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Siegfried von Walheim

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Everything posted by Siegfried von Walheim

  1. I don't think he was being literal (to answer for him). I have noticed some MGTOWs becoming PUAs but I don't think that's the rule. If I had to divide MGTOW into thirds, they'd pretty much be #1; Hardcore MGTOW: a man who chooses to completely avoid women romantically and perhaps casually as well. Some may be homosexual. #2: Moderate MGTOW: they're aware of how bad a lot of women can be; how the legal system is built against them; and therefore date carefully and make sure not to wander off into traps. I don't call myself a MGTOW but I'd say this is where I am on the specturm. #3: Satyriasis MGTOW: A man who chooses to only date women for sex. Generally not what some could call an Orthodox MGTOW since his sticking his wick in holes freely This ought to contradict the knowledge of dangerous women he'd have--he's endangering himself knowingly and yet claims to be in control when he's not. This kind of MGTOW is the one most easily conflated with Pick-Up-Artist.
  2. That is true. Unfortunately we'll never know the whole story. I'd guess Jews were persecuted but maybe not that badly, and the Soviets touched it up to hide and/or overshadow their own war crimes. Don't know enough to say. I wouldn't be surprised if the first feminist/socialist/etc. film makers created movies sympathetic to degenerates, however I'd assume it was balanced out with movies accurately portraying the pitfalls of living life as a degenerate. Namely unstable families and lifelong depression. Unfortunately the movie industry is large run by Leftists and therefore if we want to change that we'd have to go independent of mainstream movie making. I think if someone were to do that and do that well, they could attract a big and hungry market... Agreed. We have far more to be proud of than not. It still amuses me how blatant they are about their "right" to the west coast of Arabia and Jerusalem. Personally that doesn't bother me--let them have it. Let them turn Arabia into "Judea". Over time they'd most likely degenerate as more and more less intelligent and hybrid Jews are born and by contrast after the inevitable population drain of degenerate Whites, only top quality Whites will remain the trends will reverse. It is almost inevitable (so long as we do what we can where can) that we will win. We are more numerous, and the better minded of us have more children, and we are equally committed to our preservation as they are.
  3. Who are the "Cantons"? I don't assume the Cantonese of the Chinese city by the same name. Some of the text screams of modern Leftism (respect for diversity!) and that makes me wonder how legitimate a constitution it really is...I mean, any legal document can invoke the name of God--that doesn't make them legitimate either morally (which I think should be based on whether or not it works) or pragmatically (i.e. whether it can be sustained by words or the sword). The Leftists were trying to stamp our Christianity as hard as they could. In spite of that Eastern Europe remains Eastern Catholic. ...I wouldn't call Napoleon a mere murderer. He was a visionary attempting to reunite the Franks and failed. If he had succeeded...well, I doubt history would have changed much. Just substitute Germany for France. It's not really theoretical. Several major time periods saw AnCap-like societies. Namely; the Imperial Free Cities of the Holy Roman Empire; the Free City of Sakai (Japan); The "Wild" West; and to some degree the original 13 Colonies. The closer a city or nation was towards libertarianism the better they've always done compared to their more Leftist rivals. There is a reason why young America managed to eclipse old England in less than a hundred years after all. My ideal form of government (besides totally Stefanist UPB-based AnCapistanism) would be a hereditary one in which I am the "Kaiser of the Holy American Empire by the Grace of God and Man; Autocrat of All Americans; King of Pennsylvania and Virginia; etc..." with a devolution administration in favor of local administration based on size of territory. The Imperial Government would be comprised of only three organs; the Imperial Military in which the Generalissimo is named by the Kaiser at the start of a war; the Imperial Government in which a Prime Minister who heads the official administration and is chosen by the Kaiser; and the Imperial Judiciary which is made of a number of Justices chosen by the Kaiser and whose saw purpose is to know of the land as dictated by His Imperial Supremacy the Kaiser. There would be local military leaders with noble titles (e.g. Count of New York City, Archduke of New York State) whose purpose is essentially to enforce Imperial Law and have a list ready for the draft should it be needed. Beyond a revision of the Ten Commandments to something like "No stealing; no murdering; no damaging; keep your word; praise the Kaiser" there would be no laws to speak of. The simpler the legal system the better. I would separate America from the Holy See and declare it an independent American Patriarchate with jurisdiction from Greenland to Argentina-Chile. I would personally select my favorite bishop as the first Pope (I am using Eastern styles for administrative purposes but it is essentially a Roman clone based in Philadelphia) and let the new Holy See run itself but with extreme favoritism towards Myself and My Imperial Government. Also I'd make sure they spoke positive of libertarian ideals. Perhaps eventually they could convince the population they don't need a government... The military and state would be inseparable. There would be no bureaucrats save ones with military titles. It would be impossible to hold a rank in my administration without either hereditary privilege (muh daddy was Count brah!) or service in the Military(Fur das Vaterlanden!). The intention is to cut out as much government as possible while still being able to enforce the laws I consider just and efficient. A rather simple design wherein villages are ruled by Barons; cities are ruled by Counts; states by Dukes, Archdukes, or Kings based on population size and arbitrarily determined importance on my part, and every noble rank translates to military authority in a simple chain of command ranging from the Kaiser Himself to the lowest draftee. Chile is losing its way, and yet it is the closest towards what I'd want in a country. If I could combine traditional German and Japanese conservatism, English work ethic, and American ingenuity I'd have the perfect people and Chile is the closest I know of. Perhaps Russia would be closer but...they have typical mixed market problems that Chile doesn't. Also note: I mentioned that my ideal state would have me in charge (or effectively so) because if I am not the head of the mafia I really don't care what the mafia looks like. Substitute myself for someone else (who isn't Stefan Molyneux) in this hypothetical and I'd add "expect it to go sour in 3 generations" at the bottom of it. P.S. I find it funny the name "Molyneux" is considered a typo on His own forums...
