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Everything posted by RotYeti

  1. I wonder how many of those people are being paid to say such things.
  2. The government still steals more than 6 trillion dollars a year through taxation. I don't see them making more money by making websites and selling ads.
  3. I think you should expand upon this. Give us a bit more to talk about.
  4. Can you define or explain what you mean by the non-aggression axiom?
  5. Very petty. I think the alt-right can be learned from in their dealings with the left. I want ancaps to have their effectiveness.
  6. Something to consider is that you're subsidizing their abuse of you when you treat them well. I wonder how much abuse wouldn't have been committed if parents expected their kids to not take care of them afterwards.
  7. I won't be surprised if she calls it performance art later.
  8. Maybe you can become one. You can be sure there are other people thinking the same thing as you.
  9. I'll offer this definition: Masculinity refers to preferences and choices that are common to males and uncommon to females. Though that means masculinity can change, Perhaps the definition should include something to do with biologically advantageous behavior. Stuff that our bodies are more suited for.
  10. Interesting stuff. I subscribed. It seems they tend to attack in gun-free zones though.
  11. Even if the government owned the land, the only thing that would justify is removing people at will, not imprisoning or killing people for breaking laws.
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