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Everything posted by Brendancclarke

  1. Hola. Pues yo vivo en Majadahonda. No muy lejos no? La verdad es que me es difícil encontrar con quien hablar de todo lo que me interesa a mi: filosofía, anarco capitalismo etc. Un saludo Brendan
  2. Hi Guys. My name is Brendan. I am a dating and relationships coach for men. I have been listening to Stef for a few months now and like what I hear. I was reading some Thus spoke Zarathustra only this morning, and a bit about choosing worthy friends came up. "A light has dawned for me: Zarathustra shall not speak to the people but to companions! Zarathustra shall not be herdsman and dog to the herd! To lure many away from the herd— that is why I have come. The people and the herd shall be angry with me: the herdsmen shall call Zarathustra a robber. I will not be herdsmen or gravedigger. I will not speak again to the people: I have spoken to a dead man for the last time. I will make company with creators, with harvesters, with rejoicers: I will show them the rainbow and the stairway to the Superman." --from Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (1883-1891) by Friedrich Nietzsche So... Creators, harvesters and rejoicers... Nice to meet you.
  3. If I may, it sounds like you are just not into her. The most unethical thing I see here is that you seem to be wasting your time. Your time is your greatest resource and using it up on a woman who doesn't convince you, would be a big mistake. When we first meet a woman, we can't be absolutely sure if we are going to want her further down the line, so we give her a chance. It looks to me like she's running out of chances. Have you had that conversation about her values, her past, her motivations? It is all in the spirit of finding out if she is girlfriend material or not of course. If you have, you should know if she is worth giving a chance to or not. If not, perhaps you are simply not interested. To be honest, my first reaction (right from the gut) was... "I would dump her" Take care. Brendan
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