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Found 5 results

  1. I'm currently working on Vox Day's comics project Al*Hero, which is being crowdfunded on freestartr. I wanted to give a heads-up to any comics lovers on the board. Now all that's left is for someone to start a movie production company and we'll get a pretty solid foundation in the culture wars.
  2. I have made an illustration featuring Stefan as a Marvel-esque superhero because why not. Enjoy
  3. Werepugs! You can find some pages here. Pugs shape-shift into homicidal little-people during the full moon. Not philosophical? No. But the pugs represent two children with a neglectful, drunk mom. The shape-shifting represents the new found power of puberty. While the homicide is rage at their seemingly helpless situation. I've attached page one.
  4. The site itself: http://libertariannuts.com/ The one with Stefan in it: http://libertariannuts.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/018_900px.png
  5. Hi! I'd like to share with everyone something I'm working on This is a project in which I’ll lay out the case about how and why governments were formed in the first place and why it generates most of the problems that exists in our society today, all in comics format I'm working on the language and the narrative so any feedback is apreciated Its in the top 4 pages in my Tumblr, there's also some other stuff of mine there too if you want to check out http://rockbarcellos.tumblr.com/ I also plan to put it in my own personal website, I'd love to make partnership with anyone interested in helping in anyway Thanks
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