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Everything posted by Freedomain

  1. South Africa: Civil War | Simon Roche and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  2. President Obama's Anti-White Racism Portrait Scandal | True News Watch the video
  3. Terrorist Threat Against Trump Family, Leftists Celebrate | True News Watch the video
  4. Fake News Pushes North Korea Propaganda | Michael Malice and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  5. White Farmers Slaughtered in South Africa | Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  6. Question 1: [2:00] – “A few years ago, I began to see a young woman, who I eventually moved in with, right around the time we found out we were going to have a baby. However, by the time our daughter was born, we had already broken up a few times. Eventually we did get back together, but again, we broke up. Early last year, we finally got back together, which was supposed to be the "last attempt", and things were fine for the first half of last year. And then we broke up for different reasons than my infidelity last summer, mainly revolving around communication issues, which had always plagued us. Now, once again, I feel like maybe there is a chance we can get back together, if I were to really pursue it. There is a part of me that wants to be a good man and make our young family whole again, as my ex-girlfriend is pregnant with our second and due in a few months. But I also feel like I'm not ready to settle down still. I still have a part of me that wants to ‘sow my oats,’ so to speak. And I have the unfortunate feeling that we won't work out no matter how much I have this vision in my head of this perfect family. I feel divided 50/50, and it doesn't seem to be getting better with time. What should I do?” Question 2: [1:22:37] – “Growing up in an abusive household with two alcoholic parents I have made most of my life about not being them. Though I fell into alcohol abuse myself I quit drinking and started therapy four years ago. This created a radical change in my life mentally, physically, and socially. Through therapy I had to ask myself this question: If most of my choices have been made in an effort to not be someone then who am I? My life, today, is the polar opposite of what it was just four years ago in a positive way, but I still struggle with that question. Am I truly myself or just a reaction to someone else? Is identity just a collection of impressions others made upon you?” Question 3: [1:50:03] – “I'm afraid that now that I've developed such a very scientific/debunker mind over the last 10 years, totally separate from my faith, I'm honestly afraid to even approach the subject but feel an intellectual urge to do so. To put it simply - I'm afraid to look at it for fear that my Christian faith will go away like my previous strong beliefs (conspiracy, JFK, UFOs, etc.) and I will become an Atheist - which is not to say that I have any problem with Atheists/Agnostics. I'm basically at a crossroads and suffering with this decision on whether or not to review my faith. Is 100% preserving my faith (by not looking into it) worth it? Or is being 100% intellectually honest and risking a troublesome outcome better?” Question 4: [2:32:57] – “I’m a nihilist. This simply means I see no true meaning to life. To have meaning would seem to suggest a purpose granted by something far more intelligent entity than ourselves. I believe, instead of saying we have meaning, that we rather have a function as a species. That function is simply to continue breeding and progressing the species. It’s naturally what we do, as all other animals. Do you believe we could ever achieve a world of nihilist and still progress as a species? Or, must religion always maintain that push toward the ‘function of our species?’” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  8. Why Failure Is Not An Option | Mike Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  9. Stefan Molyneux will be speaking at "A Night For Freedom" in Washington, DC on February 24th. Tickets are now available, and we look forward to seeing everybody there! http://www.anightforfreedomdc.com Question 1: [0:55] – "I'm a 27-year-old male who listens to Stefan's content regularly. One of the points I disagree with him on is the role of parenthood, and I believe that I'll be happiest if I never have any kids of my own. I've taken measures to make sure that I won't reproduce including getting a vasectomy at the age of 23. I expect to continue living my life with happiness, value, and purpose, and I don't think that I will regret my choice to remain childfree. However, my mind is open to the possibility that I might be wrong. If a person is capable of having children but chooses not to, are his chances of having a happy and meaningful life truly diminished?" Question 2: [1:23:49] – “I’m a 20-year-old who is currently a sophomore in college in the US. I've had very good upbringing with very little to no abuse. My father is in the 1% of yearly income and I am extremely well off. Most of my expenses (rent, groceries, college tuition, etc.) are currently being paid for by my parents. I'm grateful that they do this for me and I can see that having them as benefactors enables me to have more free time to obtain new knowledge and skills, as well as save the money I do earn. However, I've had the nagging thought that by accepting their help, I'm hindering my own potential growth by living in such a soft and orderly environment. I understand that many parents want to create a better life for their child they never had for themselves. My grandfather worked to give my father more resources to utilize than he ever had growing up. My father works hard to provide me with even more resources to utilize than he ever had growing up. Is the transference of an increasing abundance of resources from one generation to the next really a keystone piece of creating and optimizing a great life for the next of kin, or does this abundance of resources hinder the progress of the next of kin by failing preparing them for the real world?” Question 3: [2:20:30] – “I have been married to a man for almost 7 years. I believe I may have entered my gay marriage because of a deep fear and mistrust of women. I found an ease of connection and brotherhood with my best friend that I possibly used to feed my own narcissism in our gay relationship. I believe I also felt an unwillingness to step into the deepest corners of my mental basement to work on foundational aspects of my history. I am deeply saddened that I have stolen seven years of my husband’s life in opportunity loss to find a truly gay lifetime partner, and I fear that I will not be able to surmount twenty-eight years of dysfunction with women of my past to build a virtuous marriage with a wife and children in the future. I have always had sexual attraction to women, and I have dated women, including a largely physical, two-year relationship with one. Please help me to unpack this foundational problem so that I can overcome my fear and move toward the best life for myself, my husband, and a potential future wife and children. I hope that my experience may also be a learning opportunity for others who may be confusing a lack of healthy male connection and a mistrust of women for homosexuality.” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  10. Shocking! 77.3% of Non-Immigrant Black Births Are Illegitimate! Watch the video
