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Everything posted by jroseland
Strasdi brat! I'm an American expat living here in Sofia. Enjoying this (relatively) red pilled country here on the edge of Europe.
Good luck surviving academia! Treat it like the first world war. Keep your head down. Staying moving. Don't get yourself killed trying to be a hero. Don't make too many friends.
Welcome! Is Switzerland really the most rational country? I'm an American living in Bulgaria and I gotta say this is a red pill AF country
Welcome Timothy! The South Africa situation is just like watching a train wreck in slow motion isn't it?
Wow. You've been through a lot. Other than the (talk?) therapy what ELSE have you found is effective in dealing with trauma?
Lately I've been reviewing books that would make you feel optimistic and happy about the world so I figured a review one that will make you really think that it's all FUBAR (great acronym "fucked up beyond any recognition"). The book shows how journalism has died in the digital age because of how the economics of the Internet reward the worst behavior from journalists and news websites Videoblog of this book review The subtitle of the book is Confessions of a Media Manipulator, the author is a PR consultant who would cleverly orchestrate the media to do his bidding and draw millions of eyeballs. He says Conning the conmen is one of life’s most satisfying pleasures. (p. 39) In the first chapter of the book he describes dressing all in black in the dead of night to go vandalize his own billboards, just to create a click bait worthy scandal. Which just sounds fun to me! In the book he describes the trading up 'media hack', I’d start with using HARO to get quoted on a blog that didn’t care much about credentials, then use that piece as a marker of authority to justify inclusion in a more reputable publication. (p. 56) How to go viral “the most powerful predictor of virality is how much anger an article evokes” (p. 63) I made it my strategy to manufacture chatter by exploiting emotions of high valence: arousal and indignation. (p. 66) On Fact Checking The link economy encourages blogs to point their readers to other bloggers who are saying crazy things, to borrow from each other without verification, and to take more or less completed stories from other sites, add a layer of commentary, and turn it into something they call their own. (p. 150) On trust He talks about how for some reason we assume that since something is written down it must be more legitimate than just something somebody says... Studies have shown that the brain experiences reading and listening in profoundly different ways; they activate different hemispheres for the exact same content. We place an inordinate amount of trust in things that have been written down. (p. 185) On snarkiness To be called a douche is to be branded with all the characteristics of what society deigns to hate but can’t define. It’s a way to dismiss someone entirely without doing any of the work or providing any of the reasons. (p. 204) On fake news The process is simple: Create a pseudo-event, trade it up the chain, elicit real responses and action, and you have altered reality itself. (p. 220) From here we get the defining feature of our world today: a blurred line between what is real and what is fake; what actually happens and what is staged; (p. 220) For example 2002, Vice President Dick Cheney leaked bogus information to an attention-hungry reporter for the New York Times, and then mentioned his own leak on Meet the Press to help convince us to invade Iraq. (p. 221) Probably like yourself, I almost never watch the mainstream media; Fox, CBS, CNN, NBC, BBC but there's a couple of what they call alternative media channels and personalities I do follow and have some degree of trust in because they are more antiestablishmentarian. Their news programs are not interrupted every 10 minutes with an advertisement from Pfizer or Ford. Unfortunately, after reading this book, I have even less trust in the alternative media sources I follow because I see that they are also subject to the unfortunate economics of the Internet that reward quantity over quality and scandal over veracity. How to combat fake news... This books confirms what I recommend in the High Leverage Information Diet which is to spend more time reading more books and less time reading articles. Book's are just so much more likely to contain truthful information because anyone writing a book has to spend at least $900 to have that book edited; they are going to take their fact checking a whole lot more seriously than that journalist or blogger who must bang out 3 articles a day. Anyone writing a book knows that their reputation and public persona is going to be permanently tied back to whatever they say in that book. Whereas a blogger or a "online journalist" has so much less moral responsibility for what they write. I'll encourage you to not read the news and if you do read the news because there's a story that you just have to inform yourself about read the stories and analysis that come out a couple of days or (ideally) weeks or months after the fact. These are so much more likely to present an accurate and holistic picture than the breaking news is.Thanks to the current US elections we are perhaps living in era where more eyeballs than ever before are transfixed by the breaking news. We have this epic showdown between this iconic egotistical billionaire and this Machiavellian, double faced super politician. I bet you that in a few years books will be written about this election that reveal things that are completely contrary to what the news is telling us right now. Get your information from online sources that are not economically compromised. The more ads you see surrounding the news you are reading the higher the likelihood that the veracity of news has been compromised by factors described in this book. This is a big part of the reason why I've never had ads on my website or Youtube channel that paid me per view. I've always made my money as a blogger or Youtuber via affiliate commissions. So my economic incentive is to make the most trustworthy recommendations of the very best products to my audience, so that they will keep buying them. I've always known that as soon as I installed ads on my site I would become a slave to the page view. Now a days we see some alternative media sources that serve the news and they make money by selling supplements, asking for donations or selling books. These seem like an imperfect but definitely more honest economic models of journalism than being paid tiny fractions of a cent per pageview. Some examples of this would be Infowars.com, Free Domain Radio or Mike Cernovich of Danger & Play. I'll add a silver lining to the pessimistic conclusions presented here; now a days whenever any type of news worthy event happens what do you almost always see around the periphery of the event? Everybody holding their smart phones out recording the event. It looks pretty funny actually, as opposed to enjoying the event or making an effort to keep their whits about them to stay safe, everybody is just transfixed on documenting it with their little rectangular devices. While it's a weirdly narcissistic behavior, it's great for the overall veracity of news and online discourse. There's been all sorts of instances where a scandalous news story broke and the public shaming and hysteria began but then a grainy video of what actually happened surfaced and everyone learned the truth. Eventually when we live in a world where almost everything that happens is recorded will "fake news" still be so prevalent? Maybe not...
