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Everything posted by rosencrantz

  1. Indeed. Saving banks that are bankrupt is deflationary for the economy. There is a case study where a federal bank does the same as the US tries. In Japan there is no economic growth nor inflation for almost 30 years despite the federal bank pumping billions of Yens pumping into the banking system.
  2. Adding a few numbers by the federal reserve doesn't increase inflation if it never goes into circulation. Which is why the Austrians have been wrong since '08 about inflation. According to them, we would be living in a Zimbabwe like situation because of all the QE. Inflation is caused only by money circulating in the economy, increasing wages, and declinining productivity. QE cannot cause inflation because it only went into assets of banks and never entered into circulation.
  3. That's one definition. There are many other ones. Which is it? Something is either a universal (which doesn't exist) or it's an opinion. Pick one. Yes, it is the super ultra best method. If there was a price for begging the question you would have won it.
  4. My understanding is that hatespeech is outlawed in Sweden if it is targeted against minorities. Since ISIS kills indiscriminately it doesn't target specific minorities, hence it is legal. Yay for legal positivism.
  5. Isn't that a moot question because children don't play a role in any of Ayn Rand's novels?
  6. Why not buy stuff you would eat in your normal life (rice, legumes, canned meat, oil, canned veggies, canned fruits), get a 12 month supply and replenish the items once you used them? This seems much more logical than buying stuff that tastes horrible and that's pretty expensive. 20 kg of Basmati rice is about 30€. A 12 month supply for one person is 120€. Lentils are supercheap. Potatoes are pretty cheap as well, they have all the nutrients you need and when you have a cold, dark place they can be stored for a long time.
  7. Here is the speech Sorry for the confusion
  8. How are bank reserves / private sector net savings and loans connected? It zeroes out, when the loan is paid back. This is necessarily the case when you have a look at the accounting mechanics of loan creation. Banks don't act as intermediaries, as classical textbooks would have you believe, rather they create first accounting money which is then turned into 'real money' by creating a deposit which is used to purchase goods and services.
  9. When a bank grants a loan, it creates money. Every loan is created to a deposit which is then used to purchase goods or services. Once this is done, new money is created. Getting reserves and money creation via loans are two different operations. The only way it 'zeros out' is when the loan is not used to purchase anything which is pretty rare. See page 2 at the pdf-document and Appendix 1 at http://www.privatedebtproject.org/view-articles.php?Are-We-Facing-a-Global-Lost-Decade-14for a more formal proof.
  10. In this speech Trump talks frankly about what's at stake. The campaign has escalated to total war between Trump and the globalists Neocons. By doubling down like this they've made an all or nothing gamble. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb2sAjxDQcQ Speech starts at around 01:20
  11. That's factually wrong. http://www.monetary.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/money-creation-in-the-modern-economy.pdf
  12. I will take a simple model to explain my position. The private sector produces 1000 units of value. Taxrate is 10%, so the taxes are 100 units of value. 900 units of value remain for the private sector. The government spends 80 units of value. The government gets 100 units of value. There is a surplus of 20 units of value for the government. Lets see what happens when the government doesn't run a surplus. The government spends 100 units of value. The government gets 100 units of value. There is no surplus. Now here is the important part. Where do the 20 extra units of value go to? They have to go to the private sector. That changes the calculation from above to: The private sector produces 1020 units of value (The 1000 + 20 from the government) Taxrate is 10%, so the taxes are 102 units of value. 918 units of value remain for the private sector (18 more than if the government ran a surplus). In reality, it's much more complex, but my example shows that running a surplus is not necessarily a good thing in a mixed economy.
  13. Lets say there are two stories describing the daily lifes of two guys, John and Jack. One story tells you about the life John has in New York City, how he lives in an appartment in the Bronx where he goes to work and so on. The other one tells you about Jack, a stay at home father in Chicago. Somebody puts the two stories together as one story. So one part is about John, followed by a part about Jack. The same happened in the bible. There are two accounts of what God did. One told by priests, the other one told by a group of people living at the king's court. The one written by the priests calls God 'God', the one by the people at the king's court calls God 'Lord'. They have been put together, creating the illusion that there is only one story. If you read only the stories that call God 'God' you get a complete story from creation to Jacob's death. The same is true for the other story as well.
  14. If a government runs a surplus, the money has to come from the private sector via taxes. This means that the government takes out more money from the private sector than in invests / spends. Hence, it is a net negative on the economy. If a government runs a deficit, it can have a net positive effect on the economy. Furthermore, the debt that the government has constitutes an asset for somebody else. When banks lend money, they create deposits. If the borrower spends the money, the newly created money enters the market. Private banks now create most of the money out of thin air and it is reasonable to assume that this will go on in a voluntary society.
  15. According to CNN, the tape was supposed to come out Monday, after the debate. Before that could happen, it had been leaked prematurely by another source. This may have safed Trump's campaign because as it turned out now, he could redeem himself during the debate and gave an excellent performance. http://money.cnn.com/2016/10/07/media/access-hollywood-donald-trump-tape/ If Silverstein had aired the piece according to schedule the effects would have been much worse. Praise to Kek that it worked out the way it did.
  16. Who cares if voting is valid or not? Do you think that the minorities who want dem programs can be reasoned out of their position with a fine crafted argument?
  17. There is a simpler explanation. The two stories come from two different sources hence the different explanation on how man was created and what not.
  18. It would be cool if there were aliens. But it's not realistic because we haven't been contacted yet. If there is no faster than light travel, alien civilisation could send out self replicating drones, thus making contact with other civilisations. Given that the existence of aliens is very likely the fact that we haven't been contacted can mean two things. First, we missed each other in terms of time. There may have been alien civilisations before or after us, but they didn't find us when we became human. Second, and that is more likely civilisations don't make it past space travel. They destroy each other with the advent of nuclear bombs, nanotechnology, biotechnology and E.T. knows what else.
  19. The wikipedia articles are pretty accessible. There are more technical articles on it, on the Stanford encyclopedy. But why bother with Aristotelian logic when it's pretty outdated?
  20. He who sells the gold makes ads for buying gold.
  21. Another reason why the Deutsche Bank is in deep troubles is because it is not competitive in Germany. Many small business owners and medium sized companies work together with local banks, that are either run by the communities (Sparkasse) or organized by local people (Raiffeisenbanken). Furthermore, cheating by rigging interest rates has become more difficult leading to a perfect storm.
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