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Everything posted by liberecak
So I wrote this on Brexit. I stuck it on Facebook, 4 likes so far (all from previously confirmed Brexiteers), and surprisingly polite although occassionally nonsensical commentry from the Remainers.
Interesting question. I live in the Czech Republic, which has a relatively high divorce rate (66%, no less), but everyone goes off and gets a new partner almost immediately. To be honest, I think it depends on the age of the children, how sensitive the children are, how bad the marriage is, and various other factors. I've got a mate who married a right nutter (he was warned). I think he wanted someone strict to stop him drinking himself to death, in which case it can be said that the marriage was successful. Basically they hated each other and he was terrified of her, there was no physical violence though. However, a few years and two kids later, he took his dog to the vet, who asked him what the problem was. He replied that she seemed to have perked up a bit in the surgery, but at home she was lethargic, off her food, and seemed miserable. The vet told him that it was quite a common problem these days, that his dog was depressed, that his home situation was so stressful that the dog preferred being at the vet to at home. God knows what the kids made out of it all. Nowadays he's got joint custody, a new girlfriend who is actually very nice and who his kids have taken to. The ex-wife got the dog, if you're wondering.
While I'm obviously hoping Britain votes to leave COMECON on June 23, I'm wary of sharing this video because all the insufferable Leftists I've wound up being friends with will just say "Ewww, Farage!" and dismiss it without watching. Such are the times we live in. Still, a great source of material for arguing your corner in pubs.
You'll probably get put on a self-employment licence, thereby cutting the evil state out of the picture and making Stefan happy. You'll get paid 200-350 CZK per hour, depending on what school you are at and where you are. Prague used to be better paid, but I've heard it isn't now, because there are so many teacher already there. One hour is 45 minutes, obviously. You'll be expected to teach up to about 30 of these hours a week.You might get a CELTA at a school in Prague, but I expect you'll have to pay for it. It'll be cheaper than in the UK though. You might try your luck in a small town of up to 10,000 people, where you'll be the only Englishman in town and they might not care about such frivolities. I believe there are internet courses you can take which are cheaper, but I can summarize what I learnt on my CELTA twenty years ago thus: There are three stages to teaching, abbreviated to PPP. Presentation: you explain stuff to your students. It's better to elicit than just tell them. Practice: they fill in some gaps or choose whether option a, b or c fits best or something. (Can't actually remember this one): free practice. For example, if you've just taught them past simple, ask them what they did at the weekend, or what they like and don't like eating if you're doing food, what their favourite restaurant is etc. Nowadays they have more modern techniques I believe. You'll learn to shake it up how you like i time. Nonetheless, asking people how their weekend was takes up a reasonable proportion of my working week. Living costs are low, and it's a good country for outdoors stuff like hiking, climbing and skiing.
Free the Nipple non sense
liberecak replied to fractional slacker's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
You know, in Czech Rep topless sunbathing is no big deal, you see women of all ages and sizes at it. Basically they don't want the white stripes. There's an old man at who spends half his summer sunbathing bottomless at the local reservoir and the sky hasn't fallen in yet. He will put some shorts on when he gets up and goes for a drink or a swim mind you. -
You don't actually need a degree to TEFL. It helps to have a CELTA certificate or something of that ilk, but you could just rock up in whatever town takes your fancy and go and knock on language school doors till you get a job. Language schools tend to be fairly chaotic places with high employee fluctuation. I don't know what nationality you are, but if you are an EU citizen you don't need a visa. I've been TEFLing for nearly 18 years, albeit in the same place, so if you have any questions fire away.
Have you considered teaching English as a foreign language?
This is why it's important to keep our minds open. Your opinion on this or that isn't your wife, or your football team, you don't have to stick with it through thick or thin no matter how shite it's doing. If the facts contradict your opinion, ditch your opinion. This is the advantage we hold over the dogmatic.
Hi, I have never called the show or shared one of Stefan's posts on Facebook, although I have sent links to individuals, and shown a few of his videos to students I am teaching English to. I kind of know what you're talking about though, because I once startled the horses by trying to explain that Islam is not a religion of peace. It's hard, because I had been the best man at the wedding of perhaps the angriest of those present. They aren't bad people, they are just wrong, but the nature of their wrongness leads them to believe that those who have a different view are evil. I think that they are wrong, they think that I am both wrong and evil. On the other hand, I posted this on FB and got a more positive response than I had expected, including from the bridegroom in question. Reality will become apparent in the end. "Truth and love will always win over lies and hate." - Václav Havel. It might take some time though, I assume in San Francisco you are quite removed from where the action is. Could you post the link in question?
Neo-Nazi is an exaggeration, nobody actually said that, but two people especially were visibly shocked. I had two motivations while writing, firstly to clarify my own thoughts, and secondly to voice my objection to the kind of woolly minded leftism that is the default setting among today's middle classes. I don't really expect anyone to convert to rationality after reading one post, I just wanted to sow a seed of doubt. Today there are people sharing Russell Brand's views on the Panama papers ffs. I was also thinking of Plato's cave allegory, and how the central figure is killed when he tries to spread enlightenment. I know a few people plastering their facebook feed with Pegida posts, it doesn't work because everyone just thinks "oh, that fascist's sounding off again." dsayers, I watched the first Bomb in the Brain video this morning, I'll check out the rest later.
Hello! You probably saw Stefan's video about a week ago exhorting you to spread the truth, This is something I'd been intending for some time, basically ever since one local pub held an Oktoberfest celebration last September (obviously), and my English chums were were whining about how all their Czech students (we all pretend to teach English in the Czech Republic) were against mass Islamic immigration. I told them that no, the Czechs are right to be afraid, and they all concluded that I'm some kind of neo-Nazi. So I've written this attempting to explain my position and intend to post it on my facebook and twitter this weekend. It needs to be as good as possible, because my mother and brother are Corbynite Labouristas and my boss is some kind of green. I would therefore appreciate any feedback before I go live. I've got another 5 or 6 semi-written articles on various topics after this one. I would also like to know how you deal with these topics among friends. Thank you! Henry
I'm English but I've been living in the Czech Republic for 18 years. You might be surprised how mainstream some of the opinions expressed by Stefan are over here, for example that men and women are a little bit different, that IQ scores might be different in different corners of the world, or that we shouldn't open up our borders to basically anyone who can afford to pay a people smuggler. I can't see the majority letting go of the "government as a kindly uncle" world-view any time soon mind you. Henry