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Fashus Maximus

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Everything posted by Fashus Maximus

  1. I have, using Google's python library for it. I think what he's trying to say is that current neural networks do not yet have free will.
  2. That's my point, for many women, the carrot is having kids from a good father. How can you dangle such a carrot without a marriage proposal? Cuz without one, you can talk all you want but all the woman is thinking is "yaya keep talking f**k boy..." Regarding ethnic tribes, I was referring to the "steinberg" tribe. Hungarian, eh? Like... the George Soros variety? I ask because looking at one's behavior from an ethnic pov adds historical, cultural, and evolutionary context. It can give you the "levers" (so to speak) to dial up or down maladaptive behaviors. It certainly helped me with my own flaws. In your case, it sounds like a non-predatory version of Harvey Weinstein. And yes, Mongolian genes too.
  3. Post a link? I don't see anyone by that username in your activity I'm assuming you don't mean physical control. So, in what way do you control women? As in, using authority to offer some form of reward - or lack of punishment - in exchange for sex? You mentioned to @Siegfried von Walheim that you believe it is a genetic trait, as it runs in your family. Are you of a certain famous ethnic tribe that shall not be named, known to have a pattern for engaging in such pursuits?
  4. @Mishi2 what is the goal of the "game" if not sex? It is a woman's nature to go where the wind blows. Whores are rather common these days. However, there is a growing community of women who see the winds blowing towards traditionalism, and have opted to preserve their purity in exchange for the opportunity to get with fit white men with fashy haircuts. Care to try your luck at www.wasp.love ?
  5. I am aware, but what I question is the ability of any PUA (even the Player) to acquire pure women. How can a woman be pure and promiscuous at the same time? That's contradictory is it not? Also, would any type of PUA wait to get married before consummating the relationship? Has any type of PUA ever convinced a pure woman to sacrifice her virginity (and therefore SMV) for a fling? These last 2 questions are a matter of empiricism, and the answer to both of these would have to be "yes" for the majority of pure women in order to validate the PUA theory, wouldn't you think?
  6. @Siegfried von Walheim , to add another angle to this conversation, one of OP's fundamental assumptions is that he is doing something unto other women. Another assumption is that those women were pure. Why accept either of those premises? Did those women not have a choice in the matter? Assuming they did, how can they choose to be whores if they were pure? Don't you think it makes more sense that they were whores to begin with? If you accept that line of reasoning, don't you think it only makes sense that like attracts like (i.e. promiscuous woman with promiscuous man), as opposed to the bad boy theory ?
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