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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. I like onions, onions don't like me. Ogres not so much, probably have there uses best kept from afar if possible. Well at the least you got some valuable skills from your father. I learnt and was taught no valuable skills, he would say driving, but I don't really drive. The plumbing and the electrical work, not so much with the rest. Besides if you can inflict murderous terror, further spanking is kind of unrequired. Not saying it is a good thing. Ethically it is wrong, but might raise conscientiousness as well as being expedient( which is very important in society), if done regularly. Perhaps using a cane for example. Yeah I guess probably best not to associate, wonder if it's why so many old people end up alone in a home.
  2. Pretty sure dolphins, probably don't debate freewill. Becoming one with the Pineapple though....... As Mike Cernovich said on his website, no I'm not making this up. Look it up. I wouldn't be opposed to DMT or DMT 5-Meo. Probably would be interesting to have it legal, so could observe the effects on a wide scale. I think it's unreasonable(from my perspective) that its not legal really. Although over a decade a go though I'd probably have been in favor of the death penalty for illegal drug use, kind of like the golden triangle perhaps or N Korea. There has got to be underground human research, experiments being carried out there somewhere right? Why have animal testing facilities within access to the public? Why wouldn't there be something like Black Mesa? I think personality wise The "I think" INTP or ISTP is the most embodied. "A is A" the least. ENTJ or ESTJ. Not sure what a subconscious compatible personality theory would be. Have really looked much at Ennegram or DISC assessment, I find it helps to read the original author who it's based off of.
  3. Like crabs in a bucket. Read on Wikipedia that the author (I.Q of 167) was inspired by Freud in his psychological outlook. The author being the Unabomber......., someone who targeted a computer store owner, pretty messed up. Although if he was looking to get his manifesto out there, he obviously suceeded. Given the technology that is out there even one person could do a huge amount of damage if sufficiently motivated, only heard about those ricin enevolopes through Stefan's recent video, although skipped through a chunk. Nothing on Sky News, more propoganda. With techonology the way it is not sure how anarchy would even work, when you may have just 1 nutter(although probably correct about a lot of things) with access to technology far more developed now. If China develops those 200 I.Q super babies, what going to be like Star Trek The Wrath of Khan??? Probably going to be huge bloodshed if things are built on blood, and territory not enforced. I wonder if terror and territory are some how related if not, they should be.
  4. Nationalism will result in Balkanisation, I'm not saying that is a bad thing. Which means that regions would be under control of a local strongman or an Aristocrat in some form of confederate secular Aristocracy. As for a king the medieval age left kings antiquate and the Pope is a leftist. Why would it make any economic sense to keep some of the regions part of a greater union, it wouldn't. The internet allows for decentralization to a degree. Catalonia in Spain. California in USA. Quebec in Canada. London in England. Paris in London. Sarajevo & Kosovo in Serbia. Who ever has the weaponry will ultimately prevail. Who wants a nuclear armed Islamic France?
  5. I have been watching the show from the beginning, thinking back I think I saw Stefan on RT. Should have taken more interest really, my family was never much for listening to the news or reading the paper, always kept mostly to themselves. All this cr*p that goes on. With technology, people should be able to put there feet most of the time and do hardly any work, should be a paradise on earth. I only really took him serious when he supported Trump, obviously much later duriing the election, I couldn't see how Clinton could make the Middle East & Africa even worse than it is, and then not support Trump really, I mean "look at the bones."
  6. @PT Bergin No. But, oddly enough I was thinking about that recently. Perhaps because haven't heard it mentioned as much in the show. Sometimes when I've looked at criticism of Stefan on other forums, to see if there is anyone better out there, it's all ad hominem. I think fine, don't make an argument I don't care, but at least assert someone else better or different.
  7. I don't like the subjective value that the free market often has, even if I agree that's how it functions with the Subjective theory of value of Austrian Economics. How utter cr*p can be super popular. I remember reading something about what Ayn Rand said about reading material, how somethings can be objectively proved to be superior or better in her words, but still not do as well as better material. Kind of like 5 minute philosophy videos with cartoons getting hundreds of thousands of views.
  8. Surprised that Reddit is as popular as it is. I guess it's Meritocratic, with up and down votes, helping to define the thread exhibition. Antithetical to what I'm aiming at. At moment my best alternatives seem to be open source forum software. Would be good if there was an organisation that has done for website design, what freedomain radio has done for philosophy. Although kind of a win by default, in the case of FDR, with or without arguments.
  9. Do I at least get company? "In space no one can eat icecream." Pretty pointless then.
  10. Although if it is developed, wonder how likely it would be for us(or at least myself) peasants to get access to such technology.
  11. As long as I have my mind, I'm not too fussed, could get used to it. In some ways it's better than Oblivion, so many galaxies that'll I'll never get/ be able to visit. Unless science develops consciousness or Ego preservation, through cloning and stem cells, then might be in for a chance.
  12. Drifted so far from the original point. How does someone eradicate the idea of God. I suppose if things are going well doesn't really matter. In the absence of things going well. Why not some form of Iconoclasm taken further. Eradicate any mention of God, and all icons depicting religious figures. How would someone psychologically develop if they never even heard the idea or excuse of God?
  13. I've looked at Reddit, I don't know how anyone even uses it, the formatting is awful imo. How can such a site be so popular. Facebook, don't like how it favours you always being signed in and knowing what everyone is doing, has had for breakfast, is in a relationship with what ever. Yeah I guess that's the thing, but I'm aiming at quality over quantity. Looking at someone like Tom Woods, his YouTube views always seem between 2,000 to 4,000 views. Maybe if I at least try and make it accessible, can pull a few people from generic philosophy forums which are garbage. Although I guess the YouTube or podcast things is a way to try and pull an audience. Mostly would like to provide enough value to at least cover the forum costs, which I'm guessing are negligible, although not insignificant. More about getting a base to work from. I don't want to be restrained by arbitrary terms & conditions. I suppose if you paid someone £5,000 or much much less, you could get a forum and domain pretty much there and then. Looking for a overall degree of control. Systematized Chaos.
