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Everything posted by Freedomain

  2. Dangerous! Avoidant 'Single Mom' With Kids In Crisis - Dodges Responsibility! Watch the video
  3. The Boy Crisis | Warren Farrell and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  4. War In Syria: This Could Be The End Watch the video
  5. Fighting Darkness | Styxhexenhammer666 and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  6. Question 1: [1:22] – “In light of all the stories people share with you about the mess their lives are in because of how they choose their sexual partners, and also all the information you shared on the video ‘The Truth About Sex,’ how would you, as a father, approach this subject, encouraging your child to be wise in his/her choices and possibly even waiting for marriage?” Question 2: [20:21] – “I am an 18-year-old Serbian male who has been living in Sweden since I was 3 years old. Because I was raised in a Serbian fashion by my parents and not in a Swedish way, there are glaring differences between the basic thinking of my Swedish peers and myself on matters such as family life, in group preference and nation. I am interested in why these differences exist in the first place, and most importantly how they have contributed to the demographic and cultural mess in which Sweden is currently in. What values exactly do you think have lead this once glorious and culturally rich nation into such an obviously destructive trajectory without massive outrage from the native population?” Question 3: [38:38] – “I am a single mum (widowed for more than ten years) living in Australia with my daughter 18-year-old, and my son 14-year-old. I acknowledge the struggles as a single mum, but not as bad as now when my son starts to become so readily to be irritated. Somehow I feel a sense of helplessness - I am deeply torn between being a soft, loving and caring mum and hard, disciplinary and authoritative dad. We recently had numbers of rough paths and I lost my temper twice ended up shouting at him even swearing at him. I felt so guilty and awful and ashamed afterwards. Can you give me your parental wisdom and advise me how to juggle between the role of dad and mum?” Question 4: [1:53:25] – “I have been looking at different ways to explain our current political and social climate. All of the modern woes from single motherhood to a destruction of general social norms have always appeared to me, and I would assume to the public as well, as separate issues. But recently, I have read an experiment called "Death Squared: The Explosive Growth and Demise of a Mouse Population" by John Calhoun. I believe this experiment can tightly summarize our modern plague. My question is what do you think about this experiment and how can we change our behavior in order to get a better conclusion than the rats?” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  7. Undateable? Woman Wants Money, Cheats On Boyfriend - And Plays Victim! Watch the video
  8. White Land Expropriation In South Africa | Ernst Roets and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  9. The Bloody History of Winnie and Nelson Mandela, South Africa Cries Watch the video
  10. Madness! When Everyone Else Is Responsible For Awful Decisions Except You! Watch the video
  11. Question 1: [1:17] – “I went to public school as a kid and recall absolutely hating it. I was diagnosed with ADHD and took medication to mitigate the condition. I still got good grades but remember it being a chore and do not have any positive feelings about it. I only had one teacher that encouraged thinking, new ideas, and creativity. Then I went to college where it was pretty obvious what type of thinking they wanted. I went along with it because I wanted the grade. As a father, I think about what effect public schools will have on my children. Was my willingness to go along instead of thinking for myself a result of the schooling I had? Or was it just my personality and laziness?” Question 2: [40:33] – “In a recent debate, you had mentioned that the level of consciousness that animals possess is essentially worthless in the level of debate that take part in with one another. Would this viewpoint change in cases where an animal's ability to detect and draw relevant conclusions from certain types of information far surpass that of humans?” Question 3: [56:48] – “Reason and logic combined with science, technology and the western ideals of freedom appear to inevitably lead to ‘modern’ social changes that threaten to destroy civilizations. The mechanism of destruction is vast wealth, power and success which allows us to absorb foolish social decisions until our beloved Western societies are destroyed after an inevitable ‘point of no return.’ Can we balance the positives of reason and logic against the negative social impact of techno-freedom or are the products of modern ‘rationality’ far too dangerous for to be left uncontained? Can Western civilization survive its own success?” Question 4: [1:35:25] – “I hear you talk about the importance of committed marriage and how important it is for the healthy development of children, and I have also deeply valued this, remaining in a very difficult marriage in hopes of providing the best possible outcome for the children. However, I have also heard you speak to irreparable damage that can be done in a relationship and wonder if my marriage has reached that point. My husband has an ACE score of 8 and mine is a 1. In our marriage there have been many challenging issues, most of which I think relate to deeply entrenched unhealthy relational habits that began in childhood for him, as a result of the abuses and traumas he experienced. I also believe this unhealed trauma in his life has been at the root of a pornography addiction that started at a young age for him and, despite counseling and recovery programs, continues still. Is it possible that it could actually be better (or neutral) for the children for us to separate or divorce if I am finding that I cannot see a way forward for him to repair the damage he has caused in our marriage for over two decades?” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  12. Why I Was Wrong About Flat Earth Watch the video