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The big difference is that... PUAs are doers/practitioners MGTOWS are complainers/theorists Traveling the world I've met a lot of PUAs and almost categorically they are action oriented They go out multiple times a week to hit on girls They go to the gym They are serious about healthy living, meditation, nutrition, etc They are small business/entrepreneurs Most PUAs are genuinely cool, smart guys who are very woke the kinds of red pill stuff we discuss here. MGTOWs I've almost never met in real life, there's probably some overlap but they probably mostly a bunch of losers. It seems to me that they just rehash a bunch of complaints about women and society. I don't see a lot of original thought and content coming out of the MGTOW-O-Sphere or the Moan-O-Sphere as lot of people call it. I don't want to completely discount MGTOWS, their complaints are legitimate but are MGTOWs really making any difference in this cultural war? By definition aren't they kind of like deserters? Being an active PUA is the intelligent response to the sexual marketplace dynamics we face.
I was watching this interview with the CEO of Onnit and he was talking about letting his girlfriend/fiancée get fucked by other guys. He talks about how he really hates when his girl fucks other guys and how the jealousy ate him up for months. Aubrey Marcus is... A wealthy founder of a major company A very handsome, very healthy guy Famous, something of an Internet celebrity He also seems to have done a lot of personal development; reading, writing, meditation, spiritual wu-wu, etc He says he decided monogamy was unnatural and to have an open relationship after reading this book Sex at Dawn and doing a bunch of weird drugs in the jungle. His girlfriend didn't like the idea but eventually he convinced her. Aubrey is the kind of guy that could easily have a harem. If you're a really high status male you can tell your girlfriend Look I'm going to fuck other girls. But this is not a two way street, you're not going to fuck other guys. I will provide for your sexual needs. I'm not going to tell you about fucking the other girls to try to hurt you or make you jealous but I am going to do it. These other girls are just sex to me, I don't care about them like I care about you, I won't be taking long walks on the beach with these girls, these girls wont be sleeping in bed and wont be kissing them in the mornings. They will be fucking and then going home in a taxi. And I'll use protection when I sleep with them. So I don't bring you an STDs. If you don't like that you can leave. Aubrey could probably tell that to his wifey and she would probably go along with it but instead he choses to subject himself to this psychological torture... for months! My understanding of psychology is that... Men are really sensitive to sexual infidelity - we don't really care if our wifey is having coffee and hours of conversation with some guy but the thought of her fucking other guys is nausea inducing. Women are really sensitive to emotional infidelity - women are really bothered if we are falling in love with another woman but they don't care as much if we are just having meaningless sex with them. Surely Aubrey must know this. Women seem to need a bit of jealousy or else they get bored with the man they are in a relationship with. But men on the other hand don't seem to need jealousy. I would be perfectly happy to go through the rest of my life without being viscerally jealous. I think almost all men would. Also there's the health concerns with polyamory... These cucks maybe able to justify the health issue by saying... Well she uses condoms with all the other guys Now the other guy's she's fucking are probably using condoms but it seems to me that there is still some health risks there. I could not kiss the lips of a woman that I knee were sucking some other man's cock the night before! Aubrey who's a health guru must also think about this... It seems like Aubrey has taken too many psychedelic drugs and been totally seduced by psuedo-spiritual bullshit. What do you think?
Finally after 2 years of Trump bashing Sam Harris has done a conversation with the (not quiet committed to actually being a...) Trump supporter Scott Adams. It's a pretty good debate actually, recommend you give it a listen, Scott Adams is a great mind (if a bit docile). Sam has disabled comments on his website so I added The Untruth About Donald Trump to Sam's Tweet thread. Please retweet, heart or share it if you're a Twitter user. Tweet threads can be a surprisingly effective way to get a message in front of a lot of eyeballs.