  4. That contradicts the "We are a Socialist movement..." quote so famously said about him. Of course given how convenient a scapegoat he is it wouldn't surprise me if was actually a lot more Right than Left than what has been said about him. Which makes sense, given his enemy would sound similar in name to his own force. Hard to say how much Jews actually contributed to the modern degeneracy. While many Jews propagate it (and even live it), was only possible because of the series of events that was sparked by the newfound ability of states to print paper money and the suffrage of women, which always leads to welfare-warfare states. Naturally if I were a Jew I'd do the same. After all when you're only a million out of a hundred million, you have to put yourself in a position of power in order to survive and thrive. However that does not change the problem many of them are... They are both xenophobic and have a chosen-ones complex, but Jews are much more subtle and intelligent about their survival plan. Muslims will fight you on a battlefield while Jews will invite you to dinner and make a deal with you, which can benefit you both but can also be risky...And in recent times, it has become risky. I can't say they had/have a plan and this was it, but I can say they are a very flexible people as shown by their ability to survive genocidal wars, pogroms, etc. As much as I admire their fortitude I hate how they're maintaining themselves. Unfortunately we can't cohabitate. Either they'll turn us into degenerates or we'll bake them in ovens. The best solution seems to be separation into ethnostates. Yeah WWII was a mistake. However I figure his party would have shared the same fate as the Communist Party of Russia since there was no clear successor to Hitler and chances were the party leadership would degenerate over time. Establishing a hereditary monarchy could have solved the issue but he had no children nor a stable family to choose successors from. As a dictator he was doomed to fail unless he either abolished the state or turned power over to a family he could trust. As for von Mises I don't know much about him personally except that he knows money and people. Knowing money and people is why Free Market systems always trump Centrally Planned ones. The former is humble enough to admit they don't know how to run people and therefore let best among people run people through the natural selection of the market place. The latter either attempts to know people and fails or pretends to know people for their own sake and sustains a self-destructive dictatorship. Very true. White people do not have any race in particular barring their way from flight as eagles but rather their own governments and their own willingness to kick the can down the road. Once we stand our ground, most likely after the storm has come, we can and will be victorious. Truly Hail to our Victory. So long as we work for it wisely we will have it.
  5. Very interesting. Too bad he was a Socialist and not a Capitalist. Could have made all the difference in his regime's longevity. While it's true there were good Jews like von Mises (who invented the Austrian School of Economics), Milton (or was it Martin?) Friedmen (who inspired Pinochet and was a member of the Chicago School) and Ayn Rand (not exactly a good moralist but certainly had some great points about the producer's shrugging off the looters)...Most of them were terrible and created and propagated the worst ideas to come out of Europe. Namely Communism, Socialism, and its offshoots Feminism and (ironically) National Socialism. Agreed. Very much agreed. While I criticize Hitler since his Socialism would have inevitably starved the people he may have intended to save, I still would rather take him than what we already have or Islam. I expect with Trump we'll either have a breath of fresh air or people will become disappointed enough with republicanism that our side of the isle will become more appealing and actionable. Either way the system as it stands cannot last. One of the things that make me hopeful for the future is the fact we'll inevitably overcome both the invaders and the termites. I intend to make sure my children are in the right place at the right time with the skills and resources they need to make it big when that time comes. I highly encourage everyone to aim for the lofty goal of building a big and safe safely with the principles that Stefan espouses for he knows better than most how to raise a family.