  14. I think that is a good approach, there is isn't any more in saying "this is a rose, and it exists." So perhaps a reductionist approach to truth. Not familiar with Bayes Theorem, although I have heard it mentioned a few times on the forum. Looking at Wikipedia, would you say it's an equivalent of a best guess? In which case then, belief itself could be coded into our DNA, in terms of our preferences towards others. I wouldn't say absolution, instead not relevant, kind of a “Begin as you mean to go on, and go on as you began, and let the Lord be all in all to you.”― Charles H. Spurgeon, All of Grace. But perhaps in a quest for perfection, if absolute certainty is impossible. Then how can we be certain about ethics itself? Although perhaps if "absolute certainty"(determinism) were possible, then truth would be impossible. Perhaps what it comes down to is who can sustain the longest stream of consciousness. A bit like rodeo cowboys playing cards in a bull ring.
  15. If you did why would you have to say it? It's clear by your statement that you don't.
  16. Instead of Maker. Not really sure, perhaps more on the line of order and chaos. I think some people, usually high in conscientiousness have to work and produce otherwise they get upset. I think Maker can blindside someone, while making them extremely sharp in character. Reminds me a bit of the film "Instinct" with Anthony Hopkins. They used the expression Taker in the film a lot, but the answer was more a balance, a kind of Aristotlean mean or perhaps Buddhist approach in a way. Aristotle does say in Nichomacean Ethics that a Mean man is often worse than a prodigal one. I'd imagine there are plenty of ways to be mean in business, a kind of take no prisoners approach.
  17. The original formulation that Stefan thought was wrong or less precise was "The Have's and Have Not's". Kind of a common middle class English expression. Another one, perhaps less common, "there are two people in this world, the quick and the dead." I think you can kind of get stuck in a kind of rationalism. For example, Evil people can't not be good, because, well they're Evil. And Good people can not be Evil, because, well they're good. Just swap about Maker's and Taker's accordingly. With the Have's and have not's I think you have more a kind of monism. Evil being a deprivation of Good, instead of being entirely separate, perhaps more like Thomas Aquinas or Aristotle. Instead of a more Kantian approach, based on an apriori freewill. As I said I think Taker's is Appropriate, not sure on the Maker's part. A Christian would say God. Bit of a gamer so kind of reminds me of a part of the intro to the game Bioshock. "I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? "No," says the man in Washington, "it belongs to the poor." "No," says the man in the Vatican, "it belongs to God." "No," says the man in Moscow, "it belongs to everyone." I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture. A city where the artist would not fear the censor; where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality; where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well."
  18. Before you get to a cliff. I suppose Aristotle might be useful. What you value and decide whether you are no longer compatible. Otherwise going to be aesthetics, like most people. "If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I." Michel de Montaigne.
  19. I like money...... Better than superman, faster than an aeroplane....... You're in the wrong line dumb*ss. Hey man where's your tattoo, your tattoo. Your Tattoo You're unscannable!!!! UNSCANNABLE!!!!!! AHH AGGHHHHHHh!!!!
  20. Well in the case of the Canaanite woman, resources are fininte. By helping the woman's daughter, which he did. Not sure how much more compassionate you can be, to save another's child. Same issue with the pathological altruism of the West. By trying to help everyone that does not necessarily share your values, can end up capsizing the lifeboat. Opportunity cost, resources spent on foreigners are not spent on natives. Matthew 15 24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. I think compassion can also be putting animals and by logical further extension people down. ala "Of mice and men". His answer to her meant everything, what he said meant nothing.
  21. @ofd Looking at website and forum design, with emphasis on the forum design. Ideally something functional and with good interactivity. I'm willing to spend time, in excess. So was looking for any forums that might be a good guide and support. Is Dreamweaver any good? Looking at quality, but a non-functional prototype would suffice as a concept to build on. Not really sure where to start, but would like to get a list of tasks prepared. There's not really any decent Philosophy/Self knowledge forums out there, with an exception of the presentation of this one.
  22. Can anyone recommend any computing or design forums? Please & Thank you.
  23. Was wondering if anyone has some advice on starting a forum? How would someone go about designing one? What would existing templates cost? Looking for interactivity. More along the lines of a lateral focus, than a top down one. Would prefer an Aristocratic focus than a Meritocratic. Some form of record so, weak posts down or upvotes can be referenced. To help people improve and pursue better learning and mutual help, rather than degrading into a slugging match. Self-knowledge, Philosophy, Homesteading but a focus on practice, mostly for my own interest. Post whatever you like, profanity allowed. Except in cases of violence.
  24. sound particularly compassionate to you? Yes it does. Maybe not to the Pharisees or Samaritan directly, but to those who lives were destroyed by them. Then Judaism and the Old Testament would be sufficient.
  25. Yeah well I think both UPB and Objectivism are both wrong. Aristotle(Name means best anyway), being better than Rand. Hell if the makers can make faster than the takers can take. Makers win right. Personally I think as long as you have capitalism you will have socialism, and visa versa. I don't think UPB is selfish as you have said, I think it is blind. If it were selfish, I'd probably be more keen on it. I know Stefan recently mentioned he's an Anarcho-Capitalist and often says he supports the NAP. Perhaps a bit random, but despite being wrong, I think Hegel and Spinoza might be really good philosophers at collective persuasion. Was thinking of the Nike Slogan "Just Do it" being a good example of double think. Thought a few memes I saw were funny, and the believe in something meme.
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