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Everything posted by Freedomain

  1. Question 1: [1:24] – “I’m a 26-year-old male who has recently had his life turned entirely upside down. As a musician who’s lived in nothing but artistic communities since my early teens, on top of being raised, taught, and employed by feminist women, I’ve been deeply indoctrinated in the radical left ideology. I was always taught and was under the implication that compassion was the deciding factor for being left leaning. I was hook line and sinker. Rallies, fundraisers, ANTIFA meetings. That mindset changed viscerally this past summer, when a kangaroo court of individuals whom chose to remain anonymous to me, started to smear my name in the vane of ‘toxic masculinity’ after a disagreement amongst political views. A number of life altering false rumors, and fake utterances were written up, passed onto my roommates, and musical peers. Leading to an intervention style meeting, where they laid out my so called ‘problematic behaviors’. Without being able to properly defend myself, not even being given the dignity of knowing my accusers, this led to my short-term homelessness, the loss of my source of income, social ostracism, and deep emotional turmoil. I’d like to believe that I’m not the only well-meaning man who’s been largely cast out from his former peers, just in result of voicing right of center opinions who’ve had their lives completely uprooted. My question is, how does one begin to start over after your life has been burned to the ground by the far left? Is it worth censoring yourself in the pursuit of new friends?” Question 2: [44:14] – “Does Stefan have a proposal as to why some callers are emotionally invested in their belief system and such callers are often beyond the reach of logic? I am a qualified Hypnotherapist (among other things) and believe that some people have mental processes that produce ‘anti-logic’. They hold to untenable positions and invent increasingly bizarre constructs to maintain their position, (regardless of the facts) - resorting in the last to conspiracy theory. I recently listened to the show with the Flat Earther. Despite the absurdity of his position he could not be moved from his position by Stefan's appeal to reason. As Stefan regularly points out, actions have consequences and people respond to incentives. A ‘Flat Earther’ invites the dis-benefit of ridicule, so there must be a compensating benefit to make him cling so tenaciously to his untenable belief system.” Question 3: [1:16:15] – “I have developed the basics of a potential theory of ethics that states that what is ethical for a community is what is in the community's common interests, and the community's common interests are based upon the commonly shared interest of all the individual members of said community to reliably maximize their own interests. I would like to explain my theory to Stefan and see if he agrees with it and/or if it accords with his theory, UPB.” Question 4: [1:34:15] – “I am happily married mother with 2 children. My husband and I are deeply dedicated to providing the best upbringing possible for our kids. My husband works full time & I stay at home. We are doing what we can to raise our children to be happy, healthy and productive humans. Of course, there is a pin in our bubble. Some of our important members are mentally ill or are not participating in our lives. The mentally ill ones cause A LOT of unneeded drama for our family of 4. When the ones NOT participating in our lives DO show up they think that we need to drop everything to be with them, and they are resentful when we do not direct our full attention to their presence. The stable ones have pulled away from family life all together or live too far away for us to meet often. So mostly we are stuck at the dinner table with the crazies.” “My question is: As a role model for children where do we place our boundary with family? Is it in children's best interest to have a connection with family even if they are mentally ill & destructive? What about opening doors to allow people into our lives when it is convenient or them but promptly having the door shut on us when they decide they are done visiting? Would it be healthier to live in exile without the headache & drama that relatives can bring, and still hope that the kids still learn the value of family? Or should we for the sake of the children endure so that they can develop relationships with cousins, aunts, and grandparents?” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  2. Question 1: [1:24] – “I’m a 26-year-old male who has recently had his life turned entirely upside down. As a musician who’s lived in nothing but artistic communities since my early teens, on top of being raised, taught, and employed by feminist women, I’ve been deeply indoctrinated in the radical left ideology. I was always taught and was under the implication that compassion was the deciding factor for being left leaning. I was hook line and sinker. Rallies, fundraisers, ANTIFA meetings. That mindset changed viscerally this past summer, when a kangaroo court of individuals whom chose to remain anonymous to me, started to smear my name in the vane of ‘toxic masculinity’ after a disagreement amongst political views. A number of life altering false rumors, and fake utterances were written up, passed onto my roommates, and musical peers. Leading to an intervention style meeting, where they laid out my so called ‘problematic behaviors’. Without being able to properly defend myself, not even being given the dignity of knowing my accusers, this led to my short-term homelessness, the loss of my source of income, social ostracism, and deep emotional turmoil. I’d like to believe that I’m not the only well-meaning man who’s been largely cast out from his former peers, just in result of voicing right of center opinions who’ve had their lives completely uprooted. My question is, how does one begin to start over after your life has been burned to the ground by the far left? Is it worth censoring yourself in the pursuit of new friends?” Question 2: [44:14] – “Does Stefan have a proposal as to why some callers are emotionally invested in their belief system and such callers are often beyond the reach of logic? I am a qualified Hypnotherapist (among other things) and believe that some people have mental processes that produce ‘anti-logic’. They hold to untenable positions and invent increasingly bizarre constructs to maintain their position, (regardless of the facts) - resorting in the