  6. Depends. If it's external, no. If it's internal, only if the army happens to be rebelling as well. I don't believe in "legitimacy" in governments because all governments are glorified mafias. It just so happens some mafias are better than others.
  7. I'd argue we Whites aren't great with democracy either. The only big country to have a decent republic was America, and once we became totally democratic we became totally moved by the will of the mob. I think AnCap is the way mainly because it is the best way I know of for the smart and able to acquire and maintain the highest positions of authority and necessity without the intervention of nepotists and looters. However since I think AnCap is only possible once the population of a given area are willing to fight for it, Capitalist/Libertarian Monarchism seems the most efficient. The very idea behind Statism is that decisions ought to be made by a small group of people and their ideas enforced by an army. Since fewer men tend to be wiser than many men, the fewer the leaders and the fewer the obstacles the better. Or at least, so the theory would go... Since I'm of the opinion even a well-meaning Oriental Despotism would result in disaster, a laissez-faire monarchism would be the next best thing to AnCap. Now that is interesting...Although Italy could be argued similarly, if you'd consider Fascism to be fundamentally the same as Communism. Which, given both have centrally planned economies I think it wouldn't be a stretch. I call myself a Roman Catholic because for the most part my religion was the best religion. I don't believe in God, but I do believe in some of the major points that my Church was built on (like spread by the word not the sword; no sex before marriage; stable families; etc.) and that my race would be best served with Christianity than any other religion or "non-religion". Most people just aren't able to live like Christians without believing in the myths, and therefore I'd rather propagate a myth that inspires goodness from those who'd otherwise by hedonistic or evil. People who are naturally good however (like Stefan) wouldn't need God since they're naturally good. I agree that one thing that made America great was its faith in God and adherence to the better parts of our religion. A Return to Christ, the abolition of republicanism, and the freeing of the markets would make us a truly great superpower.
  8. Since I find this topic interesting I'll butt in here...heheheh... Legitimacy to me is a state of mind. After a(n often violent) while, all governments become totally legitimate within their geographic areas. However if I had the scepter of autocracy as Kaiser of America and therefore the deciding voice on which governments live and die... ...I'd probably base it on the old Habsburg, Papal, and general Christian model where every state with a king or emperor with a Habsburg, Papal, or general Christian background is on the table. However I'd also include those related to my own family as legitimate (since I'd want my family to reign supreme) and also declare legitimate any usurper that actually functions as a good or at least stable ruler. Like Assad would be "legitimate" but Kim Jong Un "illegitimate". If I wasn't a nobleman or ruler in this hypothetical, I wouldn't care about legitimacy but rather if they were Free Market isolationists. The Tokugawa Shogunate being a decent example of a decent dictatorship and the Pinochet administration a better one.
  9. WELL NOW! A bit off topic but how does one be both a Magyar and a Mongolian? Very distant countries although I can't say I disagree with your preferences as Mongolians appear to have done best with a Khan wile the Hungarians under a Free Market oriented King or Kaiser.
  10. Seems like I found a topic that speaks to me...I will have to make multiple replies since this topic has gone on long before I stepped in. Quite frankly I'm ambivalent to the old Republic vs. Autocracy debate in where it can be simplified to "A good autocracy beats a good democracy, and a bad democracy beats a bad autocracy". People have existed in spite of their states, not because of them. However some states were better than others and used their producers' power for better rather than worse. The British Empire used its productivity to build the largest most humanitarian empire in history; the Roman Empire built the best living period (20-190AD give or take) in history until the Industrial Revolution occurred in America; yet it was Republican America that brought about the lion's share of the industrial revolution (which Imperial England had either shortly before, after, or during. I can't recall who first reached the Industrial Revolution but I know we both did around the same time and it was great for everyone). History has proven it really isn't the system for selecting bosses that makes the country prosperous or not, but rather the boss's approach to economics and the people's culture. Combine a German work ethic with American creativity and ambition, as well as a Pinochet-style Kaiser who's a big Libertarian minus the fact he's a hereditary ruler (which has proven to be better for safeguarding national unity than the elective kind. The Roman Empire's bad half of its history exemplifies this brutally) and we'd have the second best possible society I could conceive of. The only better one would be AnCap. However I think a libertarian autocracy is far more likely to happen than AnCap within the next century, therefore I call myself a neo-reactionary...and a Capitalist lover.