I shared the excellent recent interview with Simon Roche here on the Sam Harris subreddit https://redd.it/6bvfgw The responses I got confirmed that Leftists there will deny, make excuses for, laugh about, enable and ultimately execute political violence, especially genocide. One leftist responded I will be the first one to drop the guillotine when that day comes. Sam Harris is the guy who talks about meditation all the time and debates free will. I would think that his community would be a place that you could find reasonable liberals (if such a thing exists), yet it's quiet the opposite, it's just a den of the most cynical, nihilistic, insulting people. As Mike Cernovich said, these people would put us in concentration camps if they could. (If you have a reddit account feel free to vote it up, maybe we can red pill a few of Sam's followers)
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- south america
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The Deadline for Civilization Collapse: November 3rd, 2020
jroseland replied to jroseland's topic in General Messages
That sounds interesting... I see it was written in 2011. Does it discuss demographic change/mass immigration as a factor? 6 years ago it was a topic that not many conservatives were considering. Although, the people predicting that the United States will collapse between 2030-2050 are I think not factoring a) Surveillance technology b) Economic engineering These two factors will allow the government to project power even if the economy and social cohesion break down completely. In the past if governments or superpowers ran out of money to maintain their armies they would be over run, conquered and replaced. A collapse between 2030-2050 would be a disastrous soft collapse; American values, liberties, freedom of speech would die and the demographic makeup of the country would change radically but in name only it would remain the United States. The Holy Roman Empire wasn't officially dissolved 1806, but we all know that it was an impostor empire, it wasn't Rome.- 27 replies
The Deadline for Civilization Collapse: November 3rd, 2020
jroseland replied to jroseland's topic in General Messages
I don't think the fall of Rome is analogous because in our time a centralized government can project power literally all the way around the globe. Do you think a soft landing is preferable?- 27 replies
The Deadline for Civilization Collapse: November 3rd, 2020
jroseland replied to jroseland's topic in General Messages
The point I was trying to make was that a collapse in 2030 would be a soft collapse - it would result in further constriction of liberty as opposed to an opportunity to reorganize society- 27 replies
The Deadline for Civilization Collapse: November 3rd, 2020
jroseland replied to jroseland's topic in General Messages
A bad day like September 16, 2008... Although, I'm not really an expert on the stock market. Would history not bear though that risky Wall Street trading can cause inflation?- 27 replies
Many prescient minds agree that we are on a trajectory for civilizational collapse. Insane amounts of national debt Vulnerability of national infrastructure None-replacement birth rates Toxic culture thanks to cultural Marxism and feminism Mass 3rd world immigration Islamic extremism My thesis is that a western civilizational collapse with a Hard Landing is preferable. A hard landing is relatively rapid, taking weeks or months as opposed to years or decades. A hard landing is acutely painful for the people who go through it. Governments will be caught unawares by a hard landing. A hard landing is disruptive to the dominant establishments of business, media, academia, etc A hard landing creates chaos, out of chaos there's the opportunity for civilizational reset. A hypothetical Hard Landing in the United States... Wall Street has a very bad day of trading which triggers an economic death spiral of hyperinflation. In the course of a few days or weeks the Dollar loses much of it's value. Food and resources price hikes or shortages further enrage the population. Perhaps a coincidental black swan event occurs exacerbating national panic; terrorism, natural disaster, domestic unrest, etc. A federal government shut down occurs as politicians endlessly squabble about how to fix it. The government runs out of money to fund welfare programs, food stamps and pensions. Widespread rioting occurs in major US coastal cities. Tribal warfare escalates in urban areas between racial and political groups. The Federal government declares martial law and announces deployment of troops to mitigate unrest. With the federal government not providing services, a few states (Looking at you Texas!) rebel against the federal government and announce the intention to succeed from the union. Some rogue generals and military commanders refuse to follow orders from the federal government and declare loyalty to local governments. Many members of the military who are fundamentally patriotic refuse to fight and kill other Americans. Other states follow, the United States of America breaks up along racial, cultural and political lines (perhaps into 9 different nations) At least a couple million Americans die from a combination of food and resource shortages, lack of health care and battles between the federal military and state militias. Some states implement communist and extreme leftist economic and social policies (Looking at you California!), opening their borders to mass immigration and descend further into disorder. They do what many 3rd world countries do now; managing to avert total collapse and keep their socialized services barely working by accepting billions in foreign aid from globalist central bankers. Authoritarian socialist dictators or techno-oligarchs rise to power in the new North American banana republics who constrict freedom but restore a semblance of order and normalcy with a combination of state sanctioned violence and surveillance, like in many 3rd world countries! But in some of the new republics, there is a return to libertarian principals of small government, property rights and free markets. They