  11. The Truth About The Stock Market Crisis. Prepare Yourself. Watch the video
  12. Jimmy Kimmel: Talk Show Hosts Are Liberal - Because It Requires Intelligence! Watch the video
  13. I'm thrilled to announce that I will be speaking at "A Night For Freedom" in Washington, DC on February 24th. Tickets are now available and I look forward to seeing everybody there! http://www.anightforfreedomdc.com Question 1: [1:19] - “My question surrounds femininity, and the despised feeling I get when a woman who is feminine comes across my path. I feel like I have to hold the door open for her. It's just someone else's needs before mine, as my needs from childhood were so marginalized. They get what they want while not even trying. I look at women who have their men taking care of them with such jealousy and anger. I want a man to do that for me and not feel like I'm a burden for them or troubling them. I used to beat myself up emotionally for wanting that. I even so much wanted to be a boy so I could be looked at as strong, that I could take care of myself. Or to make myself feel better I would be like the woman who has her man taking care of her can't get the money and is ditsy or is manipulating men cause they turn on the stupid when men are around.” “It's a torrent of thoughts and emotions, like I'm not pretty enough or that I don't take care of myself enough. I always have dirt under my fingernails. At times when I embrace my femininity I feel in alignment with the truest part of myself. But I worry because work in my mind takes the back burner. I loose my work ethic and all I want is babies and a peaceful tidy home. How do I be so great he can't say no? I am a 29 year old woman who has grown up in the wreckage of third wave feminism. I wish to be more feminine but I despise and am jealous of woman who are. I have been made to carry heavy burdens. If I fully embrace my femininity will I loose my drive, logic, reason and motivation? And how do I become more feminine?” Question 2: [1:54:30] - “I am a 27 year old female, and my partner of 4 years wants to have children in the next few years. I am committed to him and have no plans to jump ship, but I have deep misgivings about the idea of having children. I was raised in a very isolated and dysfunctional environment by a chronically ill single mother, who herself was severely abused and neglected in her youth. I am deeply aware I am not cut out to be a mother - I am utterly terrified I will unintentionally and unexpectedly behave the way that my mom did. I couldn't live with myself if I screwed up a child. Through listening to the show, I do take seriously what you have said about committed women approaching their 30s needing to think seriously about children, but every time I do, I go cold with terror. Please help, even if for my partner's sake, as I do not want him to waste his life or be put in a terrible position if I turn out to be unfit for motherhood.” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  14. What Pisses Me Off About The Philadelphia Superbowl Riots Watch the video
  15. MP3: https://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3988/what-pisses-me-off-about-the-philadelphia-superbowl-riots Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-molyneux/fdr-3988-what-pisses-me-off-about-the-philadelphia-superbowl-riots After the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl, the city of Philadelphia descended into riots, drunken chaos and property damage as a means of celebrating the victory of their favorite sportsball team. Stefan Molyneux looks at the history of the historically Democratic city, why the left has a much shorter time preference than those on the right and what these riots illustrate on a grand scale. Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Sources http://phillys7thward.org/2016/06/why-are-over-70-of-our-teachers-white-females/ http://www.city-data.com/top2/h7.html http://thenotebook.org/articles/2017/03/15/district-announces-teacher-hiring-push http://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/philadelphia-population/ http://www.nouvelles.umontreal.ca/udem-news/news/20120510-testosterone-fuelled-infantile-males-might-be-a-product-of-moms-behaviour.html https://www.nationalparentsorganization.org/blog/22632-new-study-fatherlessness-affects-boys-in-education https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/05/120510095936.htm http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20130319_Of_big_cities__Phila__worst_for_people_in_deep_poverty.html http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/reports/2017/04/philadelphia-2017
  16. The #MeToo Backlash | Tom Golden and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  17. Deep State "Release The Memo" Damage Control | True News Watch the video
  18. The Philosophy of Satan | Evil Explored Watch the video
  19. Question 1: [1:42] – “I’ve watched some of your videos on automation and Universal Basic Income. You did not mention the critical component that robots can think and learn. Unlike the shifts in the job market from the past that were based on physical skill (i.e. systematic routines done by humans) robots will eventually be able to take jobs that require human level thought. Despite my libertarian ideology, it concerns me that in the future there may come a time where the majority of jobs, including ones that require thought, will no longer require humans. What happens when robots have higher IQs than human beings? Will humans be obsolete much like how the horse became obsolete with an increase in transportation technology? What is your take on the thinking aspect of automation? What could be a solution in a free society?” Question 2: [43:47] - “The personal development seminar community, from Les Brown, Anthony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Zig Zigler and Jim Rohn, espouse the ideas of personal growth, but like in EVERY industry, politics is a taboo. I was curious if you could challenge my belief that ‘Politics and Personal Development Go Hand-In-Hand’ as Capitalism requires you to believe in yourself and Socialism requires you to feel victimized?” Question 3: [2:26:20] - “I have wanted to have a comic published one day with my name on it since I was five, but I keep having these thoughts of failure that scare me back into wanting to go for a path that is stable, but boring. I'm currently in college for Computer Science, which I could do, but I doubt I will find anywhere near the pleasure of art sitting behind a desk programming. I tell myself that it is a safety net to keep me from dying if I fall from the tight rope of the art world, but there is a part of me that wants the stability a CS degree can bring. In contrast, the art world isn't stable which gets me worried that I will fail miserably and not get to accomplish my dream in life. Most of my worries have come from this fear exactly; the fear that I will die without accomplishing my dream. I start thinking about how hard it will be to get there and try to get some steps in order so I know what to do, but then the fear of failure at each step becomes an ominous cloud in my mind from which I run away, back to the comfort of stability.” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  20. President Trump's State Of The Union Address | True News Watch the video
  21. What Pisses Me Off About The "Release The Memo" Scandal Watch the video
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