  11. Note: As I typed this out I quickly realized I wasn't typing out an argument so much as a rant. Therefore I decided to post in the Self Knowledge section since I'd rather steer this into something more personally fulfilling and inspiring as I can't see this as being something worth arguing on an objective level. I have a very simple question: Which do you, the reader of this post, prefer? Or, which is the better of two evils? Incoming Islam or existing Statism? On one hand my religion and culture will be annihilated and I will be forced into slavery if I do not convert and join the horde, on the other I will be a lifelong tax serf for the Welfare-War-State and an ungrateful 50% whom receive portions of the money looted from me. On one hand women are under a true patriarchy, which I'd say as a man is greatly preferred to the matriarchy of the Welfare-Warfare-State (which I will abbreviate as WWS for simplicity). Considering these factors I'm tempted to either throw up my hands and say "screw it--they both suck. I'd rather wait for the inevitable meltdown to occur and join the side most aligned with my self interest" or give preference to he Muslims since as a man I'd be better off with them than the WWS. Maybe I'm just salty because male slavery in the West has gotten me pissed off again, maybe I have a point in saying Islam is slightly better than the WWS, or maybe I'm completely overlooking the benefits of the WWS (like hobbies to escape reality and the ability to join the White Flight out of the ghetto)...but I know I have point in suggesting that as a man Islam is better than the WWS. I'm not arguing that Islam is better than the West because any idiot would know otherwise. The West is the Best. However the West had died decades ago. Now the Occident is some disgusting degenerate dystopia on the Slow Train to Nowhereland. Am I the only one tempted to grab a Koran and join the heathens? Am I missing something vital (like the likelihood of my decapitation by association? Which frankly isn't a big minus given how shit life is likely to be for me anyway)?
  12. I assume this response was directed partially to me since I'm the only one who thinks monarchism is liable to have a return... I mainly make this assumption based on the decreasing faith in republicanism and the increasing cynicism in political action. Even if Donald Trump does exactly what he says he'll do and then some, half the voting populace will still see him as an example of democratic failure. Meanwhile those voters that did vote for Trump will only be contented if he manages to accomplish his spoken goals. Should he fail or only partially complete them then faith in politics will dwindle proportionately. Combine this with the deep state, military industrial complex, and racial divides it wouldn't surprise me if we're in for a civil war (whether it will be a brief one where the State will be having a month-long spring cleaning or if it will drag on for decades across the country depends on how solid the existing two-party system is and how much faith the military and its own factions have in the system as a whole). If the Right wins then I doubt we have much to fear--in fact, we may be in for a renaissance like the Roman Republic did for the first century after its semi-official transformation into the Roman Empire. However if the Left wins then a series of future revolutions, both guerrilla and mass-ranked based, is guaranteed. Even if the Right were to win I imagine the Left won't die quietly. Either way the only possibility AnCap has is to ride the wave and become one of the future competitors for national unification. Of course I think this is only one of many possibilities, perhaps with only a 10% likelihood. However I think it is safe to assume some kind of revolt (either open violence, closeted violence, or peaceful) is guaranteed.
  13. At this point I am fairly certain the leaders of the next generation will be comprised largely of this group. Whether the devaluation of currency via minimum wage laws or devaluation of labor based on lessening of demand is the case, a simple solution is the natural eugenics of the Free Market in which the hard working and intelligent will accumulate the most resources (and by extension have the most children) while the idiots and deadbeats have few to no resources and die off either by having few kids or gene death. A peaceful and more or less permanent solution. I used the word "aristocracy" in the literal sense, not metaphorically. I am vehemently anti-voting and anti-democracy and therefore support either full AnCap as the ideal and a dictatorship of the competent as a far second. Of course I realize eventually, should a society be founded on a competent revolutionary party, it would skew the methodologies for in-group membership over time to the point where in a few centuries the ruling class is essentially not much greater than the general populace, however I consider that a preferable end-of-empire state than our current trajectory. However since I have a great IQ, I would certainly benefit from such a system in its early days and therefore have no sympathy for anyone who might oppose it unless their plan has a better future in store for my progeny.