resist central banking and use gold backed currencies or Bitcoin. The new republics use the power of technology and Internet to implement direct democracy and forms of minimal government that are less susceptible to corruption. Militias of patriotic gun owners guard their borders vigilantly After a few tough years the standard of living and economic opportunity is on par with what it is now in America and there is a return to political sanity, but tens of millions have had a rude philosophical awakening. Western civilization survives! France is going through a Soft Landing civilizational collapse... The people are so totally indoctrinated by cultural marxism and fear of racism that they refuse to recognize their own national self interests. As the right to free speech disappears and economic opportunity dwindles, the government will appease younger generations of voters by legalizing drugs. Increased brain drain of entrepreneurial young people leaving the country will exacerbate unemployment. Increasing terrorism will be blamed on lack of economic opportunity, racism, climate change and a foreign bogeyman, either Russia or the United States. Urban warfare between tribal and political groups becomes common place but the mainstream media refuses to report on it and alternative media is totally censored. The government will use a major terrorist attack as an impetus to fight a war against extremism. The extremists targeted will be Nationalists, Patriots, Libertarians, Anarchists and Christians. The anti-fascists will find that the fascists of their nightmares have indeed finally appeared. The central government will jail leaders of dissident political parties, journalists, etc just on basis of opinions expressed. A national militarized police comprised almost totally of none-white French will be in charge of enforcement. They will put down small rebellions of ethnic French patriots. The government will collaborate with Silicon Valley tech firms to spy on their citizens every word and thought through their smart phones. Pre-crime prosecution will begin. Thanks to declining native birth rates a tipping point of Islamic social influence will be reached and an uneasy alliance will exist between the authoritarian socialist globalists in the government that control the economy and the military and authoritarian Imams and Muftis that control the culture. As economic opportunity becomes none existent automation will save French society from total collapse. The government will announce a Universal Basic Income scheme which will be funded by a combination of higher taxes and money printing. The population will kept comfortably complacent by a combination of guaranteed basic income, services provided by automation, free healthcare, legalized drugs, porn, video games and propagandistic media. France breaking up or declaring itself an Islamic state would be such an admission of failure of the media and the globalist establishment that France will remain France but in name only. The frogs are being very slowly boiled so there's no widescale freakout, just incremental decrease in freedom and western civilization dies with a wimper. In the past a soft landing to civilizational collapse would be preferable because of lack violence and loss of life. It would be a relatively pain free civilizational reset. However, it's a very different in our era; A slow decline will allow the government and ruling establishment to entrench and further protect their power. Local police forces will be replaced with national militarized police forces. The current world financial system allows for countries to be saved from their idiotic decisions by fiat money printing and loans from foreign central banks (Looking at you Greece!) Over time people become complacent with tyranny, they cynically accept that the government is corrupt and criminal and that there is nothing they can do. Ubiquitous smart phones and social media make it possible for the government to spy on you everywhere. It was said that in the Soviet Union that the only time you could express your anger with the government was in bed, with the lights out, under the covers to your wife. In a Soft Landing civilizational collapse we won't even have that freedom because we all use our smartphones in bed and wives have been replaced by porn! There's a high likelihood that the kinds of totalitarian governments resulting from a soft landing would eventually start a nuclear war with each other. Which of course is actually good for the elites because it reduces the number of useless eaters that need to be provided for. The best case scenario is a dystopian technologically mediated tyranny and the worst case scenario is a nuclear war occurring that would kill millions or billions of humans. As I've said elsewhere Western Civilization wobbles on a knife's edge, how could it be nudged for a Hard Landing as opposed to a long descent into darkness? (I'm speaking purely hypothetically, I would never advocate violence or economic terrorism) It seems to me that a sudden economic crash is our best to hope for a Hard Landing. A nuclear EMP attack on the United States (as portrayed in AmeriGEDDON) would certainly trigger a Hard Landing. What else...? Secondly, do you agree with my reasoning that a Hard Landing is preferrable? It seems to me that a hard landing in the near future would be preferable, on their present course a black swan disaster in several decades will probably just be an opportunity for government to expand their power. The deadline for answering these questions is Tuesday , November 3rd 2020, the day of the US general election. President Trump is the most conspicuous manifestation of our effort to prevent a civilizational collapse. If there's something to the Great Man view of history; Trump would be the man that could turn things around and avert a civilizational collapse. But if Trump is subsumed by the swamp and totally fails in his campaign promises, then it's fair enough to say that the system is beyond saving. At that point it would be clear that civilizational collapse is inevitable and a Hard Landing preferable.