last to conspiracy theory. I recently listened to the show with the Flat Earther. Despite the absurdity of his position he could not be moved from his position by Stefan's appeal to reason. As Stefan regularly points out, actions have consequences and people respond to incentives. A ‘Flat Earther’ invites the dis-benefit of ridicule, so there must be a compensating benefit to make him cling so tenaciously to his untenable belief system.” Question 3: [1:16:15] – “I have developed the basics of a potential theory of ethics that states that what is ethical for a community is what is in the community's common interests, and the community's common interests are based upon the commonly shared interest of all the individual members of said community to reliably maximize their own interests. I would like to explain my theory to Stefan and see if he agrees with it and/or if it accords with his theory, UPB.” Question 4: [1:34:15] – “I am happily married mother with 2 children. My husband and I are deeply dedicated to providing the best upbringing possible for our kids. My husband works full time & I stay at home. We are doing what we can to raise our children to be happy, healthy and productive humans. Of course, there is a pin in our bubble. Some of our important members are mentally ill or are not participating in our lives. The mentally ill ones cause A LOT of unneeded drama for our family of 4. When the ones NOT participating in our lives DO show up they think that we need to drop everything to be with them, and they are resentful when we do not direct our full attention to their presence. The stable ones have pulled away from family life all together or live too far away for us to meet often. So mostly we are stuck at the dinner table with the crazies.” “My question is: As a role model for children where do we place our boundary with family? Is it in children's best interest to have a connection with family even if they are mentally ill & destructive? What about opening doors to allow people into our lives when it is convenient or them but promptly having the door shut on us when they decide they are done visiting? Would it be healthier to live in exile without the headache & drama that relatives can bring, and still hope that the kids still learn the value of family? Or should we for the sake of the children endure so that they can develop relationships with cousins, aunts, and grandparents?” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donateListen to the Podcast
  3. United Kingdom: Truth Revolt | Tommy Robinson and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  4. The Truth About Freedom of Speech: Trends and Demographics Watch the video
  5. The Fall of the European Union | Janice Atkinson and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  6. Florida School Shooting Story Changes Again | Broward County, Nikolas Cruz and The Truth Watch the video
  7. Escaping Groupthink | Owen Benjamin and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  8. Disgraced NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman Resigns | True News Watch the video
  9. CAPITALISM IS THE PROBLEM? Watch the video
  10. Bernie Sanders's Job Guarantee: $15/Hour and Benefits For All Americans! Watch the video
  11. Rosie O'Donnell's Illegal Democrat Campaign Contributions | True News Watch the video
  12. Karl Marx: Past, Present and Future Watch the video
  13. On May 5th, 1818, Karl Marx, the influential philosopher, economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist was born. On what would have been his 200th birthday, the New York Times published an article titled “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!” by associate professor of philosophy Jason Barker which created a significant controversy throughout all of online media. New York Times: Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right! https://web.archive.org/web/20180505171531/https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/30/opinion/karl-marx-at-200-influence.html The Truth About Karl Marx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA2lCBJu2Gg The Communist Manifesto http://www.fdrurl.com/communist-manifesto Lenin: The Man, the Dictator, and the Master of Terror by Victor Sebestyen http://www.fdrurl.com/lenin-man-dictator Hegel: The Essential Writings by Frederick G. Weiss http://www.fdrurl.com/hagel-weiss-writings Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, Vol. II: Determinate Religion http://www.fdrurl.com/determinate-religion Political Discourse in Exile: Karl Marx and the Jewish Question http://www.fdrurl.com/discourse-in-exile On The Jewish Question by Karl Marx http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1844/jewish-question Background Sources https://www.philosophersmag.com/opinion/30-karl-marx-s-radical-antisemitism https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/19/books/review/victor-sebestyen-lenin-biography.html http://econlog.econlib.org/archives/2015/03/the_prevalence_1.html https://areomagazine.com/2017/05/09/the-marxist-devil-and-free-speech-on-campus/ https://www.academia.org/self-identifying-marxist-professors-outnumber-conservatives-as-college-professors/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/01/11/the-dramatic-shift-among-college-professors-thats-hurting-students-education/ https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/08/opinion/sunday/a-confession-of-liberal-intolerance.html Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate
  14. Question 1: [1:57] – “If we act out our beliefs in order to interact with the world and materialists don't see people as anything more than highly evolved animals, I don't think most Atheists actually believe in Atheism when they behave as though there is inherent value in life. It's as if, in the Atheist mind, we're working with a moral currency that we know isn't backed by the gold standard of inherent human value but act as if it is to keep the economy rolling. At some point we look at the pressures of suffering, the need to sacrifice for higher ideals, sacrificing for family, temptations of power and so on and get red pilled to either abandon the moral currency or accept a higher calling to withstand the trials. I am also having a hard time understanding Atheistic purpose and what I see as a square circle of free will and materialism. Is there a way to establish inherent human value in purely materialist terms?” Question 2: [30:27] – “I was somewhat interested in the topic of universal income, as it was discussed recently in your show. Living in Finland, I understand the philosophy of self-reliance and I support it personally, but as I am a lone island within an ocean of progressive thinking, I can hardly expect to sway the public opinion on social safety nets. The arguments for universal income are the following: 1. Streamlining support payment bureaucracy. 