  14. Let the both exiting and terrifying games begin... Although famous Jews certainly came up with some pretty powerful ideas (ranging from genocidal Socialism to life-saving Austrian Capitalism) I don't think they're worth counting as a Western/European/Occidental culture, even if they're basically Whites in the closet. The reason simply being they lived/live in enclaves disconnected from their host nations. Chinese is not dead. Modern China is basically pre-modern China Part 2. Persian and Egyptian can't be called dead either unless you're willing to say Christianity is dead, since although Islam has pretty much dominated the region the local cultures still exist albeit subservient. I'd also add authoritarianism versus libertarianism (or statism versus anarchism) since authoritarian secularists and deep-state byzantine networks are waging war against both traditional monarchism (which I'm betting will make a come back) and republicanism (which is most visible in America). If I had to place my bets on the horse race, I'd bet along the following lines... Christianity will undoubtedly experience a revolution; either they will be crushed by Statism and Islam, displaced by Eastern Catholicism (presuming the Eastern Europeans rescue we Westies just like the bad ole' days when the Mongolians and Turks were ravaging us), or with a vivified and dominant Western Catholic Church. Either way I can guarantee there will be no moderates in a future world of radicals. Islam will most likely over-extend themselves in their conquest of Europe. I expect a Second Holocaust to occur but with Islam as the target with the potentiality of a Tenth Crusade to completely exterminate them. Most likely history will repeat itself and Islam will survive, although greatly diminished in strength and broken back down to its Sick Man of Europe status. Hinduism. I pretty much expect they'll be a non-issue, just fucking their way into overpopulation and possibly trying to pry their way into Western countries as immigrants. Most likely Indians in the West will also be victimized by the inevitable holocaust as I doubt anything non-White will live in the future war-ravaged Europe after 2100. Secular Ideologies: So long as China carries Communism in name, Socialism will exist in some form or another. However while I expect modern Leftists to plague us I expect our war with them to end with swords rather than words. In such an event we'll most likely win but I doubt we'll have a libertarian union in the West. Most likely we'll see a return to fascism with the possibility of monarchism arising out of the dominant new dictatorships that declared themselves to save the West. I expect America to be a potential country for such a radical transformation, as the public becomes increasingly jaded and cynical of republicanism and harbors increasingly radical desires for change without much visible action. Buddhism: Not really a fighting power. I'm sure they'll exist as an alternative/traditional philosophy for the Far East but not as an organized force to be reckoned with (unless the Far East were to have a similar revolution to the West happening in their future, which I doubt since their lives and cultures are not in existential danger like ours'). Judaism: So long as they bet on the right horses they'll continue to thrive. Bet wrongly and they'll most likely be crippled and persecuted by the victors. I imagine Israel is in for a bloody war for existence once America goes through its revolution. All this being said while I think something like this will happen I don't believe everything I've prescribed will happen. Even so, I'm curios as to what you all think.
  15. An interesting question I really want to jump into since I've got the time and energy for it... Firstly I suspect the reason we consider people my age (18) adults is fairly simple; because we have done so for centuries beforehand. If I had to guess why, I'd start off with the fact that the most visible signs of physical maturity peak around 16-18 depending on how r-or-K-selected the environment was, and since it was pretty much the desire of the societal leaders of old to both maximize the productivity of young men and the fertility of young women without letting men beat each other into an early grave or let women's sexuality destroy the incentive for young men to conform, 16-18 was the "sweet-spot" to get the horny boys and girls married and committed to family building. Practically speaking it wasn't nearly as easy as it would be now (assuming the hypothetical 18 year old newly weds had the mental maturity of 18th century pioneers and not broken children) due to the high risk of disease, famine, and death by foreign invader or local tyrant. Therefore I imagine the average family's desire to procreate and expand, especially in a relatively-short time frame, drove the "legal age of adulthood" to be young (but not pre-puberty young, as the Catholic and later Protestant churches weren't keen on massive r-selected breeding patterns). More recently I imagine the maintaining of the legal adulthood age as 18 is politically motivated (indoctrinated young voting block and fodder for foreign cannon). I think the legal age for most things should be pushed up to 25 based on biological reality, however I don't think we should continue letting 18-25 remain an extended the childhood but with functional and active sex organs. Adult-aged parents with child minds are the last thing we Millennials need to be reduced to, not to mention how horribly the next generation is most likely to be raised as a result of the extended childhood mentality backed by penis/vagina cravings. Voting however, I'd support the abolition of. As an AnCap I don't think there should be a state, however if there must be one than at least let only those with land and substantial property vote as they're most likely to be the best at deciding collectively the interests of the nation. Or better yet only an aristocracy of IQ 130+ people voting. If we must vote at all...