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This has got to be one of the most compelling and unsettling new conspiracy theories that has emerged in the past year. It goes like this... Large groups of the population distinctly remember certain cultural memes one way, yet actually something different. Significant proportions of the population have false memories about mainstream cultural memes. Some examples Nelson Mandela died in the 1980's in prison instead of in 2013 Darth Vader did NOT say Luke, I am your father he actually said No, I am your father Sex in the City is actually Sex and the City Life is like a box chocolates is actually Life was like a box chocolates The Berenstien Bears is actually The Berenstain Bears In Field of Dreams saying If you build it, they will come is actually If you build it, he will come Mirror, Mirror on the wall is actually Magic mirror, on the wall Interview With a Vampire is actually Interview With the Vampire Sally Field(s)'s Oscar acceptance speech you like me you really like me was actually You like me, right now, you like me In the assassination of JFK there was 4 people in the car, nope it was 6 actually There's bunch of other examples of the Mandela effects... I encourage you to go through them and I think you'll be surprised to find that you yourself have some false memories of cultural memes, old movies and brands. It's kind of creepy. There's bunch of Youtube videos on the topic, this is one probably the most interesting... Human memory is infamously fallible and open to suggestion, so I don't place a lot of faith in my own memories of old movies that I wasn't really paying that much attention to anyways. For none of the examples of the Mandela effect do I have a vivid enough memory that I think I've moved to the wrong universe. It would stand to reason that since we are all so susceptible to the same cognitive biases, large groups of people who saw the same movies, television and products would have the false memories. Baring a metaphysical explanation it's a fascinating example of just how susceptible to illusions we are in groups. A lot of these can also be explained by companies changing their logos and branding, misquotations or by different versions of popular films, songs or books. But there's a couple that are pretty tough to explain, notably... The Berenstien Bears - apparently even some old photos have surfaced of it spelled the old way that many remember it. Luke, I am your father - Even James Earl Jones remembers saying it this way, and there's several interviews of him in the 90's repeating Luke, I am your father Sally Field(s)'s Oscar acceptance speech - Her line became such a pervasive cultural meme, you see it repeated all the time, in for example in old Simpson's episodes The two most popular conspiracy theories for this are that... a) Around 2010 some of us moved to an parallel universe where facts and names of things are just a little different. b) The simulation theory - the Matrix is being hacked and changed. Personal Mandela Effect? If either of these metaphysical explanations were correct we would expect some more personal changes that would be equally observable You mom's name would change (better call her and double check!) Your childhood address would change. You dog would come back to life. The company you work for would change their logo without telling anyone. We would expect there to be consistency between the people reporting global Mandela effects and personal Mandela effects. Right? The Mandela Effect is new As you can see from Google Keyword trends, it's just something people have started talking about the past year https://g.co/trends/pxwes Google Keyword Trends My analysis is - I think - consistent with the theory that it's just wide spread fake memories. https://g.co/trends/QYMp8 - Luke, I am your father has always been more popular https://g.co/trends/C0lJZ - Berenst__n bears https://g.co/trends/y2dDb - Sex in/and the city https://g.co/trends/OtgSd - Life is like a box chocolates always been more popular https://g.co/trends/HIIgw - you like me you really like me! Always been more popular https://g.co/trends/7D0El - Sally Fields, Sally Field https://g.co/trends/2GGiA - If you build it, they will come has gotten more popular over time compared to the accurate quote Google is obviously just recording what people are searching for. Google also auto corrects auto completes a lot of search keywords. However... Statistical Anomaly These people on Reddit, reached a different conclusion though, Google keyword trend analysis of several popular Mandela Effect memes reveals a notable divergence around the turn of the decade, as we entered the roaring twenty-teens. https://redd.it/3q8db6 They have screenshots showing a perplexing statistical anomaly of emergence of the new memes around 2010. Which would be more consistent with the metaphysical theories. If it was just false memories we would expect the inaccurate memes to be consistent with the accurate ones over time since Google started recording these things in 2004. Right? Did I do my Google keyword trend analysis wrong? Is Google complicit in the Mandela effect? Are these guys on Reddit faking their screenshots? Or did something sinister happened in 2010? CERN? A bunch of conspiracy theorists think there's a connection to CERN's experiments with antimatter and nutty psuedo-spiritual demonic explanations. I listened to more videos and podcasts on this topic than I'd care to admit and there's very thin evidence for connection to CERN. Historical Parallels I know people have believed crazy things since time immemorial but can anyone else think of recent historical examples where false memes somehow snuck into people's heads? Testing the Mandela Effect At this point it seems that it's a lot of Youtube bros, armchair psychologists, religious and wuwu types discussing the Mandela effect. I'm trying to think of how a real scientist of statistician would formulate an experiment to test it... Recency - Google trends would be more insightful if Google were around back in the 70's or 80's when some of these memes originated. It would seem to me that statistical analysis of a Mandela effect that happened in the past 10 years would yield a more clear result. As you could actually see the false meme being born alongside it's twin, or not. Population comparison - You'd have to test accurate memes vs false memes in multiple countries and languages. How funny would it end up being if this was just a white people thing? Subject priming - I'd love to hear how an expert hypnotist (Scott Adams?) or other mentalists opinion on how to do an experiment that doesn't prime the subjects to respond one way or another. Better Keyword Trend Analysis - Google trends is free to the public tool which is notoriously inaccurate. SEO guys have learned the hard way not to really trust it. We really need a different software for analyzing the accurate vs false memes. Memory imaging - Perhaps in a couple of years when memory imaging technology advances we will be able to prove or disprove the Mandela effect by looking into the memories of those reporting the Mandela effect. I think what makes this conspiracy theory so viral and compelling is that there's a malevolence implied, somebody is changing our history! Who else would love to hear his logical imminence Stefbot himself dissect the Mandela Effect with his cold rationality?
