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Everything posted by Meister

  1. I'm not a fan of Aristotle. What you and me wrote is self evident. And I agree with your post.
  2. Logic cannot explain the universe because it's part of the universe. Whatever created logic and the universe is obviously beyond logic.
  3. Wrong. I am saying go monk. But thank you for proving my point about people desiring trouble.
  4. Abortion is manslaughter, not necessarily murder. Those are two different things.
  5. The concept of "reason" is part of ratio, the mind, the brain. The human experience is more than just the mind. That's why there is no mental explanation for the universe. If you learn to meditate and calm the thoughts and emotions completely then you will perceive your soul and realize that there is no time, space, no death and no birth. There is no reason. You simply are.
  6. The only country on earth with guaranteed freedom of speech is the US. I don't know what country you are in. If you are a conservative/libertarian then I recommend immigrating to the US. We need more immigrants like you!
  7. That's what MGTOW is all about. If you go monk all your problems are solved. What many people don't understand is that people (man and women) like to have misery and problems. So they create trouble for themselves.
  8. It doesn't matter whether reddit is left or right. This is a bipartisan thing. CNN attacked all of us.
  9. By threatening to dox a reddit user unless he remains silent the fake news network "CNN" has declared war on the entire internet community. Unless we fight back CNN could do this to anyone of us! Sign a petition to revoke their broadcasting license: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/it-time-revoke-cnn-broadcasting-license But even more important, hit them where it hurts - contact and boycott their advertisers: (Remember to use #CNNBlackmail when contacting them via twitter!) Ace Hardware: http://www.acehardware.com/helpdesk/ https://twitter.com/AceHardware Aleve: https://www.aleve.com/contact-us/ https://twitter.com/Bayer Alfa Romeo: https://m.chrysler.com/webselfservice/alfaRomeo/EmailPage.html https://twitter.com/alfa_romeo Allegra: https://www.allegra.com/contact/ https://twitter.com/AllegraOTC American Petroleum Institute: http://www.api.org/contact https://twitter.com/API_News Audi: https://www.audiusa.com/help/contact-us https://twitter.com/Audi AT&T: https://www.att.com/contactus/ https://twitter.com/ATT Bayer: https://www.bayer.com/en/contact.aspx#toForm https://twitter.com/Bayer Behr Paints: http://www.behr.com/consumer/customer-service/feedback https://twitter.com/BehrPaint BMW: http://www.bmwusa.com/standard/content/contactus/ https://twitter.com/BMW Cars.com: https://www.cars.com/contact/ https://twitter.com/carsdotcom Century Link: http://www.centurylink.com/help/contact/ https://twitter.com/CenturyLink Chamonix (tourist destination): http://www.chamonix.com/contact,101,en.html https://twitter.com/Chamonix_France Clear Choice: https://www.clearchoice.com/contact-us/ https://twitter.com/ClearChoice Dell: http://www.dell.com/support/Contents/us/en/04/category/Contact-Information https://twitter.com/Dell Expedia: https://www.expedia.com/service/ Click "Contact Us" https://twitter.com/Expedia Exxon Mobil: http://corporate.exxonmobil.com/en/company/contact-us/email-us https://twitter.com/exxonmobil Hewlett-Packard: https://ssl.www8.hp.com/us/en/contact-hp/connect-with-hp.html https://twitter.com/HP Hilton: https://secure.hilton.com/en/hi/feedback/index.jhtml https://twitter.com/HiltonHotels Infiniti: https://www.infinitiusa.com/iapps/contactus https://twitter.com/INFINITIUSA Jos. A Bank: http://www.josbank.com/contact-us https://twitter.com/JosABank Lexus: http://lexus2.custhelp.com/app/ask https://twitter.com/Lexus Marriott: https://www.marriott.com/marriott/contact.mi https://twitter.com/Marriott McDonald's: https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/contact-us/general-inquiry-form.html https://twitter.com/McDonalds Men's Wearhouse: https://www.menswearhouse.com/support https://twitter.com/menswearhouse Mini Cooper: http://www.miniusa.com/content/miniusa/en/footer-navigation/contact.html https://twitter.com/CooperMiniLtd Michelob: https://shop.michelobultra.com/pages/contact-us https://twitter.com/MichelobULTRA Microsoft: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/contactus/ https://twitter.com/Microsoft Mercedes-Benz: https://mercedes-benz.custhelp.com/app/ask/session/ https://twitter.com/MercedesBenz National Car Rental: https://nationalcar.custhelp.com/app/home https://twitter.com/NationalPro National Education Association: http://www.nea.org/home/827.htm https://twitter.com/NEAToday Optum: https://www.optum.com/contact/contact-us.html https://twitter.com/Optum Panera: https://panera.custhelp.com/app/ask https://twitter.com/panerabread Pom Wonderful: https://www.pomwonderful.com/contact-us/ https://twitter.com/pomwonderful Prudential: http://corporate.prudential.com/view/page/corp/31794 https://twitter.com/Prudential Stelara: https://www.stelarainfo.com/contact-us Sleep Number Beds: https://www.sleepnumber.com/contact-us https://twitter.com/sleepnumber Stella Artois: http://www.stellaartois.com/en_gb/contact-us.html https://twitter.com/StellaArtois TD Ameritrade: https://www.tdameritrade.com/why-td-ameritrade/contact-us.page https://twitter.com/TDAmeritrade Tempurpedic: https://www.tempurpedic.com/contact-us/ https://twitter.com/TempurPedic US Postal Service: https://www.usps.com/help/contact-us.htm https://twitter.com/USPS Vistaprint: http://www.vistaprint.com/customer-care/contact-us.aspx https://twitter.com/Vistaprint Vita Coco: https://www.vitacoco.com/me/contact-us/ https://twitter.com/VitaCoco Whole Foods: https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/customer-service https://twitter.com/WholeFoods Here is a comprehensive list of all Time Warner (CNN's parent) sponsors or cooperations. Call them, and let them know that we will not be using their products until they abolish their ties to the Cable News Network. Company/Group Number HEC Paris MBA Program France numbers