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Everything posted by Freedomain

  1. Debunking Blatant CNN Fake News Propaganda | True News Watch the video
  2. S**THOLE COUNTRIES Watch the video
  3. SAVING MY FEMINIST SISTER Watch the video
  4. Twitter Targeting White Christians for Censorship | True News Watch the video
  5. NEVER SHOWING UP Watch the video
  6. Will President Donald Trump Grant DACA Amnesty? Watch the video
  7. Question 1: [2:47] – “I am a 27 year old white male with a degree in black studies. I have lived in low-income, high-crime African American communities since birth (with very few exceptions), and during college I voluntarily lived in such a neighborhood and babysat for single mothers while also spending time with gang members. During this same time, I also underwent a radical shift away from and rejection of leftist identity politics and social justice dogma, and I ended up doing my senior thesis on gang violence and family dissolution. How can we make libertarian values of ‘rugged individualism’ and private enterprise seem more attractive to people at the low end of the socioeconomic distribution, and black Americans in particular (especially those that have been trained to pursue government-funded subsistence)? Also, how can we simultaneously incentivize and promote family formation in the service of these goals?" Question 2: [40:31] – “You've hired people, but you would hesitate to hire people today who have lost momentum. You've said that you would hesitate to hire people with college degrees, but you are aware of how weak the job market is. You're aware of the potential for discrimination for being white, so; your solution to all this is to ‘go be an entrepreneur’? Could you explain how this is done? What, in your mind, is an entrepreneur and how can a person suddenly become one with no capital and an unfortunate (in today's society) skin color?” Question 3: [1:11:09] – “Does being in the position where you either need, or believe you need someone, make it harder to authentically love them? Be it God, or an actual person, does necessity tend to breed contempt?” Question 4: [1:29:47] – “My friend and I both work in the emergency medical services, I recently had a discussion with him on the topic of anarchy. My friend is a self-proclaimed anarchist and believes that the government is fundamentally illegitimate: taxation is theft, government is immoral, the usual anarchist talking points. I’m as far right as I can be without being an anarchist, call me a libertarian. We recently had a discussion on the non-aggression principle and how it relates to EMS function in society. He recently got a job at a public ems provider, tax payer funded. When I asked him how this affects his beliefs on the non-aggression principle he couldn’t quite defend it. The conversation ultimately evolved into me saying he’s not an anarchist to which he said that he still is- I again reminded him that his entirely bi-weekly pay check was courtesy of my working parents and neighbors who had no say in funding this ems provider. Bottom line, my question is, can someone still be a an anarchist and voluntarily work for a company that thrives off of the initiation of force?” Question 5: [2:06:01] – “I am a depressed 25 year old woman who has a history of dating and being attracted to closeted gay men and men who are otherwise taken. I am diagnosed as depressive, anxious, and as a vacillator. I am painfully aware of how often I get taken advantage of. I am unable to speak up for myself and instead focus on pleasing others leading me to getting burnt out emotionally and unable to focus on my own wants and needs. What advice do you have for me to being healthy enough to date a good man and stop being attracted to gay or taken men?” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  8. BUT IT FEELS TRUE! Watch the video
  9. FREEDOM | Gavin McInnes, Mike Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  10. OPRAH IS COMING Watch the video
  11. Death by Political Correctness | Owen Benjamin and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  12. WOMEN UNHAPPIER THAN MEN Watch the video
  13. The Immigration Debate | Adam Kokesh and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  14. Deep State Coup | Roger Stone and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  15. Civil War MAGA: President Donald Trump vs. Steve Bannon Watch the video
  16. Shocking! DNC Publicly Endorses ANTIFA! Watch the video
  17. Journalists Say The Stupidest Things! Watch the video
  18. DEATH BY DACA Watch the video
  19. Will Huma Abedin Finally Go To Jail? | True News Watch the video
  20. Logan Paul Japanese Suicide Forest Scandal | True News Watch the video
  21. THE SELFISHNESS OF SUICIDE Watch the video
  22. Why I Faked Being A Hot Girl Online For Attention Watch the video
  23. The Road to Revolution: Iranian Uprising | True News Watch the video
  24. Question 1: [2:06] – “I'm trying to create awareness about something I've been witnessing take place lately and I was hoping I could perhaps speak to you about these issues concerning my university, my community and the perception of Cuban Americans, such as my family. Essentially fellow students, as well as other Miamians, have started widely referring to the Cubans of my Grandfather's generation, those who fled the Castro regime, and their children as 'gusanos' (Gusano meaning worm in English). They have also referred to their experience as 'immigrant light' because their immigration to this country was legal and that they weren't on the receiving end of 'racism.' The reason this is so appalling to me is that the term 'gusano' is actually the communist propaganda of the Castro Regime meant to create a divide among Cubans and discredit those who left. I have had my family attacked on social media for being educated, hard-working immigrants and told that they were most likely Batista sympathizers or worse. The authenticity of Cubans, especially ones who originally fled the Castro regime, as latinos and as immigrants is being questioned more and more which I believe to be mainly because they are widely Conservative. I am proud of my family and their achievements, accomplished despite their many obstacles, so I refuse to have their good name tarnished by today's community that is hell bent against those who are conservative. However, I worry that if I were to go on the offensive on this issue I could lose the scholarships I've worked so hard to earn if my University found out. What can I do to fight this intelligently and without bringing myself down to the whining, complaining nature of the left?” Question 2: [1:18:11] – “In your proposition Christianity is Epistemologically indefensible, are you referring to both models of epistemology: Foundationalism and Coherentism? Or are you basing your proposition solely on Christian apologists that argue from a foundationalist model of epistemology?" Question 3: [2:11:30] – “The reason I write you today is because after watching your video on why the left always wins I found myself in thought about the many times I have won these arguments. Our mentality of using victim hood and whining about how things are not fair is never a winning argument. As men shouldn't we be pushing other men to be stronger and more honorable? Instead of looking at the world as victims of our circumstances shouldn't we be teaching other men how to conquer and not complain? I feel like focusing on what we can't do or how things should be we should be teaching men to eat past it and not worry about what happened to them in the past or their circumstances now.” Question 4: [2:39:03] – “I’m living with a lot of regret lately in my professional and financial life, as well as my personal relationships and political involvements. How can I overcome the pain of lost opportunities and sunk costs, and instead of dwelling on what could've been, use my experience over the past decade of poor choices to avoid repeating my history and compounding the difficulties in life I'm experiencing today? I'd like to define and make a distinction between nostalgia and regret: nostalgia being a fond reminiscence or sentimental longing for past life moments, whereas regret is the pain in acknowledging poor choices that have resulted in a disconnect between the reality I’m living and the reality that could have been or should be.” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  25. We're Doomed! Shocking Facts About Women and Politics! Watch the video
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