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- conspiracy theories
- time travel
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Guys! Let's get back on topic! I'm not advocating violence so we don't need to debate none aggression principal or punching children. I guess I'm trying to get some more pragmatic feedback on my proposed propaganda strategy...
But don't you think that (most) of the reasonable people have probably all been convinced already? As Stefan suggested in his video, we reaching the point of diminishing returns from using arguments and rhetoric. The leftist establishment figureheads and regressive intellectuals, the Jesse Arreguins and Nicholas B. Dirks (UC Berkeley chancellor) of the world SHOULD BE convinced by arguments and reason. Yet they are utterly committed to the most demonic leftist dogma. I think it's time that our side start using fear as a tactic. What I propose above is the most effective way I can imagine doing this. I wouldn't punch... Anyone. But A LOT of people would punch a pedophile.
OK do you have a better idea to reason with the millionaire celebrities, lefty politicians and mainstream media approving and encouraging the violence?
If there's one group that's more universally hated than Nazis, it's pedophiles. Playing fair is not working out. We need to fight fire with fire. I do not advocate violence, mostly just out of integrity because I personally would not put my body and life on the line to fight the communism, violence and profound insanity of the left. The entrenched leftist establishment is not going to be defeated by valiant intellectual struggle... Arguments are not working. Philosophy is not working. Humor and satire is not working. Public shaming is not working. Winning elections is not working. Everyday I get more and more convinced that more visceral tactics are needed. The best way I can think of to do this is to start smearing conspicuous leftists as pedophiles. With many thousands of very committed and creative cyber-sleuths on The Donald sub-reddit, 4chan, Twitter, etc and the amazing things you can do with Photoshop and audio/video editing software quiet damning digital evidence could be created easily. It would spread so fast and far. The left has been calling Trump Hitler and his supporters Nazis for almost two years, the majority of the country and world doesn't believe them but a fringe of idiots really do and are willing to commit violence. Which is deleterious to free speech and is enough to silence a lot of Trump supporters. There's grotesque logic to it... If, by some time warp, you met a genuinely murderous Nazi it would be as appropriate to punch them as it would be a to bunch a real pedophile that abused children. Look at this guy the Mayor of Berkeley, complicit in the violence and strangling of the free speech at UC Berkeley @@JesseArreguin His fat face just screams I'm a pedophile! The left is profoundly cowardly, if a few highly vocal public leftists suffered real consequences for the evil ideology they push, the hysterically vocal tone of the leftists will change rapidly. The reason the leftist thugs wear face masks is because they really do fear social ostracization, they don't want to be caught on a viral Youtube video attacking a defenseless woman that their friends, family and future potential employers will see. Public leftists will face the same social ostracization if they are exposed as pedophiles. . Just writing this makes me uncomfortable because it's not in my character to lie about about people and slander. But the left is so determined to drag western society into a genocidal apocalypse the only other alternative I see is countering their nasty bloody violence with more violence. As you read this totally callous leftists are conspiring to take down Trump, to beat Nationalism, to kill free speech and they have no scruples whatsoever. Who was it that said... If the left could put us in camps. They would. Stefan himself said in his recent video that perhaps the time for arguments is over. Perhaps it's time for action. This would require organization, fund raising, thorough vetting, media manipulation, covert communication, counter intelligence and real skills with photoshop and AV software. I'm not going to do it, but somebody should. I would give you money to do it, and so would a lot of people. Just let me know your Bitcoin address!
This philosopher, Sam Harris is convinced that general AI is the greatest threat that humanity faces. I disagree. Humanity needs to invent general AI to survive. Despite building the most compassionate and prosperous society the world has ever seen with technology barely indistinguishable from magic the governments of the world are on the verge of suicidal wars. In recent history governments around the world have killed +250,000,000 of their own citizens. It reveals a great irrational faith in government to consider general AI to be the principal threat facing our species. There is a good chance that the digital gods we build will be benign helpers of humanity, there is also a chance that they may snuff us out but there is a certainty that evil of the government multiplied by the irrationality, out group preference and impulsiveness of people will turn this planet into a radioactive wasteland. Technology is rapidly replacing our jobs, a disturbing trend that foreshadows great social upset and violence. I can only hope that general AI will first replace the jobs of utterly ineffective government bureaucrats and paper pushers who in their organized irresponsibility deprive the people of freedom. The waste, fraud and abuse of the government could be replaced by elegant algorithms that efficiently solve problems instead of perpetuating them. Sam hypothesizes that general AI will squash us like a human stepping on a bug that crosses his path, what’s not hypothetical is that even now the boot of government power stomps on the face of human liberty. Despite the having the accumulated knowledge of history, economics and philosophy freely available to us in our pockets everywhere we go, the electorate still vote based upon the most petty scandals, visceral emotions and base human biases. General AI could fairly restructure democracy to favor intelligent, philosophically robust policies and politicians and General AI could eventually completely replace the government, the way that democracy replaced aristocracy throughout the world. As a government AI would likely not be a central planner, AI would interpret all the data provided by the free market, and make decisions unbiased by emotion, ego, nepotism or political correctness. There’s a chance that the infinite intelligence that we can divine from 1’s and 0’s can wrest power away for good from the homicidal institution of government and that is worth taking a chance on!
