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Everything posted by rosencrantz

  1. First of all, why should there be only one automation company? A lower marginal price necessarily means that the fixed price becomes more important for the price of the product, hence reducing the margin of profit.
  2. Sure, if there only was one company making one good. If there are several companies, the following happens with decreasing marginal costs: a) a company decreases mc, makes more profit b) other companies do the same, the playing field is level again c) go back to a) Since companies compete with each other via marginal costs, the economic profit and the eva eventually go down.
  3. Wrong. Automation decreases the marginal costs and in turn also decreases the economic profit as in economic value added in the long run.
  4. Suarez makes some good points on how our perception of the world is based by the (social) media we consume and that algorithms play a big role in that.
  5. Scenes like that make me wonder about dat high verbal IQ https://twitter.com/theeagle/status/806231941167063044
  6. Not getting STDs or having unwanted pregnancies is not self improvement
  7. Actual anagrams for James Alefantis http://wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=jamesalefantis&t=1000&a=n
  8. Yes. ublock (origin) allows you to enable ads. Not quite what you have in mind, but it leads to the same effect
  9. Ernst Jünger. Julius Evola. Guillaume Faye. David K. Reynolds.
  10. Marrying close relatives is bad for the genepool.
  11. You are wrong. The first null-hypothesis is always that there is no connection or that something doesn't exist. If you want to disprove that, you have to come up with evidence to the contrary. And unless I missed something there is none.
  12. You are begging the question. You already assume that there is a code and that it means something far worse. This has yet to be established. As long as the questions of When? Where? What? How? can't be answered the thing remains a hoax.
  13. There are secondary effects to self improvement. Improving yourself doing sports translates into other areas of your life as well and can make you happier. Rubbing one out gives you a good feeling in the short run but has no longer lasting effect, unlike overcoming obstacles. Self knowledge can't be measured, unless it has effects in the physical world. For more, see http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2012/10/the_story_of_narcissus.html
  14. No. If you are ignorant on a subject I will call that out. I have showed that you don't. Compounds can have different attributes from their elements. Chlorine is a part of salt. In itself, it's dangerous. In salt not so much. The same is true for Thimerosal and Mercury. No. Where? Good. Study the difference between Mercury, Ethylmercury, Dimethylmercury, and Methylmercury.
  15. It's not about digestion but about chemical compounds. Saying that Thimerosal contains mercury and is dangerous because of that is just as dumb as saying that salt contains Chlorine and is to be avoided. A smart question would be: How dangerous is ethylmercury in the blood stream? But then again, this requires a basic knowledge in chemistry.
  16. Did you know that you eat a poisonous substance every time you have salt? Salt is disguise for Chlorine gas, after all.
  17. Not in a syringe, but we provide our children with food and drinks that has more mercury in it than a vaccine shot.
  18. You are wrong Neeel. The dough looks like Trump's hairdo so it insinuates that Trump is a pedophile!!!
  19. So the evidence for a yuge pedophile ring are odd cheese drip patterns?
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