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Eric le Roy

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  1. Poetry
  2. I'm not trying to be rude, but the question itself begs introspective analysis. It is intrinsically convoluted. "Is it weird... about how sad...?" What are you even asking? It's worth reiterating, what are you asking? Are you asking for permission to feel guilt? Are you asking for forgiveness for feeling pity on these people? Are you asking if your emotional reaction is a genuine psychosis? Be more specific in your own question and you probably arrive at your answer. (Short answer: no, it's not weird to pity others experiencing torment, but if you choose to waste your emotional capital grieving for those who have invested in bankrupt philosophy/ideology, there are about 50 gazillion such cases in the world, and as a result you will in turn be emotionally bankrupt and have accomplished nothing for all the associated distress before Trump even takes office.) Or, as a friend of mine put it, fuck 'em.
  3. Stef now has over 500k YouTube subscribers. I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one in the Saint Louis area. If you are in the STL area, let's get together and say hello one of these days. What do you think?
  4. Just want to get a quick head count, see who else is around this area, then (because I did, in fact, read the the sticky about meetups) I will set a firm date and make it all official. But first thing's first: Make yourself known, either here or in a PM. Thanks!
  5. I wrote this little satirical letter in response to a local controversy that played out earlier this year. I cranked the sarcasm up to 11 on this one. You've been warned. http://www.riverfronttimes.com/newsblog/2016/02/11/an-open-letter-to-dan-neman-slayer-of-pet-friendly-policies By the way, I'm looking to meet with other FDR listeners in the Saint Louis area, so if you live anywhere nearby and are similarly interested, please send me a message. Thanks!
  6. It's going to take some work to sift through the old podcasts and find the reference. I didn't bookmark the specific show. I will post here if and when I find the link.
  7. There was mention of a study which involved an educational program costing a mere $30 per student, teaching kids basic philosophy and critical thinking skills, and the resulting increase in test scores and grades... something along these lines. Does this ring a bell? I believe he mentioned it in a couple shows somewhere around the middle of May. Can anyone provide a link to this information? Thanks!
  8. I used to feel so perplexed and frustrated with politics. Although I never identified myself as a liberal per se, I thought that if the compassion and nobility of the Left could be implemented and the crooked Right wingers were tossed out of power, things would finally be good. I actually voted for Obama. Twice. I would argue and plea with the people I knew to support the "good" uses of government force. But I was always aware that what I hoped for wasn't exactly a solution. In every case, it always comes down to the singular hope that the elected and appointed rulers will do the right thing (which we all know they never do). All the while, I could never see the most basic problem at hand: that the masses (which included myself) have been trained to accept fables and contradictions as truth, never to question them, and also that our system we use to organize and manage society is completely unprincipled, i.e. there really is no system, rather just a whimsical series of inconsistent mandates. This would not have happened, had I not stumbled upon Stefan's YouTube channel, watched the suggested video "The Truth About George Washington," at which point, it was game over; the genie was out of the bottle. That was really my first step, taking the red pill, the philosophy pill, whatever you want to call it. As time went on, over the course of a few months, little by little I began to see the garbage I had believed for what it really was, a ridiculous set of contradictions: It's wrong to hit people, unless it's a child, then somehow it's accepted. It's wrong to steal, unless you're a government, in which case it's accepted and you simply call it a tax. It's wrong to kill, unless you're a government, then somehow it's accepted and we just call it war. It's wrong to discriminate based on race or gender, unless it's to give a minority an advantage over the majority, then somehow it's accepted... The contradictions became so obvious the more I focused on philosophical principles--universal principles. I could go on, how this awakening applied to my personal life, as well, but it's late, and primarily I just wanted to do the "Hi!" thing here before getting involved in other discussions. I'll save my life story for another time. Looking forward to future discussions with all of you here on the boards.
  9. I checked out your site, watched the video regarding TYT and salaried employees. Good stuff.
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