  16. I think you're misunderstanding me; I meant to say all I care about is my own progeny. If the other 99.9999999% (to use an extreme and unrealistic example) were to be enslaved to me and my kin group, that would be freedom enough for me. If Islam or Communism were to dominate our countries I'd switch sides and attempt to become one of the commissars and eventually try to usurp the very establishment (if possible, however possible) and while that may be a long shot and a very unlikely goal in a somewhat unlikely scenario, I'd still shoot for it. Right now I'm in no position to move politically. I'm just an aspiring novelist working in an IT shop. However with persistence in both my career and my job that can become something far more personally substantial, at which point I aim to organize with people that think like myself (at least in a general Alt-Right sense) and move politically to co-opt the system. I cannot scope out how long such a plan might take to come into fruition; maybe my lifetime, maybe several lifetimes; maybe only a decade. If I happen to have Lenin's charisma and cadre of devoted fanatics then the cause of Anarcho-Capitalism might be achievable as quickly as Communism was achievable (but instead of a totalitarian nightmare there would be a free utopian ethnostate). Most likely, assuming my abilities as a public speaker is about as well as, say, Sean Splicer, and my finances (meaning personally) are only enough for a middle-class life with a family, then I'll walk the long road and groom my children to think critically and selfishly for what is best for our progeny, and then perhaps they could achieve the radical ambitions I want to achieve. All the while I wonder if Anarcho-Capitalism is worth fighting for, and I think I know the answer; it is for the business class and the White race, everyone else can go screw themselves for spitting on us and/or stabbing us in the back/chest. I only have limited experience giving speeches (i.e. in schools) and less experience leading movements, however I am dedicated to the future of my progeny and, like Nietzsche's Will To Power , am willing to do anything for the betterment of my progeny, friends, class, and race (in that order). If, assuming in my lifetime neither extreme evil nor redemption (in terms of Communism versus Capitalist-Nationalism) comes to pass, I'll aim to be a Karl Marx (who isn't hypocritical) of my beliefs and progeny and if possible the Lenin. Otherwise I'll aim to be the Marx for my descendants' Lenin.
  17. I'd give that rather inspirational speech a +1 if I knew how. However I've narrowed down what "my group" is to pretty much myself, my future family, future descendants, and the business class. I can't feel empathy anymore (which is to say I do but it's greatly desensitized as a result of the dehumanization I've felt for) the poor, the governmental, or the parasitical. The reason being, they are either too stupid to see the bars of their cage and act forcefully to keep themselves caged; cling tightly to the blood sucked out of their's and others' children; and repeat the cycle of abuse that only a minority seem human enough to break. Put even more simply; my race is the race of rare beings who stood the past in face; spat; then declared "NEVER AGAIN!". The reason why I put this topic was, in part, to resolve the problem I've had with this stance; if only a minority of people are worth fighting for, is the fight worth fighting? I think I've come to the rational conclusion of; duh. Therefore, whether the this democratic feedumb-fest invites its own destruction, wise'n ups just enough to stop it, or experiences a truly revolutionary change I'm ready and willing to fight and work for the betterment of mine and my descendants' future. If Islam takes over I'll become a Shah. If Socialism takes over I'll become the party Chairman. If Freedom or Capitalism takes over, I'll be sure to establish the greatest financial dynasty in the world. No matter what, I'm aiming for the supremacy of my descendants against the weaknesses and treachery of those who came before us. How does that sound? If I aim too high at least I'll hit the clouds; if I'm overestimating the possibilities of the future at least I'll be mentally ready for any disaster that comes, and my line will be secure.
  18. Last time Whites were nationalistic? When Whites were nationalists, Jews were doing pretty good as bankers (so long as they could avoid being scapegoated in pogroms). If you meant socialistic, then yeah I can see your point. Ironically a lot of Jews really want the blood red hammer and sickle to come back and rack another six gorillion (not even counting the Jewish holocausts in the U.S.S.R.)
  19. Will do Though I must say, if I were a Jew, I wouldn't disassociate Jews with Whites given the difference only matters to Jews and Whites, meaning; if Blacks or some other non-White group were to initiate a pogrom against Whites (which has sadly become all too common), the Jews would be targeted as well. Jews and Whites need to unite, if the Jews want to survive the potential WWIII disaster scenario known as Bosnian-Serbian War Part II: American Edition.
