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Everything posted by ofd

  1. If there is no selection pressure, something accidental can't become ubiquitous. If white skin developed just so, we'd see variations of skin colour in Europeans.
  2. In general it's a good idea to read articles before you post them. Unless you want to use them to disprove your thesis.
  3. How big is that contribution compared to the Central Bank?
  4. That depends. If you are an external observer, there is theoretical predicability. There are discussions if that is also the case if you are a part of the system that you try to predict.
  5. There is an obvious answer to that question. Where do credits come from under fractional reserve banking?
  6. So he is Tony Stark, Oskar Schindler, and Nikola Tesla rolled into one?
  7. Most secret societies are based on the axiom that the single members have done something awful and that other members know about it. It's mutual assured destruction that enforces unity.
  8. Causal determinism makes the claim that previous states together with the laws of nature determine the future. Computability is a special case, but not necessary for something to be determined.
  9. Why not? Also, even if we equate monetary inflation with inflation, who is responsible for creating money?
  10. That's because most issues are multifactorial, not monofactorial. Statistical analysis is pretty advanced but not many social scientists can apply it properly.
  11. Different mating strategies can have huge consequences on social behaviour over a few generations. The prohibition of cousin marriage in Western Europe led to the creation of nuclear families and finally to a more freedom-minded mindset compared to regions where this was not outlawed.
  12. Inflation for goods can happen naturally as well. There are three cases. 1 A good becomes more scarce the demand stays the same. 2 A good is in higher demand 3 Money supply by banks is increased thus goods raise in price. Which of those 3 do you consider robbery?
  13. "It's nice to imagine what will be possible once automation really sets off. Right now we don't know if what kind of actions can be automated in the future. What we left with are just speculations." It's not about actions, but about designing systems to automate processes. You can have 100 person in a callcentre taking calls and then distributing them to experts or you can design an automated system that does that with a few clicks on your phone.
  14. ofd

    How to read?

    The question of how to read is connected to what to read. Fluff can be read speedily, more important texts slowly, in detail, with annotations and what have you. While we can't avoid reading bad texts in a professional setting we can greatly reduce those in our private lives. Doing that makes it easier to read.
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