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Everything posted by Devolvophobe

  1. First off What do you actually mean by "young earth"? That it's only looked like a moldy blueberry from space for thousands of years? That it literally formed from stardust into the complex life supporting planet it is now over the course of a few thousand years? Or what? From a geological standpoint I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to make a case that earths development into its current state required only a few thousand years... Unless of course and it sounds like perhaps you are, invoking: a series of "divine poofing" creation antics. If your purpose for desiring earth to be young is for that belief to comport with a kindergarten flannel board interpretation of Genesis; where a Sunday school teacher flops a flannel globe, sun and moon onto the board as God snaps his fingers. Well then I think you may need to reconsider why/how a proposed miraculous universe creator should be expected to reveal and attempt to explain to mere mortals detailed explanations of his divine finger snapping capabilities; how they function; in what order; and over how many earth days, years, millenia this all took place. Maybe big fella snapped his fingers once cause he's all powerful a big bang ensued as he sat back on his lazy boy with a Jupiter sized bowl of popcorn and watched the incredible show of billions of years of spectacular universe formation from his realm in which the passage of time may not even be experienced? Or may not be in any way painful to endure? After all time is relative right here in our very realm.
  2. First off What do you actually mean by "young earth"? That it's only looked like a moldy blueberry from space for thousands of years? That it literally formed from stardust into the complex life supporting planet it is now over the course of a few thousand years? Or what? From a geological standpoint I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to make a case that earths development into its current state required only a few thousand years... Unless of course and it sounds like perhaps you are, invoking: a series of "divine poofing" creation antics. If your purpose for desiring earth to be young is for that belief to comport with a kindergarten flannel board interpretation of Genesis; where a Sunday school teacher flops a flannel globe, sun and moon onto the board as God snaps his fingers. Well then I think you may need to reconsider why/how a proposed miraculous universe creator should be expected to reveal and attempt to explain to mere mortals detailed explanations of his divine finger snapping capabilities; how they function; in what order; and over how many earth days, years, millenia this all took place. Maybe big fella snapped his fingers once cause he's all powerful a big bang ensued as he sat back on his lazy boy with a Jupiter sized bowl of popcorn and watched the incredible show of billions of years of spectacular universe formation from his realm in which the passage of time may not even be experienced? Or may not be in any way painful to endure? After all time is relative right here in our very realm.
  3. Hello folks, I'm 28, male and white. I'm a self-employed commercial fisherman of sorts from Southern California. (For now I should say, since any form of productivity is either prohibited here or under full assault.) I fly a small highly modified airplane I use to locate fish and provide instruction for engagement for a number of different operations in the area. I write somewhat strangely and often include parenthetical statements. I'm very excited by my discovery of Stefan, and can't get enough of his videos and podcasts. I'm also very excited to connect with others that have found their way into this community and discuss and clarify life. I can't say I'm a complete anarchist, but I'm interested in being persuaded by anything logical. I'm currently a theist, yes a theist, not atheist but don't let this stop me from asking questions at any level. I'm probably not as versed in terminology and political/ social theory as most of the members here so forgive me in advance if I come across ignorant at some point. I'm eager to learn! Drew
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