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Stephen C

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Everything posted by Stephen C

  1. What comes to mind for me is "Why not just address the argument?"I'd like to hear an example of what you're referring to.
  2. Does that mean you won't go on a magical journey with me?
  3. I'm not sure if these count, since they are fiction. The trilogy consists of: Homeland (1990) — Homeland follows the story of Drizzt from around the time and circumstances of his birth and his upbringing amongst thedrow (dark elves). The book takes the reader into Menzoberranzan, the drow home city. From here, the reader follows Drizzt on his quest to follow his principles in a land where such feelings are threatened by all his family including his mother Matron Malice. In an essence, the book introduces Drizzt Do'Urden, one of Salvatore's more famous characters from the Icewind Dale Trilogy. Exile (1990) — Exile tells the story of Drizzt outside of the drow cities in the open wilderness of the Underdark. For the ten years following his abandoning his house, he is left with no one but his faithful Guenhwyvar, a magical panther he had acquired in Homeland. Drizzt is also met with great dangers that he meets with the business ends of his scimitars. Struggling with conflicting emotions, which involve his failure in Menzoberranzan and a deep grief for his father and friend Zaknafein, he makes his way to the surface to face newer dangers. Sojourn (1991) — Sojourn is the story of Drizzt coming to the surface of the world and facing adversity due to the infamy of his kin. It follows him trying to find his place among the humans that live between the city of Sundabar and Citadel Adbar. He is rejected, and hunted, before meeting and living with an elderly blind man known as Montolio DeBrouchee. Montolio teaches Drizzt what it means to become a ranger and together they defend Mooshie's home against a raid by local orcs. Drizzt ultimately leaves the Sundabar area and makes his way toIcewind Dale where he befriends Catti-brie and Bruenor Battlehammer and finds a place to call home.
  4. Thank you, Muffles. I appreciate the show of sympathy. I want to extend compassion towards you, being threatened with abandonment by a parent is pure torture, I'm sorry this was the case for you. Something that comes to mind about that is once we are given a threat like this we realize we always have been homeless, at best we are just a guest in the home of the person that abuses us most, we own nothing. It's impossible to feel any sense of safety or security, everything can be taken away at any given time. This is a terrible realization for a child. You shared a bit about your experiences with your niece and her parents with me in the chat room, I really do hope her parents work towards improving their parenting methods for your nieces sake. Again, when I imagine a child spilling something I feel the urge to spill some of whatever they spilled, then show them what can be done to clean the spill. Also, asking them if they would participate in cleaning the spill with me. Awesomeness. I'm glad that it's clear when each Part is talking, my only concern is that people that aren't familiar with the method might be left feeling a bit confused, but so far I haven't received any feedback like that yet.That's my favorite part too. I have enjoyed watching the video myself, maybe this has something to do with the dreams of sucking my own penis I mentioned to you. Heh, my inner critic thinks I look like a crazy person doing this too. I think...Me: "How many times do we live, Inner Critic?"Critic: "Uh, once, you moron."Me: "Well, how about we be crazy, since we only get one shot?"Critic: "Eh, you're a idiot, but I think I see what you mean."Me: "What's the worst that can happen?"Critic: "I give you shit for it, and everyone else's Critic will too."Me: "What do you think of their Critics?"Critic: "They suck"Me: "So are we good to go?"Critic: "Uh, heh, yeah. I guess so. Just don't get beat up or arrested."Me: "Alright. Will you watch my back?"Critic: "Ugh, you fucking know I will"Me: "I do, you're the loyalist."Critic: "Recognize!"
  5. I'm reminded of this therapy session demonstration with Fritz Perls...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y5tuJ3Sojc
  6. Stephen C


    Any specific genre?
  7. I want to respond to your posts here Muffles and Rex. You've both said so much it's going to take some time for me to type out replies, I will get to it.
  8. You're welcome. Thank you for helping yourself to reason through this vital step, Meli.
  9. I'm not sure, but I'm curious to hear what answer comes to your mind.
  10. If you're already surrounded by ghosts, who is there to isolate from?
  11. It's all good, I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you've had to live through. Have you taken all this to therapy by any chance? I would personally check to see if I have a Part that doesn't like the critic, or wants to rush the therapeutic process. If I found such a Part I would try to understand it's concerns until it has enough trust in me and is willing to give me permission/space to work with my critic. My next step would be to understand my critics concerns and earn trust until it gives me permission/space to work with whatever it is protecting.http://personal-growth-programs.com/learn-about-ifs/inner-critic-articles/inner-critic/
  12. Thanks, Carb. I appreciate the show of sympathy. I'm sad to hear you're experiencing pain, but I'm also glad you are connecting with your feelings. I'm also sad to hear that you are unable to express your emotions in the place you live, I'm sad you are unable to express your emotions to your parents, the people that you need to be heard by most in this world. I also feel anger knowing that your parents are not giving you what you need. I'm glad to hear that this video is useful for you, I would like people to walk away from watching my videos with some more understanding about themselves and ways they can help themselves.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4yMz0TAdK4Peter Gerlach for the win.
  14. Thanks, LP <3 Cool, Ivan :)You're welcome, Benjamin :)I'm sorry, Carb.
  15. I like you sometimes.
  16. It sucks that you stopped writing "Best wishes, Marc" on all your forum posts because Stephen C hears it as something demeaning even though you like saying it. Is it possible that Stephen C might of been hearing in your words things that you don't mean because, in general, communication is imperfect?
  17. Would you like to tell me "Best Wishes, Marc"?Do you think I make the best choices for myself?Do you think I will accept anything people suggest?Why do I make up fantasies about what you think and being that I do, what can be done about this?
  18. You're welcome.Will I reject anything others suggest?Have I not been making the best choices possible for myself?Am I afraid of myself?I noticed you don't end your messages to me with "Best wishes, Marc". I'm glad because I can already see your name above your avatar and being wished well several times in one day is overdose amounts of well wishing for me.
  19. I find these ideas interesting. I love watching Carl Rogers doing his thing in therapy sessions.
  20. I do resent you for asking me if what you wrote helps. Do you have any thoughts that might help me?
  21. "All human beings share the same needs : NO, some people want to be rich, some want to be famous, some want to have a family, some want to travel the world for their entire life. Given the diverse set of needs, this foundational theory is completely wrong." What are the needs being met through being rich, being famous, having a family, traveling the world? Is it possible all these wants stem from the same basic need or needs?
  22. I appreciate you telling me about this time in your life and your experience of it. Thank you for sharing, Marc. Does it help you at all to tell it?
  23. I'm pretty sad about there being so many things I'm disappointed about, yes. I'm wondering where to go from here.Out of all the things you have been disappointed about, what has been the most disappointing to you? Out of all the things you have been sad about, what has saddened you the most? When you are wondering where to go, what do you do?
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