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Everything posted by webdever

  1. You'll have to register each domain you want to use, but you can certainly host 3 websites on one hosting plan. How you do that will depend on your webhost.
  2. Ah, right sorry, I see what you're saying now. In capitalism everyone polices everyone. If I hire you to be my policeman/DRO/whatever chain results in you protecting me, the very fact that I am paying for your services means I can keep you in check by withdrawing my payment at any time. Every other system requires someone be designated to police you who answers to no one, only capitalism makes the police accountable to the people they are policing.
  3. Well, actually though, because both sides are benefiting from the transaction both sides are being paid (either with money or products/services).
  4. http://paulgraham.com/road.html This trend has been going on for a while now, long before the term 'the cloud' was popularized/bastardized. It provides some advantages, you can get access to your applications and files from anywhere and any device, it provides a lot of advantages to development and allows companies to roll out new updates quickly (that in the old CD-rom model you would have had to wait months for new features and bugs to be fixed, and then often had to pay for an updated version anyways). Applications that don't require a subscription are still available from app stores for a one time fee then go to all your registered devices, and I think most apps that work with files don't require you to register for any service, I've never needed any subscription service or had trouble saving and sending files with Photoshop so I'm not sure what you're talking about there... If applications are cloud-based, there really isn't anything you can do to alleviate that since none of the code/executables are downloaded, everything runs from the companies servers. There's no way to move software that runs behind their walls and move it onto your computer...
  5. There was a brief discussion of the book on the boards here a while ago, here is the link if you're interested: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/13708-the-nurture-assumption/
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