  20. If you could compress the years you spent with that mindset and thought process into 4 years, I'd say I could relate very much so. Before I converted to an Anarcho-Capitalist, I was a Fascist (i.e. a Socialist and a Nationalist), and before that a Communist (same thing but change race to class). My political beliefs greatly affected what I wanted to do with my life as well as the way I looked at it. Back when I was a Communist, I literally planned to usurp the democracy as a Communist Party leader in the same lens as Lenin or Trotsky. Eventually (as I matured in High School) I mellowed out and started wondering why I was so attracted to authoritarian father-like figures and also the dream of a utopia where everyone lives in a luxury Fallout-style vault with their lives penned away like a script for a movie. Therapy helped with that, and also as I became my critical and cynical I became more humble to the face of competence and work, as well as more and more attracted to the power of the free market rather than the false power of the dictatorial Zeitgeist Project-esque Communist world I wanted to build. The idea of building a family and securing a foundation for future generations of my descendants to succeed and grow both internally and materially became a new fixation and dream for me, as compared to the false immortality of a vain old god. My religious views also shifted, from becoming an atheist and violently anti-religion (when I was a Freshman in High School) to an agnostic appreciative of religion (mid High-School) to someone who is somewhat Catholic but generally a secularist along the U.P.B. lines. And if it wasn't for FDR or my willingness to evolve, my desire to work and ability to inspire myself and those around me into working wouldn't have happened. Rather than the enthusiasm I gave my boss, I would have given him cynicism and dryness. I wouldn't have gotten the job, and most likely would have just lived a self-fulfilling prophesy to repeat my father's own history. The little things that Stefan-senpai does has had such a huge impact in my personal transformation that as soon as I'm financially secure, I want to donate to this god of a man and let him know materially that there is one more person committed to truth and virtue in the face of the abyss of cynicism and tolerant decay.
  21. Good Sunday Afternoon, Fellow FDR Comrades for Anarcho-Capitalism, Peaceful Parenting, Rationality, and Stefan Molyneux Please Notice Me Senpai! Since I've noticed a few other listeners/forum-ers have posted similar topics about how helpful FDR and Stefan-senpai has been, I decided it was high time I shared my experience (from after graduating high school) and how Stefpai was instrumental in my success. During the Summer and Autumn of 2016, I had greatly pondered whether or not to go to college. You see, I want to be a novelist. That means writing books and convincing someone I'm worth his time and my product is worth selling. What does college have to do with that? "Maybe the piece of paper would magically grant me opportunities"... Or so I thought, until I watched what Stefpai had to say to similar ex-kids my age. I decided I'd be wasting time and money (and I mean lots of time and money!) if I decided to get a "Liberal" Arts Degree and risking my sanity if I purposely put myself in an environment where everyone (or at least the majority) think in ways I am diametrically opposed and probably even want me dead for the crime of being a heterosexual White male with Rightist politics. And so from late December to mid January, I followed Stefpai's wisdom of actually entering the Free(ish) Market I claimed to uphold and defend and also beat the temptation of living my youth as a welfare parasite. In six weeks, along a schedule like this: Mondays; Talk to employers/manager's on the phone I've met or yet to meet; Wednesdays; Spend from noon to 6:00 pm knocking on every store from mom-and-pop's to smoking dens (cough cough) and Target to find a job (or at least seduce the employer into expediting my hiring). Thursdays; Review with my therapist (which I got on the advice of the Stefpai) what I was doing and how I'm doing it; Saturdays; Plan out what I'd be doing the following week. Eventually, after being to literally 90-something shops (with some repeats where I felt a little more time and persistence could get me a job) my resume was finally reciprocated by a young and wise Pakistani business owner who wanted someone to train and teach as a protege so he could expand his already successful enterprise. What was this enterprise? I had no idea. I forgot I even I submitted my resume to him. However, the morning after the call I followed Stefpai's business mindset of remembering it was the customer whose weight sustains the business, and respecting the role of my future (and now current) employer whose own energies had turned a dusty and empty space into a workshop full of technical gadgets I couldn't even begin to name. I knew nothing of technology (beyond vidya games) or how to repair them (I never break them), let alone how to do web designing, security, or finances. And yet, the man hired me. I knew he would too. When asked the loaded questions of "what would you do in X scenario" I gave answers that both my employer and his financial partner liked, which seemed to greatly compensate for my non-existent work history or experience in tech. And by God was this an opportunity; I went, nearly overnight, from parasite to workingman. However, this was just the beginning. I spent the last few weeks in training (unpaid but free, 30 hours a week) and now with only one week left I'm confidant in saying I now know what an LCD is and how to unscrew the multitude of tiny screws on iPhone 6S + Gorilla Voodoo Machine and finally secure not just my first job but something that could lead to a pretty stable and financially secure groove from which I can devote myself to my true career as a novelist. And so, with the security of employment and the persistence that promises Victory, this young bachelor's story begins. Now I just have to put in the work and learn what I can, seeing how far I can go while doing what I love (writing) so that once that's done I can start again the process of persistence and tenacity (redundant emphasis, I know) to actually sell what I've spent 6 years working on since I was 12. That was my FDR helping IRL for business and careers story, what about YOU?
