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Everything posted by Meister

  1. Indeed. Like a dog chasing it's own tail isn't it.
  2. The title of this thread is "arguing with irrationality". I think my contribution is spot on. I brought forward an argument why there is no objective reality. This argument also uses rationality to disprove itself. So far nobody has bothered refuting or even adressing any of this. If you are interested you might want to google "radical constructivism" and "objectivism vs subjectivism".
  3. Don't like the argument I made? Resort to name calling and "blocking" aka cultivating your digital safe space.
  4. What's dishonest and vile about it? Sounds like you just want me to ignore the fact that you have no way of proving to me any form of reality or rational.
  5. Sounds like the equivalent to "if you can't accept Jesus" I'll stop talking to you. We know for a fact that all perceptions are mere interpretations of sensory impulses. That means that there is no way to prove that there is an objective reality. My reality is very likely not your reality and my rationality is very likely not yours. That's why other people often appear irrational to us.
  6. How is it a bad thing that kids and teenagers are being told the truth about the legal situation in regards to marriage and relationships?
  7. I don't know that for sure and neither do you. I'm not arguing that rational isn't a useful tool in day to day life. It certainly is! But if you are looking for some actual truth then your mind is obviously not the right instrument to deliver that.
  8. In my understanding MGTOW is in no way a "boycott fo female vanity". And this lifestyle is very sustainable. I'm almost fourty and I've been mgtow pretty much since childhood. I went full monk 13 years ago. I have no woman or children holding me down, I'm educated, great job, high income, healthy, exercise a lot, many hobbies, friends and complete freedom to spend my time as I see fit. Mgtow lifestyle is totally awesome. I look back to when I still dated and damn! did I dodge some bullets. Why would anyone not want this?? With the laws the way they are, getting romantically involved with women doesn't stand up to any cost-benefit analysis whatsoever. Even with non-gynocentric laws mgtow seems to be a much better choice to me. And what is it with all this "white race" and "passing on genes" nonsense??? WTF??
  9. Detection and measurement is based on your brain interpreting the impulses received from your nervous system. What you preceive as reality is a mere interpretation of these various inputs. Because of that I would argue that on the rational plain of consciousness you cannot prove that there is an objective reality. And since all rationalisations are based on these interpretations it appears to me as if ratio (or the mind) is an incapable tool to decerne actual "truth".
  10. This is a philosophy forum. I'm asking you what reality is. Seems like an existential question to me ...
  11. If someone claims to be mgtow and then changes his tune because some woman throws herself at him, then he wasn't going his own way in the first place. I've had women throw themselves at me many times. I think you are getting confused by losers who are taking their ball and going home because women reject them. Then they claim to be mgtow and start hating on them.
  12. Who did you listen to? I think you misunderstand mgtow philosophy.
  13. The political left is clearly anti-men and anti-white people. I'm a white man ... My enemies enemy is my friend. Go alt right!
  14. The question is: What is reality?
  15. In my household I buy 100% of everything....
  16. This is what you get for letting women vote and participate in matters of governance and state. The ancients of all ages warned us but men didn't listen.
  17. Some points criticism: Your lighting is not optimal. Try to light your face instead of your background. There is a constant humming sound. Run it through post processing software to filter that out. Open up the aperture on your camera, get some shallow DOF going and dial down the iso.
  18. How can you prove that "truth" is constant?
  19. Sounds like you are tripping your balls off. You shouldn't have gotten married in the first place.
  20. I've been a monk for 13 years now and I only recently discovered the term "mgtow" and "pick up artist". I've bascially been going my own way all my life. PUA has absolutely no connection to mgtow and a lot of these self declared mgtows on the internet seem obsessed with what women do and think. They hardly go their own way if you ask me.
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