2. Make it easier to enter the workforce. 3. Potentially lower social benefit costs (or so some would argue).” “If I cannot live in a nation free of these wealth redistribution schemes, should I not support programs that could possibly yield beneficial results within the Finnish Pseudo-socialist system? I understand taking something from others for nothing is wrong, but this is happening already. If there is a chance that this new program could streamline government organizations (remove unnecessary agencies), help people get into the workforce more easily, and basically not add to existing costs, would it not be better to allow universal become a reality?” Question 3: [1:07:48] – “I’m in a touring theater company that specializes in improv comedy. It’s always been a fun occupation bringing a lot of joy to the people I perform for. However, over the last 5 years political correctness has encroached more and more on my work. It appears as if most if not all theater has become entrenched in liberalism to the point where a show that’s not about politics, particularly social justice, diversity, etc. is not considered real art. My question is, must art be innately political? Must our performance stand for something in order to be considered legitimate? The left seems to think so. How can I fight back against this terrible trend so I can go back to entertaining people for the simple joy of the laughter?” Question 4: [1:38:18] – “I started smoking cannabis about 17 years ago, when I was 17 years old. My abuse of cannabis greatly impacted my marriage. I would like to still be able to use cannabis in a healthy way, but I'm not sure if that's possible. Am I playing with a fantasy? As an aside to this: this sort of thing is not exactly talked about in "stoner culture", but the discussion is one that needs to be had. What is it going to take for cannabis culture to develop a sense of responsibility and moderation?” Question 5: [2:35:47] – “I'm a former navy sailor and specific skills I am qualified for make me a very in demand in a wartime scenario. This means that I can be recalled to service before a draft starts and my name is on the "get these guys quick" list. I am afraid of this happening but at the same time I know I won’t hesitate should the call come. Is it just a result of my life training as a disposable male drone for the female queens that makes me willing to fight in a war that I oppose with every reasoned thought I have on the subject, or is there something more going on?” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  15. Child Abuse Cover-Ups Exposed! | James O'Keefe and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  16. The Truth About The North/South Korea Peace Summit Watch the video
  17. My Cancer Diagnosis: Five Years Later Watch the video
  18. Why Everybody Was Wrong About The Cultural Appropriation Scandal Watch the video
  19. The Kanye West Controversy | Scott Adams and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  20. The Fall of Bill Cosby | Tommy Sotomayor and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  21. Ambition? My Parents Are Paying The Bills, But My Girlfriend Doesn't Care About Money! Watch the video
  22. Question 1: [1:36] - “I go to school currently in the west coast and have noticed that even as a freshman socialism is running wild in even the basic courses. The field I am interested in is Financial Economics, and from what my father has told me requires a degree to advance farther than a few rungs up the ladder, so I have to play the game. My worry is that even in my field of study I have a sense of insecurity in the accuracy of information I am getting. So, my question for Stefan is how am I supposed to be sure the information the professors pass off to me are accurate and truthful?” Question 2: [45:57] - “I'm a 41-year-old male atheist, in my life time I've watched morality, values and families fall apart. It seems to me that this is linked to atheism and the leftist agenda. most of the people I know who believe in God and go to church have stronger family's and values I agree with. Do you think as atheist we should attend church for the moral wellbeing and sense of community and bonding?” Question 3: [1:00:07] - “I am calling in today because I am screaming abuse at my girlfriend for mistakes she has made in the past at least once a week. I love her, and she is a good girlfriend to me, better than I could have ever asked for, but I can't help but feel resentment towards her because of what she has done in the past. (The main issue would be she slept with a man, while she and I were friends, who only wanted her for sex, after she had promised me several times she would not.) I just want to be as good to her as she is to me, and I don't know how to go about that. I have been improving my life because of her, and she has done many things to improve herself too, but in this one area I think I am getting worse. The topics we fight about are always the same, and they never seem to get resolved. I'm not sure if I even have a right to be upset about her past, and I'm hoping talking to you about it will help me and my girlfriend be happy. My question is, do you have a right to be upset over someone's past, if they have changed? And why would someone's past still feel like an issue, if they have changed?” Question 4: [1:31:20] - “What are some good questions to ask or things to know when determining if you should be a wife and mother - or even date for that matter? How do you proceed in dating while healing from trauma? Given my background, current age and circumstances I'm intrigued at what you might have to say. I take the idea of Motherhood incredibly seriously and marriage is something I want to do well if I'm lucky enough to meet someone who may want to go into partnership with me. But before all of that, there is me. In today's current climate where I'm encouraged to victimize myself, I don't feel that is an option. However, there are historical and biological truths that I carry in my body and mind. I want to be my best and hopefully someone else benefits from it, too.” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
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