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Everything posted by rosencrantz

  1. I wouldn't call the Sami people white. For once, you can find that a lot of them have an epicanthic fold. In addition, their mitochondrial DNA and their language points to a Eurasian origin.
  2. If you have a company in a secure enviroment, the capital turnover is low. If you invest 100 000$ and you get 2% you have earned 2000$. And from that you have to pay expenses, rent and what not. To make a living you have to invest a lot.
  3. You need capital to make your own job. The lower the capital investment needed, the higher the competition and the lower the money you make.
  4. If it comes to losing weight, a proper diet is more important. If you eat one bar of Ritter Sport (100 gr, milk) you consume 530 kcal. It takes roughly 70 minutes on a bike on a gym to burn that many calories. However, that time is a bit misleading, since you also have a basal metabolism (around 80 kcal in my case) that burns calories no matter what you do.
  5. The problem will become worse once expert systems replace a lot of white collar jobs.
  6. I play occassionally but I am not very good at it.
  7. A new Twingo costs 11 000 pounds the most. With a discount you can get them at 10 000. A new Mustang starts at 30 000 pounds. Though it's much pricey, the driving safety is sub par. Good luck finding a multi link suspension in an American car. Most people who drive these cars look for a vehicle that gets them safely from A to B. If you want something fancy, go for it.
  8. And I showed that this is not very likely from a linguistic level. East =/= Britain.
  9. I thought the Celts were the lost tribes? How can they be non-speakers?
  10. No. Sound change has been studied for a long time. There are laws to it. You can't make up stuff to fit your theory. Furthermore, Semitic languages are based on roots that make up the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. *ktb turns into miktab (writer), katab (to write), and katabah (something written). Changes to the roots are regular and nowhere can you find a change from *ch to s*. Sure. But the change from *Sac (Ur) -> to *Chak is very unlikely, because tend to become easier when misunderstood. Guttural sounds are harder to make. Likelier Changes are s -> t or s -> d. Then *chak would have had to change to *sac again for no apparent reason. Furthermore, where does *jiz go? Hebrew names remain the same in the West because the Septuagint and Vulgate give a phonetical translation of Hebrew names. A diphtong is a vowel following another vowel, like ae, oi, ue... You meant to write apheresis and metathesis.
  11. The Shoebats make a good case that Khan sails under a false flag http://shoebat.com/2016/07/31/what-the-media-is-not-telling-you-about-the-muslim-who-attacked-donald-trump-he-is-a-muslim-brotherhood-agent-who-wants-to-advance-sharia-law-and-bring-muslims-into-the-united-states/
  12. A (closed) room is a closed system and hence the sum total of economic value of two people cannot decrease or increase. Person A: 0$ - Person B: 100$ = sum 100$ Theft Person A: 100$ - Person B: 0$ = sum 100$
  13. The problem with this 'thesis' is that the name of Isaac in Hebrew is not Isaac, but Jizchak. Also, Jiz- doesn't start with a vowel, but with a consonant, the Jod. You cannot drop a consonant in a closed syllable in Hebrew. Also, the last syllable is not sak, but chak. Another proof that the author doesn't understand Hebrew. There is no h sound in Shibboleth. There are two different consonants in Hebrew, Sin and Schin. Sin in pronounced as S, Schin as Sh. There is no h in them. If this was true, it would be most peculiar, because h is the most consonant in Hebrew. That is because the article is ha+word. In addition, Hebrew and Yiddish are guttural languages. Why should Jews have problems pronouncing a guttural sound? If you make hypotheses about Hebrew, you should at least speak some.
  14. Yes. Some also say that Superman would win in a fight with Batman. That makes me want to bet on that fight. In other words, Israelites moved to a place they didn't know existed, gave up their architecture, their alphabet, the way they made pots and knives, their agriculture and all the rest and finally changed the way they looked to become Celts. Seems legit.
  15. (Most) Money is debt. Most money is created endogenously by private banks. They loan it into existence. Extrogenous money that is created by the Federal bank plays a marginal role in money creation.
  16. Since Christians see themselves as the new Israelites, it's of little surprise that you find it in a document. Also, writing something down, doesn't make it so. In addition, the Star of David isn't an exclusive Jewish symbol. It gained prominence among the Jews in the early Medieval ages though, after Sutton Hoo. Plus, how can an Anglo-Saxon boat be evidence for anything Celtic?
  17. People here still use mason jars for storing self made food, veggies or fruits. If you live in Europe, those are pretty cheap. The meals can be made in an oven. Recipes are readily available.
  18. You really believe in a heliocentric world where god can stop the sun and the moon from moving?
  19. The brain evolved to pass on genes to the next generation. Fortunately, you can find the different stages of evolution in the human brain itself https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/72331b13693699.5627706774d58.jpg
  20. If you think that the Deutsche Bank or other German private banks that are incorporated are a safe bet you are dead wrong. They are among the worst gamblers out there. The Deutsche Bank holds about 75 trillion Dollars in derivatives that can blow up. Compare that to 522 billions in deposits and you see that there are major problems. And yes, 75 trillion Dollars in derivatives is about 20 times the GDP of Germany. The Commerzbank is actually worse off. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-28/elephant-room-deutsche-banks-75-trillion-derivatives-20-times-greater-german-gdp
  21. I would like to see some reference for that.
  22. Comparative advantage where trade benefits both parties only works empirically in one case. When capital is stationary, there are some tariffs, and the immigration is restricted (basically pre 1980s). There you had the case that countries industrialized and traded with each other at the same time. In the current year, capital can move freely and there is free trade, but people can't move freely. This leads to negative side effects. When a factory moves to a different country the workers can't move with it. They lose their job and have to look for jobs at the service industry. The service industry is largely low paid, because that's the only way they can compete when it comes to marginal costs. The country where those industries moved to has a comparative advantage for a short time. But because of capital's mobility the wages there can't raise too much. If they do so too much, the company will move yet again to a cheaper country.
  23. Lets say free trade offers cheaper TVs, cars, and fridges. The prices go down because other countries can produce those products cheapers. That's all fine except for the people who used to make the products. A worker who used to make cars can now rejoice in lower prices for fridges and TVs but unfortunately he can't because he lost his job and can't afford those. The argument for free trade only works in conjunction with the law of supply and demand. The law of supply and demand is only valid when other factors ceteris paribus stay the same and only the price changes. Unfortunately, those other factors include income, expectations, and savings.
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