- 17 replies
- general AI
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I've traveled the Balkans extensively and had the very sobering experience of walking through a Bosnian cemetery while pondering racial violence. I may give this a read!
"Free Speech Isn't Free" by Roosh V Book Review
jroseland replied to jroseland's topic in Reviews & Recommendations
Well, I'm all on board with raising children peacefully but it seems to me that the fight for free speech is more pressing. Peaceful parenting is not really a politicized issue and it would seem that progress is being made on it (slowly) whereas free speech seems to be on the decline. That's what I got out of this book anyways. It would also seem to me that's if free speech is lost the people advocating peaceful parenting will lose a lot of influence.- 3 replies
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This book is a hybrid between a manifesto and a memoir of this young Texan who invented the 3D printed gun. I liked this book because it really lays bare the unique American philosophy, this review will comment on that philosophy and make it concrete in context of a politically tectonic level recent event, the site of which I'm not far from at the moment. America is the one country wherein citizens are obligated to overthrow the government if it gets too out of hand. Every other country is set up to protect the cartel of the powerful elite. America is unique in that our constitution provides... A concrete legal protection of a citizen’s right to violently abolish the law. The author Cody Wilson feels this experiment of a philosophically rigorous country is flat lined and needs to be re-animated The best I could say then was that America was a failed but worthwhile experiment. A miracle from the finest moment of liberal thought. Proof that foolish political experiments, be they compound republics or plastic guns, still had their fruits in the animating contest of liberty. Cody has significant disdain for politicians that would constrict our rights The force of her famous distemper for the popular ownership of arms seemed matched only by her muscular defense of our warfare-surveillance state. Cody's way of fighting back against that is to publish... Universal access to arms. ...in the same way that way open source software publishers distribute their products. Power can no longer be centralized in a world empowered by the Internet. He writes that the greatest mistake [the United States Government] ever made: not licensing the personal computer!” On Dangerous Freedom At the heart of the American philosophy we embrace a dangerous degree of freedom. We especially believe in freedom of speech to an extreme degree; America is the one country that allows Draw Muhammad contests, Neo-Nazi rallies, God Hates Fags preachers and art exhibits of cannibalism and crucifixes submerged in urine, we produce the most depraved porn and snuff films. All just a few clicks away from you now. So Cody asked... What if guns were becoming speech? And then instead of asking for permission he made it so by publishing and releasing to the Internet (that never forgets) the CAD files to 3D print firearms. Science fiction coming soon to a garage near you. “It’s like stealing something from the future. Something that’s not yet supposed to be here.” On Bitcoin The digital currency is - unsurprisingly - mentioned frequently Taaki was hoping to do with currency what I believed was possible with weapons— namely, to place them outside state structures. It would be terrible if bitcoiners were to just sleepwalk into letting the bureaucrats license their firms and activities. My favorite line of the book is And any man worth knowing is a man at war with himself. I think I first saw this guy in a viral Vice documentary; the first thing that really struck me about him is his extraordinary verbal ability. Politicians, TV personalities, professional commentators, pick up artists and sales people take public speaking and improv classes for years to become as verbally dexterous as this guy is. As a truly talented political pontificator he ranks up there with some of my favorite podcasters like Sam Harris, Stefan Molynuex or Gad Saad. It's remarkable that given the amount of money this guy could be making with his million dollar mouthpiece he has chosen the business he is in. Checkout this ReasonTV interview. Time will tell if this guy is too rebellious for his own good; I hope he doesn't end up in jail. However; the very fact that someone can do something as disruptive as release to the world downloadable guns is a reassuring sign that perhaps the American experiment with freedom yet draws breath. How the Printed Gun may change Revolutions The other night I watched this incredibly compelling Netflix documentary about the Maidan Revolution in Kiev, Ukraine. The film viscerally portrays the violence of the state. As I watched it in my flat in Kiev not that far from the stately European sites which were transformed into war zones in the events shown in the film I kept thinking how the prospect of printed guns could have radically changed how the Maidan revolution played out. In Winter on Fire the image that you'll see over and over again is of a bunch of government thugs in riot gear beating up protesters. I lived in the Ukraine and I have heard a bunch of different perspectives on the Maidan revolution. I know it's a complicated event that I would do a real disservice to if I tried to meta analyze it but just imagine how much shorter it could have been if Cody's guns were available to the revolutionaries... Just imagine how many lives could have been saved if the government thugs feared their adversaries... How much violence could have been avoided if the protesters could have brought something more menacing than rocks and sticks to a rubber bullet and steel baton fight? In my mind a printed gun or a multiplicity of them is much more powerful as a psychological weapon than it is.practically. Tactically I just can't imagine it being that much more dangerous as a weapon than a knife (or a truck!); nobody is going to slay dozens of victims in a mass murder spree in a mall or school