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    Winter Haven, FL
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    Bible study, thought, and human behavior
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  1. I'm not making any extraordinary claims that need to be explained. Reality exists. Evolution happens. I make decent money as a professional paid logician. Where did I make a claim about the origin of ethics and values? You didn't make that claim. I simply used those examples of what I believe are characteristics of a supernatural origin. I don't personally see how those are logical outcomes from random collisions of atoms. Perhaps you can explain why you think the carelessly handled and edited testimony of questionable ancient characters (whose stories are more likely to be parables than not, based on the fate of other passages of the same documents) constitutes credible evidence but similar stories from other religions do not. How do we know a particular sect is correct and not another? Some of the belief's that Christian's hold is the inspiration, inerrancy, and preservation of scripture. The content is of supernatural origin, is the source of truth and has been perfectly transmitted through the ages for our understanding. There is no logical way to understand a faith that is based on a belief in the supernatural origin of everything.
  2. Do you consider yourself to be a credible witness? And are you in possession of moral values that you can explain the origin of without a supernatural source? The ethics and values you have within yourself are the evidence you seek. Do you have an explanation for how those evolved from random collisions of 'space dust?'
  3. This sounds like the same song I've been singing.
  4. Please allow me to amend my ignorant redneck grammar. To have faith in something, or not, is a personal choice that we each have the freedom to make.
  5. It's a common question that shows a lack of biblical study. God has revealed Himself in ages past to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God, the Father. He came to His own(the Jewish people) as Jesus, the promised Messiah. He's also revealed Himself today as God, the Holy Spirit, to the believing Gentile world today. It's not a question of whether God has revealed Himself, but one of why haven't you accepted that He has.
  6. Faith is the belief in things unseen. Faith is a choice that everyone must make. I have a KJV Bible, I've studied it and I understand it's purpose. Nobody can understand it without proper study.
  7. I'd suggest that the reason you don't see many Christians pushing back is that a vast majority of professing Christians don't understand doctrine as taught by the apostle Paul. The Bible must be understood 'dispensationally' in order to properly apply doctrine. Most Christians today try to apply the earthly ministry of Jesus to the church today, but the gospel given in the synoptic gospels(Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) is that of the "Kingdom is at hand." The instructions(doctrine) given to the "Church, the Body of Christ" was given to the Apostle to the Gentiles, Paul from the ascended Lord Jesus. Christianity today is in extreme need of study-time. Christians have two commands today. First is to love God, because He loved us first. And second is to love our neighbor(everyone else) as ourselves. That is basic to Christian doctrine today. Sadly, too many professing Christians don't follow those teachings, much less, study their Bibles.
  8. It's been 30 years since I picked up a pair of dice. I do enjoy playing Ultima Online on the UOForever free shard.
  9. I've loved watching Stefan's YouTube video's for quite a while. It seems that I'm always hearing things that make me go 'Hmmmmm." Now, I'm anticipating discussing some of the topics here.
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