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Found 10 results

  1. So I just watched the full video of the audio of the interrogation of Lindsay Shepherd. Wow. I am blown away by what I heard. I knew that leftists believed their bullshit, but now I hear them saying that their worldview is that people aren't left enough! It's a disturbing listen, so those who look u...
  2. Hi everyone I'm not too familiar with modern psychology theories, especially in regards to mating, I've listen to a bit of JP talks, and there is a question I've been wondering about for some time now... Is the modern dating/marriage/mating scene in the west, trending towards becoming...
  3. Has anyone seen the debate that happened recently? What do you think of it? It makes me kinda sad that Michael Dyson gets applause. If you havent here is a link to it
  4. My life reads like a Shakespearean tragedy, no I'm not being melodramatic. Despite years of therapy, inner work, etc I'm continually being bamboozled, and trolled by people who negatively affect my real life. I've heard Jordan Peterson talk about there are people who after a certain age they're just...
  5. I know that there is no context to my questions, I just want to hear your thoughts on these questions at face value. Question 1. If you listen to Jordan Peterson or know the Bible, you know about Cain vs Abel story. My fundamental question is, what system do you have in place to...
  6. What is happening on college campuses???? I just finished watching the speech Dr. Peterson gave at Queens university. Was expecting the typical brilliance and incredible insight one would expect from Jordan...until about ten minutes in when the 'protesters' broke in and interrupted the event. If you...
  7. Two great vids! Jordan Peterson and Sargon of Akkad at their best! The first is JP talking to a feminist reporter in Britain. The second is Sargon's commentary on it. Definitely worth seeing. I love the part about the similarities between the philosoph...
  8. I've included sections for whatever takes your fancy. Sorry it's long, but it's cool. With the rising popularity of Jordan Peterson and his attempt to translate the Bible outside of metaphor and into the realm of psychology and philosophy and whatnot, I thought I'd show you a bit of what I know...
  9. Jordan Peterson Richard Spencer Julian Assange Camille Paglia Martin Shkreli Ann Coulter (again) Larry Elder Sam H. Who do you wish Stefan would interview?
  10. I've started watching this guy and I find his talks on evil, order and chaos and hierarchy fascinating. In this talk, particularly starting at about 40m, he explores the relationship between the personality trait of "orderliness" and authoritarianism. If anyone else has read or watched him in dep...
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