only JK Harris and Company 800-556-9795 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals 800-236-9933 E-Trade 800-387-2331 Monex Precious Metals 800-444-8317 Sprint / Nextel 1-888-211-4727 Nextel 1-800-639-6111 Select Quote 800-777-8300 Wells Fargo 800-869-3557 AARP 888-687-2277 Philips / Norelco (212) 850-5000 [email protected] Subaru 1-800-782-2783 Geico 800-861-8380 Boston Market 800-365-7000 Overstock.com 800-843-2446 Liberty Medical 800-970-4831 Live Well Financial 800-917-1170 American Coalition for Clean Coal 877-358-6699 University of Phoenix None Partnership for Prescription Assistance 888-477-2669 Ehealth Insurance Services 800-977-8860 Dodge 1-800-853-1403 Hyundai 800-633-5151 Jos A Banks Clothiers 800-999-7472 or 800-285-2265 Career Builder.com (800) 638-4212 Zurich Financial Services Swiss numbers only Johnson and Johnson 732-524-0400 US Home Auction 800-793-6107 Cisco 800-553-6387 or 408-526-4000 Exxon Mobil 972-444-1000 Jitterbug 800-918-8543
  10. Getting permission to spank her is not gonna hold up in a court of law.
  11. Who gets to downvote or upvote o. these forums?? I can't do that.
  12. Of course never play into female hysteria. What fucktard downvoted this? But never hit her! Because then she has leverage against you.
  13. Of course you shouldn't be dating her. I think that's obvious, isn't it.
  14. It isn't. From what I've read so far about 50% of the guys on this forum have no idea what the term mgtow even means.
  15. I've been mgtow since way before the term was coined and some of those self declared "mgtow"-guys on the internet are truly pathetic. They keep on complaining about women and what women think and what women want ... It appears to me they are just losers who can't actually get a woman to want to pairbond with them and now they are whining about women all day. I just find romantic relationships with women annoying, dangerous, time consuming and ultimately pointless. I'm my own boss and the master of my life as good as that is possible at the moment. Why would I not want to be like that? There is no disadvantage to the mgtow lifestyle.
  16. Ok. Good point. I can't prove to you that there is no objectivity and you cannot prove to me that there is.
  17. There is no discussion about the existence of soul. Soul cannot be perceived through mind or emotions. Use meditation to silence mind and emotions and you will perceive soul.
  18. Because of the laws. Once her hypergamy kicks in she can file for divorce, sue me for alimony, take half my shit and my children away. There would be nothing I could do about it. 80% of divorces are initiated by women .... Procreating and marrying is like playing Russian roulette with only one empty chamber. If you wanna play those odds, then good luck with that. I'll pass. And again: I don't ostracize women. I deal with women daily and some are excellent at their job. I simply don't deal with them romantically.
  19. The only country that I know of which has actual freedom of speech is the US. It's also the only country with a constitutional right to bear arms. These two rights are the foundation of a free society. The fact that nobody else on earth has those rights is really all you need to know. That's why we need to protect our borders at all costs. Little trivia: Germany criminally prosecutes half a million citizens each year for speech violations ... The country only has 80 million inhabitants. When it comes to free speech the EU is a joke. They think 1984 wasn't a warning but instructions.
  20. I love women too. That has nothing to do with mgtow. Your advice just sounds like basic pickup stuff. mgtow has absolutely nothing to do with getting women to love you. I don't know how you guys go from "men going their own way" to "how to be behave so women like you". Those two things aren't even connected in any way.
  21. You have to be a special kinda special not be able to find some woman who wants to hook up with you. I've had my share of relationships and broke up with my last girlfriend 13 years ago to go monk. You are basically claiming that I am lying ...
  22. Women haven't "colluded". Women are just being women. There is no conspiracy. It's mens fault for changing the laws to pander to women. See it like this: If you have children and instead of disciplining and educating them you let them make the rules, you end up with retarded rules like "no brushing teeth" and "no more bedtime". Soon you'll be living in hell ... but it's not the kids fault. The kids haven't been colluding. They've just been kids. The shit started once women started to get political participation without any responsibility. They wanted the right to vote but not register for the draft. Men decided to give them these privileges and they can take them away, because they are obviously stronger than women. They demand free government payouts, without paying the same taxes men pay, same pay with less work and other crazy shit and other preferential treatment. Now it's mostly women and effeminate men who vote for socialism, big government, no freedom of speech and leftist insanity laws like gender mumbo jumbo and the likes. Until men restore a soft patriarchy again, this society is going to end in a disaster of historical proportions.
  23. I am not advocating for or against anything. I'm merely pointing out that there is no such thing as objectivity and reality. I don't see how my argument disproves itself. You are simply claiming that there is an objective reality. You have no way of proving or knowing this by using rational. Back to the original topic: People argue irrationally because rational is only a small part of consciousness and the human experience. The vast majority of people simply act on their feelings, which in turn are caused by instincts and the subconsciousness, then they (ab)use rational to justify their feelings. People aren't always convinced by rational because reality is not exclusively rational. Examples: Political elecitions aren't won through rational arguments. You can't convince a woman to pair-bond with you through rational arguments.
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