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Everything posted by Freedomain

  1. Woman: "Why Can't I Stop Dating Gay Men?" Watch the video
  2. President Trump's Immigration Proposal: A "White Supremacist Ransom Note." Watch the video
  3. Question 1: [1:19] – “In Death by DACA, Stefan asks a question that comes up in my life often when discussing the topic of America as a nation, culture and Government with anyone: Do children inherit things their parents obtained illegally? Stefan goes on to say ‘Do Bernie Madoffs Children get to keep the profits of his Ponzi scheme? Well, no, I mean, it all has to go back.’ I’d like to ask Stef, who truly owns America? The reason the answer to this question is important to me is that when discussing this topic in my personal life I often find myself unclear of how the European colonialist settlers have a valid claim to America when they acquired the land through initiating coercion against the indigenous people who were already here. I believe that clarifying the truth on this matter will help to bring unity between individuals and create a greater incentive to refrain from using the force of the government to resolve the cultural and political conflicts that are still present in our present society. On a personal level it will give me more confidence when facing the aggression and hostility that this topic can manifest when I’m debating the subject.” Question 2: [20:10] – “Most philosophers and at least a plurality of scientists (Stephen Jay Gould being one) say that we cannot rationally believe or disbelieve in God. Given social evidence that Christianity (especially when not State sponsored) has led to higher living standards and more freedoms while using non-violent means to curb social excesses, like ostracism, while atheistic States have been many times more brutal than the worst State-Church unions, and the fact that molecular biology and biochemistry have raised more questions than answers regarding origin of life science, could there be enough circumstantial evidence to change your mind?” Question 3: [39:21] – “I am a 24-year-old woman and I am seeing more and more of my young cousins, 18-21, doing absolutely nothing. These are young men and women raised in middle class, happy homes. They refuse to work, even if they have gone through college or a trade school. My worry is that they will never do anything with their lives despite their intelligence, how do I explain to them the importance of work and economic success?” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  6. WHY YOU FIGHT | Stefan Molyneux's 'A Night For Freedom' Speech Watch the video
  7. 'A Night For Freedom' Panel with Stefan Molyneux, Gavin McInnes, Owen Benjamin and Mike Cernovich Watch the video
  8. A Personal Update On 'A Night For Freedom' Weekend! Watch the video
  9. American Pravda: Stefan Molyneux Introduces James O'Keefe in NYC Watch the video
  10. The Inevitable Collapse of the U.S. Dollar. Prepare Yourself. Watch the video
  11. America's Cuban Crisis. Prepare Yourself Accordingly. Watch the video
  12. Sen. Cory Booker's Unhinged S**thole Breakdown! - Rebutted! Watch the video
  13. Question 1: [1:29] - “I am a 20-year-old male, healthy and active. However, I do not have any desire whatsoever to have sex. I am in a long-term relationship where we used to be very sexually active but recently, I cringe at the thought of sexual activity. I struggle to unpack what is going on and when we discuss this together, I dissociate strongly and lose my ability to put my emotions into words. I tend to get angry and have to fight a strong urge to shut down the dialog. I feel so much shame and guilt about this as I know she has needs, needs I cannot fulfill right now with my genuine emotional experience. I see the danger of pretending and attempting to meet her needs while ignoring mine, as I know doing things out of sense of obligation or guilt will lead our relationship into ruins. I am certain this a psychological problem as I don’t show any of the classic signs (other than reduced sex drive) of lowered testosterone and I am not having issues “getting up” for the occasion. It seems like this is all stemming from my head. I would love Stefan’s help getting to the bottom of this as this is such a difficult topic for me to explore on my own, with friends or with my girlfriend. How can I overcome some of this mental blocks that are preventing me from having a fulfilling sex life as this is such an important aspect of successful long term relationship? More generally, what is a healthy mindset to approach a problem like this without beating myself up, as this only seems to make things worse?” Question 2: [1:46:08] - “What sort of incentive or event do you think is required for people (women in particular) to embrace the concept of having (more) children and being OK with either not having a career or delaying it until her children are in school (like I did)? There are logistical/timing issues but the FIRST priority should be to have children and raise them and everything else should be secondary.” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  14. The Aziz Ansari Controversy | Owen Benjamin and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  15. But Twitter Is A Private Company... Watch the video
  16. Question 1: [1:21] – “Is the purpose of a philosopher, ultimately, to cease being a philosopher? Socrates concluded that a necessary condition of the philosopher — as one who ‘loves wisdom’ — is being separated from the wisdom he seeks. He therefore makes a distinction between the philosopher and the sage, the latter being someone who has attained wisdom, having embodied the ideal he/she espouses. Does this suggest that the ideal road of philosophy ends at sagacity? If so, do you consider yourself a philosopher or a sage, and why?” Question 2: [1:03:17] – “I'm 24 years old. When I was 18 years old, I went through a traumatic experience where I watched 5 people die at the scene of a car accident, including 3 close friends. I grew up a lot since then and now work a full-time job where I directly interact with injuries and car accidents. Now, when someone asks what I do for a living or why I picked this career I will tell them honestly about the car accident. This must throw up red flags because anytime I tell someone they either get distant or become less interested romantically. I'm wondering when in a relationship with a high-value partner would be the appropriate time and way to tell this story or if my choosing a career related to this is the problem.? Does a traumatic event make someone a higher liability for a relationship? Is a traumatic event in the past something that should shape someone's future IE career path or life purpose?” Question 3: [2:15:11] – “I am a 50-year old woman in Sweden that has been listening for two years now. I have made most things wrong in my life; I had four children with a man who developed a serious mental disorder that crept upon us, left him, shared custody with my children with him (…) not totally understanding his problems and when my children with him reached adult age, I kind of felt released from being afraid tragedy would strike. I am remarried and have a little boy with a very stable and successful man. Things were looking up, then tragedy struck when my 25-year old daughter committed suicide this August. I heard the call in show with the British girl who was living with her parents and I felt the urge to address the way she shrugged off any thoughts of her family when behaving suicidal. I believe my actions have had a great deal of influence in my daughter’s misery. I did not understand that she was depressed, she lived with her boyfriend and she always acted as if things were great when we talked. I wanted her to come home and the few last times we talked she said ‘Soon, mum. I miss you so.’ I always flattered myself with thinking me and my children had such great contact, they could always talk to me I felt. Now I understand that I got it all wrong. It is painful to realize how my actions in the past echoes in the now and the future. I can`t bring my girl to life again but maybe I can wake some other parent up.” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
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