I'd suggest that the reason you don't see many Christians pushing back is that a vast majority of professing Christians don't understand doctrine as taught by the apostle Paul.
The Bible must be understood 'dispensationally' in order to properly apply doctrine. Most Christians today try to apply the earthly ministry of Jesus to the church today, but the gospel given in the synoptic gospels(Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) is that of the "Kingdom is at hand." The instructions(doctrine) given to the "Church, the Body of Christ" was given to the Apostle to the Gentiles, Paul from the ascended Lord Jesus.
Christianity today is in extreme need of study-time. Christians have two commands today. First is to love God, because He loved us first. And second is to love our neighbor(everyone else) as ourselves. That is basic to Christian doctrine today. Sadly, too many professing Christians don't follow those teachings, much less, study their Bibles.