with this thing. The hordes of hundreds of government thugs wouldn't have been nearly so aggressive if they knew there was a chance of being shot back at. Battling a crowd throwing rocks and sticks while fully armored in riot gear is probably just a little more risky than playing football with friends after a few beers and - let's be honest - probably a lot of fun! But what if one out of every hundred protesters had a gun? Even a crappy gun; it becomes an infinitely less appealing activity. How many of the riot cops would have transformed from cruel brawlers into assertive yet courteous peace keepers? How many of them would have flat refused to participate? The film is a 90 minute crescendo of escalation of force. A small group college students start to protest. Some riot police beat them up. A social media outrage ensues. Thousands rally to protest the police beatings of peaceful protesters. Some angry people advance on government buildings to protest. Larger scale melees occur with the police. The outrage grows and the protest becomes a revolution. The protesters organize a militia that can more capably combat the riot police. The government resorts to bringing in military professionals; snipers begin using real bullets to kill protesters on the front lines of the stand off. The revolutionary leader gives the President an ultimatum and the militia members promise to lay down their lives. Finally, given the prospect of presiding over a true massacre, the Ukrainian President resigns and hides. If the government faced a pervasive lethal threat amongst the protesters would they have had to be more reasonable at any early stage of the Maidan revolution? Would have so much blood ran on the icy streets of Kiev in 2014? I suspect not. If only I sold time travel devices instead of smart drugs I could make a bloody fortune by selling one to the dictator in the 2020's who is about to be overthrown by revolutionaries wielding plastic guns. Just imagine what such a dictator would pay to have Cody Wilson assassinated in 2013 before he opened this Pandora's box... Now that guns can be printed every despotic government around the world has a real reason to think twice about abusing their own citizenry.
It sounds funny written that way but it's actually really sad... I'm the oldest I have two brothers and one sister. My first brother knocked up his long-term girlfriend who I met at their wedding and then weirdly they got divorced about 6 months later. I tried to convince him to get a prenup and he didn't. There's another single mother, family courts trainwreck for you America! He voted for Hillary; he was really convinced she was the lesser of two evils despite a fairly rigorous series of back and forth emails we had debating it. He seems to worry about wealth inequality and climate change a lot despite my efforts to convince him to worry about other things a little more. My second brother... Couldn't be convinced to vote Trump. I tried to share some of Stefan's videos with him and he refused to watch them. Just calling it white nationalist propaganda. Since a trip to Africa, he seems to have become quiet the social justice warrior. Talking about white privilege, Black Lives Matter and made fun of my affinity for Ayn Rand. I noticed recently on social media he mentioned that he donated to Planned Parenthood. Fucking who voluntarily donated to Planned Parenthood?? Still trying to wrap my head around that one... My mom is a nice old Christian lady. She didn't like Trump because he was too scandalous a candidate. My dad hates Trump. He voted for Clinton, Bush and Obama, he's your stereotypical baby boomer and a New York Times subscriber. My sister actually seems pretty normal. She hasn't expressed any significant affection for the cultural Marxism that the rest seem to be embracing. I've been living in Kiev, Ukraine for the last couple of months and I asked them not to vote for Hillary Clinton because Kiev would have maybe been a not so safe place in the event of a showdown between President Clinton and Putin. I gave them a bunch of other pragmatic reasons to vote Trump but they all voted for HRC. It's weird because we all grew up Christian. Me and my brothers are pretty normal straight, white males; ever since we were young we all liked guns, fast cars, adventure, pretty girls, etc. My brothers - who are both pretty successful self-employed entrepreneurs now - are just the last people I would expect to turn into social justice warriors. There's an important detail I left them for nearly 5 years I lived in Latin America for several years and have been in Europe 2 years. I wonder if I had been there for them if it would have made a difference. Although, I stayed in touch via Skype. My options are a) I could just cut off contact. Sometimes it's best to just cut things off with people you really disagree with. Although, I do actually like my family other than our ideological differences we get along quiet well without any crazy dysfunction. b) I'm a pretty persuasive guy and the fact that I couldn't convince any of my family to vote Trump would seem to indicate that I'm not going to be convincing any of them of anything anytime soon. So holidays and family reunions for the foreseeable future are going to be ideological WW1 between us. c) We could just make it a family rule that at reunions, Thanksgivings or fake weddings we never touch anything related to politics. No none first date friendly conversational topics. I like to think that your family is your tribe that you share fundamental values with but it's looking like my immediate family is just some more people that I need to be politically correct around. d) I will give them an ultimatum; that one day when I'm starting my own family, if they are all still so mired in cultural Marxism I'm going to forbade them from contacting my family - at some point that I start my own family I wouldn't want them infected by their fake liberalism. We have a vacation together scheduled next year. I think this would be a good time to have this difficult talk. Has anyone on here had a similar dilemma of ideological dysfunction within their immediate family? How did you handle it?