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Everything posted by rosencrantz

  1. Ok, I get it. You can't answer my question. Nice deflection. Could it be that migrants ruin European cities? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potsdam_Conference 100% White phenotype.
  2. You forgot France, Belgium, Austria, and Sweden. Nah. Rotherham goes on for some years now. The Nogo areas in major European cities have been around for quite some time. The protagonists of PC culture are doing just fine. What are the consequences of the exposure? Because the UK and the US let those countries down during and after WW2. Churchill and Roosevelt traded in Stalin's support for those countries in the conferences of Yalta and Potsdam. The USSR was a multicultural society. Around 70% of it's inhabitants were Slavs, the rest were different minorities.
  3. I was talking about gamergate. Reading and keeping the context in mind helps.
  4. Milo et al have achieved nothing. PC culture is as strong as ever, Wu and Sarkeesian and many others are still around. What exactly was the success? Europeans disagree with that. I couldn't care less about games. If you are an adult and see games as something more than a way to pass time you are childish. He was. As were most of the Communists in Russia. Read Solzhenitsyn's 200 years together for more info on that topic. Come on, you can argue better. Which ethnic group made up the majority of the Communist top echelon? I asked for their specifc solutions.
  5. Oh sure, but the adblock whitelists are curated by the parent company. With ublock, you have to do that manually.
  6. Oh yeah, ethics in game journalism is the most pressing problem we have in the West right now. Brianna Wu is stil making her shitty games, Sarkeesian also collects money and doesn't make videos. Where is the demise? If you think that attacking SJWs and making fun of them is a solution you are out of your mind. ' What are they? I organise meet up groups in the real world. No idea. Perhaps your social circles reflect your personal circumstances. White ethno states are the solution. Your perspective is flawed. There are no Jews in the Alt-Right so this is unlikely.
  7. It's safe to listen to Milo, McInnes and the rest of the bunch. They pretend to be edgy while they don't offer any solutions. Perhaps not knowing employed people has more to do with you and not with the Alt-Right?
  8. You are seriously misinformed if you think that Milo controls the Alt Right. They may stop the Jewish infiltration of White societies. First you have to make people aware that there is a problem, then you can fix it. Congrats, you met your first alt-righter who is also employed.
  9. I'd suggest using ublock (origin). The company behind adblock is pretty terrible and they allow for whitelisting ads. Ublock doesn't have that.
  10. I can't suggest a curriculum, nor do I have a syllabus but I found that reading what philosophers wrote to be much more interesting than a summary of their thinking.
  11. Massively parallel computing on a low frequency which is required for interfaces is very hard to develop. There are no such restrictions for AI.
  12. Every government tries to regulate public opinion. This is a more hamfisted approach. I don't see how it is any different from other methods used.
  13. I am a coffee addict. I found this out by trying to make do without for some weeks. After day two, I had to stop because I had withdrawal symptoms. Drugs like coffee or cigarettes seem to improve your mental performace and your well being but this may be a symptom of the addiciton. It's true that some feel more mental energy and so on after having had a cup, but that doesn't mean that coffee is good per se. It only means that you alleviate the withdrawal symptoms which you interpret as an improvement. By all means, enjoy coffee if you want to. Other people may have different experiences but I find this to be the most likely explanation for my situation.
  14. If you can't formulate coherent thoughts let it be.
  15. The context is obvious.It's about marginal costs of production. What does that even mean? No idea what you are talking about. Honestly, I have no clue what you try to say.
  16. That makes no sense at all. And? The thread is about automation. And people are what they are. Also, the universe has no intentions.
  17. The AI-train has no brakes and a lot of white collar jobs will be rolled over. https://hbr.org/2016/11/what-artificial-intelligence-can-and-cant-do-right-now
  18. The trickster type (Pepe) is an archetype that appears in many culture. La Wik says https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trickster
  19. Challenge accepted. You have indeed many voluntary relationships. Those happen within a statist framework though. I called it utopia, because the times when there was no central authority within a larger region were usually pretty dire, like the interregnum between the middle ages and the conception of the modern state.
  20. This is a fairly easy article outlining the situation as it is right now. Everything that can be decided within one second can be automated with the tools that are available right now. This limit will be extended if the current trend continues. https://hbr.org/2016/11/what-artificial-intelligence-can-and-cant-do-right-now
  21. You know what to do to find a rare species. But how would one prepare to hear the voice of god? How would you reproduce that?
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