculture, labor and any service providing job (such as cashiers). Humans hopefully won't have to work as much , if at all. What would happen to most people. I mean how would wealth be distributed, if you can have only a few people monitoring and fixing machines that can produce enough products to supply the masses, would the free market eradicate the unskilled untrained low IQ worker, since machines would be able to do any low skill job faster and more efficient than a human. I know this is a far fetched 'sci-fi' scenario, but technology is heading in that direction, and I personally am with automating and creating a product at the lowest cost and as efficiently possible.
  4. if you watch "That sugar film", which is a documentary that will help show you what we perceive as 'healthy' food is not actually healthy, because of all the refined sugar, and additives being pumped into processed food. It just goes back to as other members have already said, try to eat only Fresh food. Basically stay away from anything canned and packed with long shelf life. What I like to say, is that if it lasts long on the shelf it will last long on your waists.
  5. And I forgot to say, what I found most challenging is that even here in the Middle East nobody wants to talk about the real issues in our society and in any gathering only superficial topics are discussed , if you start talking about improving , and peaceful parenting , nobody wants to listen and the topic is changed immediately .
  6. I am originally from syria, but now I live in Dubai, and I have been following the youtube channel for the past year, and I wanted to contribute to this community, since I think that every culture would accept the UPB and NAP , wherever they are.
  7. I am new here, and I hope that i can better my self with the great conversations that happen here .
  8. hello, I;m new here too, and I feel like I will be able to learn from this community more then my current college environment.
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