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Everything posted by asreon

  1. I screwed up a relationship beyond repair about 6 months (I think more) ago and I still can't seem to be able to "store" the bad thoughts away and move on, though the other person seems to have done so just fine. It's like the memories are constantly being pulled back out for no reason whatsoever and I often find myself having breakdowns because of it. Should it really be this difficult to forget the past and move forwards?
  2. So does this mean that taxation is basically homesteading as well? We put time and effort and labour into "creating" our income from our skills only to have it taken away. There is an unspoken "consent" for this to happen, but we are not given the choice as to whether or not we want to let them use the fruits of our labour, so technically, we haven't given them permission. Based on what you have said, taxation would also be called homesteading.
  3. It all mainly depends on what the child wants. If they feel they are ready to move forwards faster than their peers, then they should skip a grade, but only if they think they're up for it. If the parent/s made that choice for them and the child had no say in the matter then they will most likely end up being the one to suffer for that choice, as its not the parents who will be attending school with people (both physically and possibly mentally) more developed.
  4. So for the past month or so I've been having these odd nightmares that involved friends at school. There was one involving a particular friend (this friend shall be referred to as "A") which I seem to remember the most of. Here's how it went- I was at an airport, about to board a plane with A and we were chatting it up and making jokes etc. Then an announcement came over the loudspeaker saying that flight (whatever it was) was ready for boarding. So A and I picked up our stuff to get on the plane. There was far more people than what you'd expect to see in one flight but I thought nothing of it. Then minutes later, I turned around and realised that A had disappeared. So I tried to search for A, eventually finding them talking to another guy who seemed to "have the same mindset" as A and they really hit it off. For some reason I really didn't like this new person (let's call him B) and tried to get A to move away from B. Then another announcement came on and said there was a fuel leakage dangerously close to the engines and there was a high risk of an explosion so everyone should be evacuated from the area. Everyone else started to run in a panic and I felt myself being pushed along. I tried to get back to A through the crowd because for some reason he didn't seem to have heard the announcement and kept going towards the plane with B. I eventually got to A, but even though I tried to pull them away, they just pushed me off and told me that "I never valued the conversation between us anyway". Upon hearing this I turned back around and ran. Then when I reached the main airport building, I looked through a window and watched as the plane exploded. Following this, not a week later, A ended our friendship because they had "found someone better" to talk to. So my question is, as stated, can dreams actually be premonitions?
  5. Good afternoon fellow Freedomain users! I am delighted to be a part of such a wonderful community. I've read through many of the posts on this site after I was suggested it by a friend and finally decided to join. I never thought I'd be interested in the ideologies presented on this site but after reading through posts on various topics, I found myself totally absorbed. I hope I am able to contribute to this community through my personal experiences and thoughts as a high school student in Australia. Thank you all!
  6. As a student in high school I've noticed that quite a vast majority of my teachers seem to turn up just so they paid. None of these teachers did any real "teaching", instead choosing to give us these "research tasks" to do. Every lesson we'd get a new one which was supposed to "enhance our knowledge", but I'd honestly be surprised to see just how many teenagers actually do work in these kinds of conditions where the teachers neither "patrol" the classroom nor check the work afterwards, especially with laptops being brought into play.
  7. I feel like it's mainly following how the world has changed. Back in the 1600s to early 1900s, larger women were considered attractive due to less food being available (before mass production). If one was larger, then it meant they were of a higher socio-economic status, which also in turn meant that they would have a better background and ranking. However, now, with food being so readily available to nearly everyone, food is no longer regarded as a luxury only enjoyed plentifully by the rich. This means that slimmer women are considered attractive as they have the means to go out and exercise, or have more self control to refrain from overindulging in food. Yet in poorer countries such as Mauritania, women are force-fed so they will gain weight and can therefore secure a husband easier. This is due to the fact that Mauritania is a poorer country and so food is not as easily/readily available.
  8. This topic somewhat reminds me of a friendship I had gotten myself into and out of a few days before. Her positive points do seem like she would make a wonderful girlfriend/wife, but what I would personally worry about the most would be the point of "drinking and consuming cannabis regularly" and the part where you said she "wants" to be a good parent. If she is indeed a regular consumer of the drug, can you be 100% certain the children won't become cannabis addicts as well (since children tend to copy their parents)? Another thing is what you said about her impulsiveness. These can lead to large mistakes being made at critical points and could make you greatly unhappy and regretting your decision. The less impulsiveness there is in a relationship the better. What if one night she said she wanted a child due to her impulsive decision and then afterwards the two of you are unable to carry the responsibility? It's good to have someone whom you are able to connect to on a personal level, but it's probably best if you tread carefully. Many people tend to put on a "show" when they are looking for another partner, so you have to make sure you know who she is and what her real intentions are before getting on board with forming a relationship with her. However, regarding the matter of letting her live with you, it will most likely end up with trouble. It would probably be best to help her find somewhere else to live. I know it might seem harsh, but that is the best way to avoid any unwanted problems.
  9. Though we don't like to admit it, humans don't think twice before they lie to another. No human on earth has gone through their life without a single lie, because hiding things is what helps us to protect others at the same time, though the result may end up costly. We've been searching for that perfect "wonderland" all this time, and seeing as you probably know the story of Alice in Wonderland, look at how screwed up the characters have become while living in that utopia. Each have their own problems, yet carry on like there's nothing wrong. We've grown used to living a life of beautiful lies, and so it's only natural that hiding what problems one may have/have noticed behind a smile seems like the best way. Or, they simply don't have "true friends" who are willing to listen to their plights and help them. Sure, we're surrounded by people we can call friends everyday, but I highly doubt all of them are close friends who are willing to listen to them properly/ they are willing to share their own problems with. It's simply in our nature to search for happiness, no matter how fake it may be. That's the way our brain wants to work, and nothing will change that.
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