  22. OMG that is totally right !!! (I say as if I had switched genders for a moment ) As someone who decided to go into the working world immediately rather than college, I'd be interested in reading more of what your college experience (in business) is like. And I suppose making a post about how helpful FDR has been to my working life would be in order...
  23. Really makes me rethink what I had earlier stated about a Jewish conspiracy. Their power is great, and while some of it certainly comes from their superior genes, the majority comes from how well they've adapted to the hostilities of medieval and early modern Europe. No race has been so thoroughly persecuted for centuries to the point where even hidden enclaves in remove valleys would eventually be purged. Combined with other restrictions (in terms of land ownership and enterprise, an endemic problem many Europeans suffered as well for centuries) and persecutions (such as programs) it really shouldn't be a surprise that Jewish genetic quality has flourished as the dumb and weak among them were ruthlessly purged from their gene pool. The result being the modern and strong Jewish race which is capable of keeping a fairly tight though devolved network of interest groups and lobbies that act for the betterment of their race. We Whites should want to become like the Jews if we ever want to overcome the wheel of history that makes Romes and USSRs an almost inevitability. The English, French, Germans, Russians, and Spaniards have all experienced similar persecution from the hands of Vikings, Muslims, and Romans (who themselves had to struggle to dominate their native Italy) and the result were relatively strong and smart races capable of dominating the globe. However none have been so thoroughly persecuted (and thereby purged of their stupid and weak) as the Jews have. And while Jews may not have much in numbers, they more than make up for it in their natural intelligence and racial union. While I don't advocate for a millennia-long race-wide White holocaust to trim our numbers , I do advocate for following the Jewish way of prioritizing intelligence and faithfulness in finding wives/husbands as well as looking out for our own ethnic interests. It may take a few generations, but if we parent peacefully and select each other based on shared values and intellect rather than what makes our Richards hard and cats wet, as well as build our own little network of lobbies and interest groups, we can become like the Jews and eventually build our own Israel.
  24. Certainly an interesting topic, of which the responses I haven't totally read (yet anyway). I don't know how valuable my thoughts are in this discussion, as I am by no means a self-sufficient prepper patron-ing alt-Right-ish groups or building a White ethno-community etc. etc. (yet anyway). Therefore, as someone who's fresh out of high school and into the working world, I begin; Based on what I can tell, right-wing thinking has certainly (in moderation) returned to the forefront. While Trump is no ethno-state guy, he is certainly keeping the worst elements of foreigners from entering my country. He may even crack down on existing dangerous elements, which would do us White ethnostate builders some justice. The JQ has rolled around in my mind for months, and I'd argue my position is relatively the same as Stefan Molyneux's; the Jews are a high-IQ high-in-group preference demographic that has (collectively) a strong social position as the result of generally good and productive behavior, as well as having (as an origin) many Leftist intellectuals from Marx to Lenin (I don't know if he's Jewish but I think he might have a little juice) to Trotsky. Jewish Leftists however aren't the bloodiest; Mao, Hitler, Castro, Stalin etc. have a much bigger rap sheet per each (although I concede it was Jewish intellectuals who set up Stalin and inspired Hitler--however I wouldn't call it a "crime" or something punishable). Therefore, while not the model minority East Asians tend to be, I don't really buy into the whole Jewish conspiracy theory (don't get me wrong I know they have powerful lobbies but I doubt they're anymore the cause of the world's problems than any other ethnic group). On the other hand I could pretty easily make the case that Muslims, Mestizos, and Blacks are generally terrible enough ethnicities that the innocents who'd suffer in persecution become mere statistics in the safe-guarding of the White race. Now, on current events... As previous posters said, the alt-Lite (non-racially focuses right-wingers) has brought a lot of progress to the movement and shifted the Overton window, while the alt-Right (racially focused, ranging as moderate as my main man Stefan to as far "extreme" as William Luther Pierce) has fed a lot of the motivation and intellectual content of the alt-Lite. To use an analogy; the alt-Right is Marx while the alt-Lite is Lenin. The alt-Right isn't a popular-action movement but rather an intellectual think-tank looking to influence those capable of leading masses of sheeple into doing the right (or wrong) thing. The alt-Lite, ranging from my okay-man Milo Yiannopolous to Mike Cernovich and Donald Trump are the people doing the foot work with some inspiration from the alt-Right. If we want to make a bigger impact, we must simply dedicate ourselves to positively influencing the doers inn society while building our own projects and slowly building the foundation for a much bigger social change.
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