  13. The Ugly Truth About Diversity | Katie Hopkins and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  15. Oh My! Man Marries Single Mom With 2 Kids, Has A Kid – And Then She Gets Knocked Up By ANOTHER Man! Watch the video
  16. Question 1: [1:30] – “My question is about motivation, attachment and goals. Specifically, how it is that we can best actualize movement towards our life goal in the face of being held back by inner alter ego’s, set about undermining our development in this regard. My pursuit of philosophy has opened up a deep sinkhole of existential angst below me. Gone are the days when I was sure of what would provide my life with meaning, that being theoretical physics. Such work would almost guarantee my dependence upon the state. As such I can’t justify this path any longer, knowing what I know now. Thanks to you I sincerely believe that my life will be best spent in service to philosophy and in championing the stewardship of the individual. Now that I have a new aim, I feel held back by my previous motivations, by the fantasy of becoming a great theoretical physicist. I am stuck deep in the cobweb laden forest of procrastination due to my being so attached to this fantasy. What are your thoughts on how to go about reconciling two disparate and conflicting motivational drives? Have you ever been at a point in your life where your motivations for pursuing a particular life goal, conflicted with a different set of motivations? If so how did you go about reconciling the two motivational frames? How did you let your old self die so as to move on and pursue your new purpose?” Question 2: [59:57] – “I am currently going through a divorce with my wife of two years. She was a single mom of 2 (both from different fathers) when I met her. We have a child together who is now 1 1/2 years old. The most imminent reason for the divorce is that I found out 2 months ago that she was a week into carrying another man's child. As you can probably imagine, my biggest concern now is how this is going to affect our son. I want to be able to raise him as best I can despite the fact that his mother and I will be separated. I don't have any support from immediate family and I doubt I will which is why I haven't even explained to them what's going on. I am willing to do whatever it takes and am curious to hear your input on what that might be?” Question 3: [1:41:38] – “When I was growing up, people didn't seem to question how the rich got rich. It was always taken that if you were wealthy, it would be because you were smart, worked hard and probably got a bit lucky. There was never any contempt or anger toward someone for being successful in life, certainly not on the scale that I've witnessed amongst my friends and in the media lately. What I've noticed is a gradual gravitation towards a loathing and seething resentment against the wealthy. "They probably got rich because of inherent privilege!" "They are wealthy because they inherited it!" "We should tax them more in order to fund the poor!" In fact, this bubbling anger seems to have surfaced as a neo-Marxist argument which is creeping ever further into our culture and politics globally. How do we solve this argument of entitlement of the wealthy? Do the rich really deserve their wealth in all cases? How can we argue against the "rob the rich, to feed the poor is justified" mantra I've been hearing more and more from the Government and my social circles?” Question 4: [2:39:59] – “How do I get over the fear of success? Growing up, my parents encouraged participation-based sports and shunned any competition. For education, whenever I succeeded with my grades, my parents would downplay my success and make fun of me for being smart. As soon as I was doing something where I excelled, my parents would take it away, or my sisters would mock me, become violent, and try to make me feel ashamed of myself for succeeding at things like sports or sewing. As an adult, my parents refuse to take an interest in my success, even downplaying my sewing projects, my cooking ability and my peaceful parenting. I've attempted to start several small businesses because of how talented people say I am, but I stop working on the businesses once I start seeing success. Knowing my upbringing is having this effect on me, how do I break this cycle?” Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Listen to the Podcast
  17. Why Outrage Culture Matters | Dave Smith and Stefan Molyneux Watch the video
  18. The Ugly Truth About The March For Our Lives Watch the video
  19. The Fall of Canada. Prepare Yourself Accordingly. Watch the video
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